Independence School Faculty, 1948, Independence, Tangipahoa Parish, LA File Prepared and Submitted to the USGenWeb Archives by Linda Goings, Jul. 2003 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Source: 1948 Il Ricordo Taken from the Independence High School Yearbook Il Ricordo -- 1947-1948 Faculty High School: T.B. Pugh, Jr. Genovese Floyce Taylor Claude Robertson Johnny Zinna A.L. Burch Mary Aden Vincent Vaccaro E.S. Towles Catherine Trotter Virginia Anzalone Anthony Constantino Angelina Costanza Helen Kluchin Mattie Farace Eda Dolhonde Stanley Hoover Faculty - Elementary School: Frances Pecora Frances Costa Edna Hoover Claire Ware Maude Robertson Ilva McGowen Lois Comish Lucille Pugh Jennie Levatino Carlon Wilson