Louisiana Casualties in World War II - Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bryant Walker genealogy@bryantsweb.com September 10, 2009 A - Z Alphabetical list of individuals who were still Missing In Action (MIA) at the cut-off date of this report, January 31, 1946 ------------------------------------------------------------ A ALTHANS Aubrey Louis Jr Lieutenant USNR Parents Mr and Mrs Aubrey Louis Althans Sr, 929 W South St Opelousas B BOOKER Clifton Linwood Aviation Radioman 3c USNR Mother Mrs Raba Booker Baskin BOUTTE Leo Gabrielle Lieutenant (jg) USNR Wife Mrs Ella Mae Soileau Boutte Box 941 Ville Platte C COLES Hubert Motor Machinist's Mate 1c USN Wife Mrs Lula Mae Coles Bell City E EDGAR James McKinley Fire Controlman 2c USNR Brother Mr Monroe Edgar 701 Calypso Ave Monroe ELLSWORTH Harold John Mess Attendant 3c USCGR Father Mr Henry J Ellsworth 1838 N Mira St New Orleans G GRAVES Clyde Monroe Seaman 1c USNR Parents Mr and Mrs Wiliam Joseph Graves Gen Del Pleasant Hill H HAMLEY John Martin Ensign USNR Mother Mrs Katie Ransdell Hamley Lake Providence HOURCADE Peter Alfred Aviation Machinist's Mate 2c USNR Parents Mr and Mrs Peter J Hourcade 1744 Prytania St New Orleans L LEE Russell Willie Fireman 1c USNR Father Mr Richard David Lee Rt 2 Amite P PARPAL Joseph John Lieutenant (jg) USNR Mother Mrs J M Parpal 3115 DeSoto St New Orleans PEACE Elton Younger Machinist's Mate 1c USNR Parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Rufus Peace 954 Louisiana Ave Shreveport R RICKETTS James Franklin Seaman 1c USNR Mother Mrs Mary Lou Rickets Box 135 Homer T TOWNS Armor Lamar 1st Lieutenant USMCR Parents Mr and Mrs Armour W Towns 1004 Tilman Dr Mindin