The USGenWeb Project - Archive Guidelines 1. USGenWeb Project (LOGOS) should be prominently displayed on your page. (LaGenWeb: You must have both the USGenWeb logo, and the LAGenWeb logo prominently located on your main page.) 2. (POINTERS) Pointer to state page: Every page must have a pointer to their State County Selection List maintained by the state coordinator. (You might also put a note telling people that if they have an interest in adopting a county they should contact the state coordinator and provide the state. a. (LaGenWeb: You must have a link to both The USGenWeb Project, b. and The LAGenWeb Project on your main page. c. A link to your Parish's Archives at USGenWeb is required on your site, as well.) 2. RECOMMENDED LINKS: Although the following are not mandatory if they have been placed on the state pages, but it is recommended that they also appear on your page for the convenience of those visiting your page. A link to the The USGenWeb Project home page is recommended. The URL is: A link to the The USGenWeb Project Archives is also recommended. The Archives Table of Contents page (sorted by state) is located at: From this main page, follow the links to your state and county. The archives search option would be another helpful link to include: A link to the WorldGenWeb page is not mandatory, but feel free to add it if you so desire. The URL is: 3. Website COPYRIGHT: It is recommended that all websites within The USGenWeb Project, carry the following copyright notice: © LAGenWeb Archives Project