Sugar Planters & Manufactures: 1842. Saint James Parish, Louisiana Submitted by: Gaytha Carver Thompson ************************************************ ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ ************************************************ TIPS FOR SEARCHING RECORDS ON THE INTERNET Netscape & Ms Explorer users: If searching for a particular surname, locality or date while going through the records in the archives or anywhere....try these few steps: 1. Go to the top of the report you are searching. 2. Click on EDIT at the top of your screen. 3. Next click on FIND in the edit menu. 4. When the square pops up, enter what you are looking for in the FIND WHAT ___________blank. 5. Click on DIRECTION __DOWN. 6. And last click on FIND NEXT and continue to click on FIND NEXT until you reach the end of the report. This should highlight the item that you indicated in "find what" every place it appears in the report. You must continue to click on FIND NEXT till you reach the end of the report to see all of the locations of the item indicated. Source: Louisiana State Courier October 1984 Compiled by Annette Carpenter Womack, editor Typed by: Gaytha Carver Thompson 27th Congress 2nd Session SENATE MEMORIAL of A NUMBER OF PLANTERS AND SUGAR MANUFACTURES IN THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, PRAYING An increase of the duties on imported sugar. JUNE 23, 1842 Referred to the Committee on Printing, JUNE 24, 1842 Ordered to be printed To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled: The undersigned, planters and sugar manufactures of the State of Louisiana, beg respectfully to state: That it is only after losses have reached their height, that events have proved that, under the practical operation of the compromise bill our agriculture and our commerce, as well as our manufacturing interest are not only paralyzed, but brought to the very verge of absolute ruin. That they approach the representatives of the nation, in Congress assembled, earnestly to pray them to come to the relief of an industry involving an outlay of capital of $52,000,000, the destruction of which, be causing a national loss to an extent beyond calculation, would lead to expropriation of almost every planter connected with it. That against the theories, discarding discriminating duties intended to foster home labor, which have brought every department of our Government into disrepute which have made, with few exceptions, every mechanic, every manufacture, very merchant, every farmer, every corporation, in our once happy Union, a bankrupt and which at length, after long struggle, are shaking our Government itself to its very foundation the undersigned beg most respectfully to oppose the authority of one our ablest and most honored statesmen. In 1785, Thomas Jefferson was one of the most ardent and strenuous advocates of free trade; his opinions, in 1816, were as follows (Niles Register, vol. 10; page 25 letter to Benjamin Austin) Compare the present state of things with that of '85, and say whether an opinion, founded in the circumstances of that day, can be fairly applied to those present. We have experienced what we then did not believe, that there exist both profligacy and power to exclude us from the field of interchange with other nations; that to be independent for the comforts of life we must fabricate them ourselves. We must now place the manufacturer by the side of the agriculturist. The former question is nothing short of three cents duty on raw sugars, and other qualities in proportion, can avert the calamity about visiting every sugar planter of Louisiana, and to add that, even setting aside all other considerations, the sugar interest having grown under the revenue tariff of 1816, and under that tariff millions and millions of dollars having been permanently invested in works which can not be destroyed without the most ruinous consequences to the parties who have embarked their fortunes in the, it is but sheer justice to them that the same duty of 1816 should be continued so long as a revenue is required to carry on the Government, and it is derived from the same source. All which is respectfully submitted. Parish of St. James Dalcour Aune Florent Fortier R. Roman John J. Davis L. Robin Deligny Jean Jacques Roman J. T. Roman J. R. Armant ___ Armant M. Simon Senfroy Simon Choppin & Roman L. D. Dupare G. Dupare R. Zocoul E. S. Roman Vicorin roman Jamond Cripagnier Dalcour Aune Florent Fortier R. Roman John J. Davis L. Robin Deligny Jean Jacques Roman J. T. Roman J. R. Armant ---- Armant M. Simon Seufroy Simon Choppin & Roman L. D. Dupare G. Dupare R. Zocoul E. S. Roman Victorin Roman Jamond Cripagnier Samuel Fagot Welham & Godbery Arnaud Le bourgeois A. Duplantur C. M. Shepherd Andam Scheckjenuder Bte. Parent Stephen Henderson Abner L. Duncan Joseph Martinez Marcellus Martinez A. Bird William Hunstock Alex. Humphreys T. L. Deslattes Edouard Bourgeois X. Ferry J. Mathers V. Louis Le Bourgeois Pierre Theriot, Pere Josthem Allain John Devenport Josiah Barker F. D. Conrad John C. Williams J> B. Firchaud N. A. Villavaso T. Villavaso W. Uricau Robert Carter Nicholas Pierre Prichard Benjamin Prichard Benjamin Purray M. Poirrier Jos. Melancon, Fils Garais Gauthreaux Evariste Mire J. X. Cantrelle T. N. Cantrelle E. A. Cantrelle A. J. Gaudet Ben. Winchiston Valery Gaudet Camille Mire R. Bell Joseph Le Blanc X. Sarazin Alexandre Gotreaux Donat Le Blanc, Fils Elvy Eber E. B. Winny Edward Braud Th. Leon Arceneau Bienvenu Bergeron B. Michel Bergeron Desire Bergeron F. Gainer C. E. Prichard T. Gourdain D. Gaudet George S. Guion M. H. Darmis Auguste Bertrand H. Darue Vincent Gerron, Fils James Parks William Spear G. D. Bourgeais G. Doyer Auguste Rogers M. Bourg S. G. Moore Charles Ane J. C. White C. Bourg P. Portier Nenville Champagne Ulysse D. Terrebourg John White P. Lugarde S. S. Wheeler R. Gresham Jonannetan L. Lomoureux H. Hoffmans A. Bronnais Ch. Delauche, editor of the Patriot Joseph Daigle Wellington Evans Nicola Laine A. Collins Marcellin Breau Jean Hebert V. P. Winans George Bonez Daniel Nettetton B. J. Jalles F. Lacapere Marcelin Bourg Et. T. Burnham C. Gaude Leon F. Gaude Joseph W. Tucker Joseph C. Williams Thomas P. Evans Joachim Badeaux Louis, Dr. Eugene Navarre A. Rausser H. Geolet L. Deshields Charles F. Gande Firmin Bornlreaud St. B. Richard Robert Daynt J. Leblanc Endger Wachespack Euber Wachespack Louis Wachespack Joseph Yonps Eugene Champagne Jean Baptist Champagne Joseph F. Champagne C. W. Coulon G. Bauvais Mathurin Pitre P. Toups Etienne Leblanc St. G. Falgout Zenon Bourgeois F. Lornby F. Hebert, Fils A. Dornas John M. Williams Etienne Toups T. P. Bourg Vateri Bayra A. Reis A. Lirette S. Gubert Aucoiy Ch. L. Du Roy Joachim Bergeron H. S. Karr David Strain Jean Pre Petre Augustus Ledai Alexis Lydet Joseph Robichaux Luefrois Robichaux Eugene Robiehaux Simon Bergeon Yodin V. S. Benoit Onesime Babin T. T. Babin Edouard Bergeron J. Aubert John H. Field J. H. Aubert G. Abribat J. Nicolas T. H. Knoblock Edouard Folse P. Faler J. Baptiste Are. Bourgeois Pierre Detresval Leon Folgout, Fils William Roussel Joachim Guine William L. Robinson George W. Iquires