Criswell obituaries, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Name, date of obit, date submitted, submitted for the USGenWeb archives by: Criswell, Logan Blake 7 Mar 2003 Mar 2003 Don Johnson *************************************************************************** Obituary published in The Advocate (Baton Rouge) on: 3/7/2003 CRISWELL, LOGAN BLAKE Logan was stillborn on Sunday, March 2, 2003, in Visalia, Calif. He was the son of Blake and Nelia Criswell of Hanford, Calif. Graveside service was held Wednesday in Hanford. He is survived by his parents; maternal grand- arents, Jose and Rosa Pereira of Riverdale, Calif.; maternal great-grand- mother, Laura Cotta of Hanford; paternal grandparents, Wayne and Mary Criswell of Kentwood; an uncle and aunt, Brent and Cheryl Criswell of Pumpkin Center; and a cousin, Claire. ***************************************************************************