DOTY, Alexander, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana Submitted by Mike Miller ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** ALEXANDER DOTY, SCALLEY.--Alexander Doty was born in the parish of St. Mary, September 24, 1835. He is the son of Robert Doty, who was also a native St. Mary parish, born about 1827. Robert Doty was a successful planter, and had accumulated quite a fortune at the time of his death in 1867. He served as a soldier through the entire Civil War, and two of his brothers fell in the battle of Port Hudson, one killed, the other mortally wounded, and died soon after. Alexander Doty is one of a family of seven children, six of whom are living: Oscar, planter of St. Mary parish; Alexander, the subject of this sketch; Henderson, planter of St. Mary parish; Alice, wife of Abnel Dary; Frank, and Mary, wife of Alfred Tonson. Alexander Doty was reared in St. Mary parish and received a limited education in its schools. His father having died when our subject was but ten years of age, it became necessary for him to enter active business early in life. Thus thrown upon his own resources he became a laborer on the farm, and in this he has since continued. Mr. Doty has always used the greatest business tact in the management of his plantation and has become one of the successful planters of his section. He and his brother own a good plantation, which they cultivate in cane and corn. The place is also well stocked. Mr. Doty was married August 16, 1889, to Miss Anna Idell, of St. Mary parish. Southwest Louisiana Biographical and Historical, Biographical Section, p. 366. Edited by William Henry Perrin. Published in 1891, by The Gulf Publishing Company.