Kate T. Norred, Widow's Pension Application, East Baton Rouge, La. File prepared and submitted by Deandra Norred Pardue (deanne@i-55.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ********************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15492 Parish of E.B. Rouge No. 10282 WIDOW'S APPLICATION FOR PENSION THE BOARD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CALL FOR ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY. Kate T. Norred Widow of I.R. Norred (Isaac R.) Company and Regiment: C 31st La. P.O.: Pride, La. Filed Nov. 18th, 1916 Allowed: Dec. 13th, 1911 A.C. Allen (his signature), President E.F. Brian (his signature), Secretary Board of Pension Commissioners. Cause of Death of Widow's Husband? Age + dropsy When Did He Die? Oct. 4, 1913 Where? Pride, La. Date of Application? Nov. 18, 1916 STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE On this 20 day of June 1916, personally appeared before me, Thos. M. Ligon, Dy. (Deputy), Clerk of the District Court, within and for said Parish and State, Mrs. Kate Norrid (sic) aged 72 years, a resident of the Pride of --- Parish of East B. Rouge and State of Louisiana, who being duly sworn according to law, declares she is the widow of Isaac R. Norrid (sic) who entered the service of the Confederate States during the civil war under the name of I.R. Norrid (sic) at Delhi on the 22 day of May 1862, in Company C, Dehli (sic) from the State of La., that he served honorably until close of the war, paroled at Vicksburg for short time, then on the Jomile (sic) Cavlary (sic); and that he remained true to the Confederate States until the surrender, at which time he was in "see his original application", as __________, that she was married to the said soldier under the name of Kate Teakle on the 6 day of Jun 1892, by Rev. R.R. Rand at home in 10th Ward of this Parish; that she has not married again, and that she is now in indigent circumstances and unable to earn a livelihood by her own labor or skill; that she is not married or otherwise provided for by the State of Louisiana or by any other State or Government; that her said husband died on the 4th day of Oct. 1913 at Pride; that she has resided in the State of Louisiana for 72 years next preceeding the date of this application, and that she claims the aid and benefit of Article 303 of the Constitution of 1898 and subsequent Acts of the Legislature of the State thereunder, as is further shown by her answers to the following questions, which she swears to be true and correct: 1. Under what circumstances did your husband die? Answer: Old age + Dropsy 2. Where is he buried? Answer: Bethel Grave Yard this Parish 3. What are your means of support? Answer: On what I can make from my small farm. 4. What is the value of your property, real and personal, if any? Answer: $400.00 5. Have you conveyed property to any one in the past few years? Answer: No 6. If an, how much and to whom conveyed? Answer: None 7. Give your postoffice address and that of your two witnesses. Answer: Mrs. Kate Norrid (sic) Pride D Ambrose Crumholt, Baker and WH Smith, Pride, La. Witness my hand on this 20 day of Jan 1910. Kate Norrd (sic) (her signature), Applicant. WITNESS: Also personally appeared D Ambrose Crumholt residing at Baker RFD and WH Smith residing at Pride, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Mrs. Kate Norrid (sic), the claimant, sign her name to the foregoing declaration, and that they verily believe that the facts and declaration of said claimant are true and correct, that their ac- quaintance with her for 30 years and 10 years, respectively, justify them in making this statement, and that she is the identical person she rep- resents herself to be, and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. DA Crumholt (his signature) WH Smith (his signature) Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 20 of June 1916, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration were fully made known and explained to applicant and witnesses, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. Thos. M. Ligon, Dy (his signature), Clerk of Court ------------- There is a copy of a check for sixty ($60) dollars payable to Mrs. Kate Norred, Pride, La. which states that it is the amount due for pension for the quarter ending March 31, 1923. It is dated 1 April, 1923 and is payable at American-Liberty Bank & Trust, Co. of New Orleans, La. -------------- Baton Rouge, La. November 18, 1916 This is to certify that K.U. Norrid (sic), resident of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, La., is assessed with $400.00 on the assessment roll for the year 1916. J.N. Ogden, Assessor By Missoura Quine (signature) ------------- STATE OF LOUISIANA --- PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE (in handwriting "Mail to Pride, La. 10282") Before me, the undersigned authority, personally came and appeared Miss Katie Brown, a resident of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, who being duly sworn, deposes and says: That her Aunt, Mrs. Kate Norred, who died March 22, 1923, instructed her (Miss Katie Brown) to collect her pension check and to pay out of the proceeds thereof her doctor bill, funeral expenses and other indebtedness incident to her last illness and death. Miss Katie Brown (her signature) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 6th day of April, 1923. (In handwriting) "I know above statement to be fact. Dr. HC Jones" ------------- Letter from Katie Brown concerning her Aunt Kate Norred's funeral expenses: Zachary, La. 3/22/1923 Miss Kattie S. Brown did have purchased this 3/22/23. 1 coffin -- $35.00 Service of 4 cars -- $16.00 1 pr gloves -- .25 1 pr hose -- .25 1 cap -- .25 1 shroud $15.00 Bought of M.H. Amrheim to be paid in 30 days. Total $66.75 * * * * *