Obituary of Hardy Thompson, St. Helena Parish, 8 November 1918 Submitted to the USGenWeb Archives by Jerry Nelson, May, 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Source: The St. Helena Echo; Greensburg, LA; Fri., Nov. 8, 1918; p. 2 Mr. Hardy Thompson At 2:25 o'clock Tuesday evening, Oct. 22, 1918, the death angel gently tapped at the parlor door of Grandpa Hardy Thompson's heart and claimed the precious soul that was enclosed there. He was born Feb. 9, 1846, being seventy-two years, eight months and eighteen days old when he died. Deceased was married to Miss Cordelia Rix, July, 1866. To that union ten children were born, four of whom have gone on before. He leaves a widow, six children, thirty-six grandchildren and two great grandchildren to mourn their loss. Grandpa was a kind and affectionate husband and father, a loving grandfather and a warm friend to all who knew him. He did all that a sinful man could do, that was to turn to Jesus Christ, which he did 27 years ago. Grandpa was always striving to obtain something higher and trying to do something for the benefit of Christ's kingdom here on earth. And we feel that he has not lived in vain for his good work will continue on. He was laid to rest in Killian Chapel Cemetery, Wednesday morning at 11:30 o'clock amid a circle of sorrowing relatives and friends, with Rev. J. U. Vining of Amite officiating. We wish to thank the many friends who assisted during Grandpa's sickness and death and feel sure that God will reward them in his own good way. A Loving Granddaughter *************************************************************************** File at: