9th Louisiana Vol. Infantry Reg., Co. E, Louisiana File submitted by Joe Cenizal: joec6718@ix.netcom.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ********************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------ [Editor's note: Used by permission from the website of Joe Cenizal] 9th Louisiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment Company E -- Milliken Bend Guards Who we are: The 9th Louisiana Volunteer Infantry, Company E, is a member of the American Civil War Association, located in Northern California. Background: The 9th Louisiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment was the largest of the Louisiana regiments that fought with Leeıs Army of Northern Virginia and suffered ahigh casualty rate from battle and disease. It consisted of Irish, German, Scandinavian, Chinese, Eskimo and Cajun soldiers and distinguished itself as a part of the famous Louisiana Tigers Brigade of Ewellıs Division in ³Stonewall² Jacksonıs Corps. Three of the regiments Colonels became Confederate generals. Arriving too late for the First Battle of Manassas, the 9th Louisiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment fought gallantly in in virtually every engagement of the Army of Northern Virginia. The 9th Louisiana participated in "Stonewall" Jacksonıs Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862. It gained fame during the Second Battle of Manassas where it defended its position from Federal assault by throwing rocks when all ammunition was expended. At Gettysburg, the 9th Louisiana was at the vanguard of the attack on Cemetary Ridge during the first day of battle. The 9th continued to serve with distinction until the final surrender at Appamattox. The 9th welcomes anyone, who would like to join this noble band of brothers. Joe Cenizal 9th Louisiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment Company E Milliken Bend Guards