St Landry County Louisiana Archives Obituaries.....Sandoz, Ann Wilburn May 22, 1881 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mary K. Creamer February 6, 2025, 12:57 am source: The Opelousas Courier. (Opelousas, Louisiana) Saturday, May 28, 1881, page 1 DIED. - In Opelousas, on Sunday evening, May 22d, 1881, Mrs. Anna Wilburn, relict of the late Joel H. Sandoz, aged 66 years. The deceased was the mother of the editors of this paper. She had been a sufferer for many long and weary months, and the summons hence to a happier and better life was neither unexpected nor unwelcome to her. Kind friends ministered patiently and tenderly to all her wants during her weary passage to the valley of the Shadow of death; and thus was she repaid in a measure for the bounty which she dispensed with a lavish hand to the needy, who never looked to her for assistance in vain. Yes, she has gone to the spirit land, where pain and sorrow are known no more; to the home of the christian, where the weary are at rest; to the presence of God, where endless felicity is the reward of the faithful. Many friends will lament her absence, and remember with pleasure the kindly associations of her pilgrimage on earth. Her sons will grieve the loss of the best of friends - their mother - yet will be consoled by the thought, that her long and incurable suffering is ended, by the flight of her soul to the realms of perennial bliss to meet the friends who had gone before. There is no bereavement like that of losing a mother. Around that holy and consecrated name, cluster the sweetest recollections of childhood, the most affectionate charms of manhood, and the tenderest feelings of hope which lead to the decline of life. "Thou art gone, yet thy memory will ever remain fresh in our heart." File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb