Reconstruction Era: 1866-1874 Murders, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana Submitted to USGENWEB by Greggory E. Davies 120 Ted Price Lane Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Taken from the Congressional Record, 44th Congress, 2d Session, Ex. Doc. No. 30 List of murders committed in the parish of Natchitoches. 1866-Ursam Tenace, colored, killed by S. B. Newman (at one time served as Sheriff of Winn Parish), William Kimball and Lawson Kimball, white; John Caldwell, colored; John Blackburn, colored; colored child of William Fisher. 1867-A. J. Fletcher, white, killed by H. E. Adcock, white; Dr. Jordan, white, ambushed; J. W. Low, white, killed by Jacob Green, white; Rube Carey, colored, killed by Henry George, colored, overseer at W. A. Strong's, white; C. W. Stauffer, white, killed by R. S. Jones, J. S. Jones, and R. B. Jones,white. 1868-Thomas Pierson, white; Alfred Hazen, colored; Harris Cole, colored; Adam Carnahan, white; Ben Metoyer, colored; ______Cohen, white. 1869-J. T. Walters, white; George Snoddy, white; Liddie White, colored; William Jones, colored; Tip Gilliam, white; Jacob Maims, white; Tom Chapman, colored;_____ Dyer, white. 1871-Desmond, white; Martin Hawkins, colored; Seaburn Martin, colored. 1872-James Jilks, colored; Alma Jones, white; Charles Garner, colored; A. J. Hale, white; Rufus Ellis, colored. 1873-Walker Sweet, colored; ________ Lanodiere (Lonadier), white; Alexander Young, colored; Sam Jones, colored; Joe Burns, colored; colored man killed by A.Tourres. 1874-M. P. Blackstone, white; _____ Sapp, colored; charles Brumly, colored; George Washing, colored; James Gingham, colored; Charles Bell, colored; Jules Jeffrion, colored; Semore Richard, colored; ______ Fitzgerald, white; John Jackson, Indian; Joe Chicken, colored; Doctor Williams, colored; colored man found in Bayou Pierre with his skull broken; _____ Kior, colored. Total, 52. Out of this number, two were killed accidentally. Only three of the murderers have been tried. Colored killed, 32; white, 22. (The above was copied from page 309 of the Congressional Record of the 42nd U. S. Congress, and Submitted to USGENWEB by Greggory Ellis Davies, Winnfield, Winn Parish, LA).