Independence High School Il Ricordo 1991 Staff, Independence,Tangipahoa, LA File Prepared and Submitted to the USGenWeb Archives by Linda Goings, Aug. 18, 2004 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Source: Il Ricordo 1991 Staff: John M. Mabry - Principal Frances M. McCarthy - Asst. Principal Willie Hypolite - Asst. Principal Anna Lee Alford - Study Skills, Just Say No, Sp. Rita Andrews - Business, Sophomore Sp. William Bader - Mathematics, Freshmen Sp. Charles Baglio, Jr. - Physical Education, Football Marie Caldorera - Home Ec., FHA Sp., Senior Sp. Brynn Camoo - Science, Freshmen Sp, Keith Carona - Social Studies, Baseball, Sophomore Sp. Angie Domiano - Secretary Bobbie Jean Evans - English, Yearbook, Junior Sp. Henry Flemmings - Mathematics, Sophomore Sp. David Franklin - Custodian Linda Hornsby - Study Skills Louise Ippolito - Counselor Clarence Johnson - Agriculutre, FFA, Freshmen Sp. Lille Johnson - English, Free Enterprise, Freshmen Sp. Mary Johnson - Librarian, Senior Sp., ETC Sp. Aurelia Jones - English, Junior Sp Rosemary Joseph - Biology, Senior Sp., Honor Society Sp. Daniel Keen - Instrumental Music John Klotz - History, Phy. Ed., Track, Football Donna Macaluso - Special Education Sheryl Morales - Math, Computer Literacy, Senior Sp. Mary Jo Muscarello - Special Education, Cheerleader Sp. Barbara Peterson - Music Cheryl Santangelo - Business, FBLA Sp., Junior Sp. Joe Smith - Physical Education, Freshmen Sp. Ida Stevens - Math, French, French Club, Junior Sp. Stanley Stokes - Custodian Linda Vaccaro - Science, 4-H, Junior Sp. Nick Vaccaro - Science, Freshmen Sp. Bernice Warren - Physical Ed., Basketball, Track Beverly Wells - English, Flags Sp., Freshmen Sp. Linda Williams - Special Education