Marriage Records: Wesley Martin to Cassie Oliver, Claiborne Parish, LA Submitted by: Mary Turner ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** (NOTE:) This is all handwritten so I hope that I have copied correctly W MARTIN to CASSIE OLIVER State of Louisiana To E. D. Buggy or any other person authorized to celebrate the rites of Matrimony within said Parish Greeting! You are hereby authorized and empowered to unite in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony Wesley Martin and Cassie Oliver and due return make here of according to law. Given under my hand and seal ... the 6th day of Sept AD 1866 (signed) Hyden A. Kennedy Clk. Dst Court Return: State of Louisiana - Parish of Claiborne In pursuance of the fore going License I have celebrated the marriage between W Martin and Cassie Oliver according to law in presence of the attesting witnesses this 15 day of Sept AD 1866. Witness (signed) J. S. White John Dill Parties (signed) Wesley Martin (his X mark) and Cassie Oliver (her x mark) E. D. Buggy - I certify the above is a true record Nov 3 1866 Hyden A. Kennedy Clk. Dist Court