Vauthier obituaries/memorials, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Name, date of obit, date submitted, submitted for the USGenWeb Archives by: Vauthier, Emily Geradine (Sister Mary Christopher) d. 22 Aug 1997 Mar, 2001 Don Johnson ******************************************************************************** Memorial, Emily Geraldine Vauthier (Sister Mary Christopher), Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana Submitted with permission of Dorothy Dawes, O.P. -- 580 Broadway, New Orleans, LA 70118, 504-861-8155, FAX 504-861-8718 or 865-8079 photos at In Memory of [Sr. M. Christopher Vauthier] Dominican Sisters Congregation of St. Mary New Orleans Emily Geraldine "Becky" Vauthier September 18, 1922 - August 22, 1997 Her college classmates, women of deep faith, rallied for Sr. M. Christopher's passing into eternal life as if it were graduation. Jeanne Elmer, Jane W. Frick, Georgiana F. Hebert, Doris B. Lamarque, Sr. M. Aloysius Ott, and others of her peer group remember "Becky" with real affection. These five recall happy days: "She never liked her name 'Emily.' The first day of college she changed it to 'Becky.' People thought that was her real name, but she just made it up. She was bright, always original and she knew what she wanted." "She had no health problems then, but she was terrified of the cancer that claimed her father at age forty-four. Her mother went to work and spent herself to educate her only child." "Becky was the life of the party. She was a great story teller, exaggerating for effect, always knowing how to hold her audience. She would sing anywhere, anytime. Once we were playing bridge at Ruth Ott's in Gretna until quite late. We caught the ferry, went up to the top and started singing. When we reached the east bank, we decided to ride back across the river and sing some more. But it was the last trip of the night, and the ferry started back, not to return. We had to walk the plank! We were late getting home, and it was hard to explain to our parents." Becky was also loyal to friends from Our Lady Star of the Sea Elementary School and from Annunciation High School, where she enjoyed a fiftieth year reunion in 1991. From Annunciation she had acquired the secretarial skills which served her so well later, and she won a scholarship to St. Mary's Dominican College. Becky saved the picture of a handsome, blue-eyed sailor (ca 1944) inscribed to "Dearest Becky, Sweetheart... Love you. Yours, B." The young man only married after Becky entered the convent, and has since died. She had long had her eye on the convent, but felt the need to see her mother settled. Her mother, still relatively young, was able to fend for herself. Becky finally made the break after seven years teaching college biology. She celebrated her silver jubilee in 1979 with younger Sisters Waldia Warden and M. Andre' Quigley. Unfortunately she was never well after taking her vows in 1954. She taught in high school and college, got her M.S. from Louisiana State (1964) and did some creditable research, but always with difficulty stemming from her poor health. Her love of music continued to bring her comfort; she was a great fan of classical opera. When she was still mobile enough, "Chris" became Eucharistic minister (1980) and volunteered (1982-83) as reader at the Radio for the Blind. Occasionally she led the singing at Mass in the motherhouse, even after she was otherwise disabled. She derived peace and consolation from the prayer meetings of the charismatic renewal. Her last year and a half were spent at Wynhoven Health Care Center. Sister Brenda Comeaux, M.S.C., administrator of Wynhoven, said: "She overcame the daily struggles of this transition period in her journey. She became involved in attending daily Mass in the chapel. She enjoyed listening to music and attended musicals scheduled in the facility. She looked forward to visits from community members and kept abreast of the sisters' health and community happenings. She remembered her sisters in prayer. She attended morning Mass at 10:45 on the day God called her. She is our benefactor in heaven." Sister Mary Veronica Miceli spoke eloquently of Chris at the funeral Mass, which was a real celebration of her life.