VIDRINE, Aurelie, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana Submitted by Mike Miller ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** AURELIE VIDRINE, VILLE PLATTE.--Mr. Vidrine, a planter of ward 7, is a native of Louisiana. He was born in the parish in which he now resides, February, 1843. He is the son of H. N. Vidrine. (For sketch of father see biography elsewhere.) The subject of this sketch was reared and received his education near where he now resides. In 1862 he enlisted in Company K, Twelfth Louisiana Infantry, and served until the close of the war. After the war he returned home and engaged in planting, which has been his principal occupation all his life. In 1871-72 he conducted a mercantile business on his plantation. In 1889 he erected a steam grist mill and cotton gin, which he still operates. He owns, in all, about three hundred and fifty acres of land, the principal products of which are cotton and corn. His plantation is well improved, and is arranged in modern style. Mr. Vidrine was married in 1866 to Miss Zoe Fusilier, of St. Landry parish. Ten children have been born to them. Southwest Louisiana Biographical and Historical, Biographical Section, p. 88. Edited by William Henry Perrin. Published in 1891, by The Gulf Publishing Company.