Terrebonne County Louisiana Archives Biographies.....Daigle, Emile January 22, 1842 - June 14, 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Savanna King savanna18king@gmail.com August 25, 2023, 7:58 pm Author: Alcee Fortier Emile Daigle, one of the active and influential businessmen of Houma, La., is a native of Terrebonne parish, and is a fine example of what can be accomplished by industry, strict attention to the call of duty and the exercise of sound judgment. Starting in life with practically no capital except a sound constitution and a determination to succeed, he has accumulated a goodly share of this world's goods, and he has the proud satisfaction of knowing that all he possess has been secured through his own efforts. For more than twenty-five years he has been engaged in the steamboat business on Bayou Terreobnne, transporting passengers and freight from the railroad terminal at Houma to the various plantations and settlements along the lower bayou, also to Grande Caillou and little Caillou bayous. Mr. Daigle is the owner of several steamboats and barges, all of which were built in his own plant at Houma, where he has a dry dock and well-equipped ship yard. Besides his steamboat business he is interested in oyster culture, being the owner of an oyster farm and part owner of the oyster factory at Sea Breeze, on the gulf coast. His private telephone line from his home to Sea Breeze, erected at his own expense, was the first telephone line in Houma. For several years Mr. Daigle was in partnership with H. C. Minor in the Lower Terrebonne refinery, and he is a stockholder in the Greenwood Planting and Manufacturing company, which owns about 500 acres on Bayou Black and has a daily capacity of 250 tons of cane, much of which is purchased from the small planters in the vicinity. He is also largely interested in the drayage and transfer business in Houma; is one of the directors of the Bank of Houma, and has served with credit as a member of the town council. As an evidence of his enterprise and public spirit he has at various times had Bayou Terrebonne dredged at his own expense, bringing a dredge boat all the way from New Orleans for that purpose, although others derived equal profit from the improved conditions attending the navigation of the bayou. Mr. Daigle is one of the largest real estate owners in Houma, owning about 200 houses, many of which are cozy and comfortable homes. He also owns practically all the buildings in the village of Daigleville, one mile below Houma, which village he laid out and it was named in his honor. Photo: http://www.usgwarchives.net/la/terrebonne/photos/bios/daigle224gbs.jpg File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/la/terrebonne/bios/daigle224gbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/lafiles/ File size: 3.0 Kb