(HENRY) BUTLER (BLACK) CEMETERY, TANGIPAHOA PARISH, LA Submitted to the USGenWeb Archives by Joan and Belford Carver, November 17, 2001. Updated by Belford Carver, July 15,2004. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************ (HENRY) BUTLER Located in Ward 2, on the east side of Henry Butler Road. It is approximately one-half mile south of Hwy 1055. It is located on the east side of the road. Evidence of some 20-25 graves, but few have identification. T1S R8E Sec 13. GNIS coordinates: 305802N 902123W Recorded by Joan and Belford Carver, November 17, 2001. Updated by Belford Carver, July 15,2004. Double slab nearest the road, no IDs Slab near the road, with headstone: Decon Nelsn Butler, born November 1889? (Difficult to read) Died January 30, 1951, Age 58? Other info too difficult to read. Slab with initials MB, and MARY carved into the concrete. No dates visible. Double concrete slab. Engraved in the concrete is HENRY BUTLER and what appears to be Mr.and Mrs., but difficult to read. No dates visible. FM: Veo Brumfield, May 22, 1931 - Mar 23, 2000, Age 68 Iron cross close to the road. No ID. FM: Sandra Parrott, 1957 - 1996 NG, FM: Juanita M. Butler, 8/4/1941 - 1/19/2004. (Towards the SE corner) End -BEC-