Slave Ads The Daily Picayune Orleans Parish, Louisiana This information generously donated to the Louisiana Genealogy Project - African American Archives by: ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Disclaimer: All materials have been transcribed and typed according to spelling of documents from online internet auctions. Lousiana TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD-Ranaway from the subscriber, on the morning of the 1st December. the negro boy ADAM, aged about 14 years, of usual size for his age, a front tooth out, stutters when spoken to; a smooth black face, a scar on the right eye; had on a tweed coat, with plaid lining, with old striped shirt; don't walk straight. The above reward will be paid for his arrest and delivery to me. d4-6t LEOPOLD DALSHEIMER, 111 New Levae Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans FIFTEEN DOLLARS REWARD-Ranaway from the subscriber, on the 28th November, the griff girl ANN, aged 23 years, dressed in a dark brown calico dress, 5 feet 6 inches in height, of rather a slender build, taking with her son Shepherd, aged about 8 years; dressed in blue cottonade pants and cap. The above reward will be paid for their apprehension, or delivery to the subscriber. [d2-3t] MISS A. WILLIAMS 145 Common st. Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD-Ranaway from the subscriber on the 13th inst, a bright mulatto, known as ROB ZACHARIE, a seventeen years of age, five feet eight inches high, well built, tolerably good looking, long hair impediment in his speech, frequents fires and engine house, a great coward, and runs fast. I will give the above reward and pay all reasonable charges to anyone who will place him where I can secure him. A.T. WOOD, Architect r29-6t New Custom House, New Orleans. Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD-Will be given for the apprehension and delivery at the Gas Works of a Negro Man named JAMES MARSHALL, who ranaway the 8th inst. James is tall and well formed, about 34 years of age, and slightly pock marked. He is well known about town. Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD-Ranaway on the 29th of August, the Negro Woman Betsy, aged about thirty years, well formed, dark complexion, long nose, pop eyes, and has lost her upper front teeth, except one; She answers to the name Jane. The above reward will be paid any person that will arrest her, or give information that will lead to her detection. Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD-Ranaway from my house on Barronne Street, between Julia and St. Joseph, on the 1st instant, my negro JOHN, 27 years old, about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches in height, bumpy face, but without scars, large prominent mouth, mild speech, and of quick movement, and rather sunken eyes. He has a flesh mole on his right eye and a prominent scar on his right wrist joint. He is now passing himself as a free boy. I will give the above reward to anyone who will secure the boy and give the necessary information that I may obtain him. F. SHAW Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans Negroes-Negroes Just arrived and for sale at No. 7 Moreau street, Third Municipality, a large and likely lot of NEGROES, consisting of FIELD HANDS, HOUSE SERVANTS and MECHANICS. The subscriber will be receiving new lots regularly during the season from Virginia. WM F TALBOTT Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD-Ranaway from the subscriber on Monday, October 31st, 1849, the griff boy TIM or HARVEY is about 6 feet 10 inches in height, is inclined to be fleshy, weighs about 180 pounds. He left here on some steamboat on the above day, and was seen in Vicksburg on November 2d, where he may be still lurking, or he may have gone to Hinds County, Miss. where he was raised, or to Deer Creek, Isabuena county, Miss, where his parents are living. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to Messrs. Bruner & Calgeron, Vicksburg or to his owner in this city, E.W. Morgan. DANIEL MORGAN, 17 Poydras st Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans. TEN DOLLARS REWARD-Ranaway, on the night of the 21st instant, from steamboat Bertrand, at the landing of Lafayette or New Orleans, the black boy AUGUST, or "Goose" belonging to Mr. N. Loisell, of Bayon Teche. The said boy is from 25 to 30 years of age, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, stout built, speaks French and English, shows his teeth much when laughing. The above reward will be paid to anyone lodging him in jail and giving information of the same at the time on board of steamboat Bertrand, or for his delivery on board. Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans RUNAWAY SLAVE-A yellow boy named SIMPSON ranaway from the steamboat E.D. White about two months ago. He is 24 years of age, about the middle size, and good looking. The only particular mark about him is, that his left arm is smaller than the right and a little crooked, occasioned by a hurt when an infant. It is probable he is working on some steamboat at the Lavee, or in the shipping. Captains of boats will please look out for him, and if arrested, placed in the Second Municipality prison. He may be passing himself as free. A liberal reward will be paid for his apprehension. Source: The Daily Picayune, December 9, 1849 New Orleans [Home ] [Email ] Compiled By: Sonya Brown Date Created: August 25, 2000 Last Update: September 24, 2000 Background and Image Design By Sonya Brown Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved. Brown and Mear(e)s of Bladen and Columbus County