Roster of "Stars of Equality", raised residents of Union Parish Louisiana Company E, 19th Regiment Louisiana Infantry, Confederate States Army Submitted for the Union Parish Louisiana USGenWeb Archives by Harold Phillips, 2/2000 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ ================================================================================= Roster of Company E, 19th Regiment Louisiana Infantry, Confederate States Army "Stars of Equality" ================================================================================== This list appeared in the Gazette May 6, 1976 Under Letters to the Editor by Edna Liggin TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It is with interest we submit this copy of the Roll of Company E, 19th Regiment, Louisiana Volunteers that was published in the Farmeville Gazette September, 1898. Many of the readers of this roll will find listed an ancestor who fought in the Civil War. We are grateful a copy of this has been given us. Signed Edna Liggin First a letter: Shiloh, La. August 17, 1898 Editor, Gazette: Enclosed herewith I beg to hand you a valuable paper. This company was inducted into Confederate service October 23, 1861, at Camp Monroe, La. by Capt. James G. Devereaux of the C.S.A. Many of your readers will be glad to have the opportunity of reading over this list of soldiers---which is the best I can do in memory, though I know it is incomplete and may have some errors in it. But this will serve for a basis upon which corrections may be made and a complete roll had All these men were true to Louisiana and her interest, bold and fierce in battle as was proven in thirteen regular engagements, aside from continuos skirmishing for many days, weeks and months I am yours truly, ROLL Andrews, Mark, wounded at Chicamauga. Andrews, Thomas, killed at Chickamauga. Andrews, John, killed near Atlanta, Ga. July 28, 1864. Albritton, E. R. Auld, E. M., paroled at Meridian Miss. at close of war. Auld, Jayne, killed in battle at Resacca, Ga. Arons, Andy Arons, James, killed at New Hope Church. Baine, Ezra R., died at Grenada, Miss. Baine, William, killed at battle of Chickamauga. Burton, George A., escaped unhurt, though brave and efficient in many battles. Bives, J. T. killed at Chickamauga. Barham, J. T. died at Corinth, Miss. of Pneumonia. Calhoun, Angust, was wounded in right arm at Chickamauga, did not recover its full use, but seized his gun with his left hand, and continued to perform the duties of an orderly Sergeant until he fell in froint rank at the charge made by Confederates at Lovejoy Station, Ga. Calhoun, Malcolm, killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6,1862. Carleton, W.H., killed in skirmish at New Hope Church. Carter, John, lost right arm at battle of Chickamauga. Carter, Marion, discharged on account of sickness. Carter, Shady, discharged on account of sickness. Coleson, Rufus, killed in battle July 28, 1864 near Atlanta. Cook, Joe, killed in battle July 28, 1854 near Atlanta. Coleson, John B., Lieut., discharged on account of sickness at Dalton, Ga. Costlow, H., killed in skirmish near New Hope Church. Clark, Buck, Lieut., killed July 28, near Atlanta. Clark, Thomas, died at Greenville, Ala., of sickness. Clements, Joseph, died at Corinth, Miss. Douglas, Rankin, paroled at Meridian Miss. Deshazo, Wm., paroled at Meridian, Miss. Deshazo, John, killed July 28, near Atlanta, Ga. Davis, Wm., lost arm at Jackson, Miss., 1863 discharged. Dawson, D. W. paroled at Meridian Miss. Ford, John, paroled at Meridian Miss. Farmer, Benj. F., died in hospital at Grenada, Miss. Green, Alonzo, paroled at Meridian, Miss. Garner, John, killed at Chickamauga, Ga. Gates,Joseph, killed at charge near Lovejoy Station, Ga. Greer, Joseph, discharged at Camp Monroe, La., 1861. Gathwright, Wm. H. paroled at Meridian, Miss. Goyne, John, killed at Chickamauga. Goyne, Davis, died at Corinth, Miss., Sickness. Goyne, Edward Hughes, D. B., paroled at Meridian, Miss. Hester, Stephen, discharged on account of sickness, 1861. Ham, H. H., Capt., resigned, and J. B. Landers elected instead. Ham, Dr Reubin, discharged for want of physical ability. Harris, Jeff, wounded at battle of Chickamauga. Hooker, James, killed at Chickamauga. Henry, Frank M., paroled at Meridian, Miss. Henry, William, paroled at Meridian Miss. Hammons, Monroe, transferred to 12th Louisiana Volunteers at Tupelo, Miss. Holmes, John, killed at Lovejoy Station. Hinton, A. B., killed near Atlanta, Ga. House,William, paroled at Meridian, Miss. Hamilton, J.D., transferred to 12th Regiment, Louisiana Volunteer, 1862. Hart, minister of gospell. Hendricks, David, paroled at Meridian, Miss. Holland, Wesley, died at Corinth, Miss. 1862. Hughes, Wesley, died at Corinth, Miss. Harper, Wm., paroled at Meridian, Miss. Landers, Capt. J. B., resigned his command Sept. 1. 1863 and W.R. Roberts promoted same day. Joiner, Hardy wounded at battle Chickamauga. Joiner, Wesley, died at Corinth, Miss. Johnson, Robert T., wounded at Chickamauga, paroled at Meridian, Miss. Johnson, ______, died at Clear Creek, Miss. Jennings, Webster, lost an arm at Spanish Fort, Ala., paroled 1865. Jones, William, died at Corinth, Miss. McCormick, _____, wounded at Chickamauga. McCormick, John, in Ambulance corp and band. McCormick, F. M., in Ambulance corp and band. McCormick, B. B., noted for gallantry in battle at Lovejoy. Station, Ga., also in others, wounded at Missionary Ridge. McGhee, Reubin, maimed and transferred to cavalry. McCollough, Ben, wounded at Chickamauga, paroled at Meridian, Miss. McCollough, Thomas, paroled at Meridian, Miss. McCullough, Frank, became paralyzed in right arm and discharged. Malone, James F., paroled at Meridian, Miss. Malone, Dock, killed at Spanish Fort, Ala. on duty. Nobles, Jas. C., was killed at New Hope Church in skirmish on duty. Norris, Wm., died at hospital. Oxford, Burk, killed in retreat from Nashville, Tenn. Oliver,Henry, died at Camp Monroe, La. Oliver, Thos., killed at battle of Chickamauga. Oliver, Andrew, wounded at battle of Chickamauga. O’Neal, Moody, killed at battle of Chickamauga. Phillips, M. B., wounded at Resacca, Ga. Pitts, Thos., killed by same cannon ball that took off arm of John Carter. Pool, Harvey, died in Army. Pardue, "Toad," wounded at Chickamauga. Post, Thomas Post, Roberts, W. R., promoted to Capt., Sept. 1, 1863, was wounded at Spanish Fort. Roberts, Samuel, placed on special service with Capt. Ben Lane Posey, wounded at Buzzard /Roost, Gap, Ga. Roberts, Robert, was appointed Sergeant-Major of the 19th Regiment, Louisiana Volunteers by Co. B.L. Hodge, 1862, and served as such until close of hostilities, was wounded at Chickamuaga, and at Spanish Fort. Rogers, Allie, killed near Atlanta, Ga. Robinson, Sam. Robertson, Teddy, Lieut. Rossiter, Jeff B., wounded at New Hope Church, paroled at Meridian. Spears, Dr. J. B., paroled at Meridian, Miss. Smith, Gillam, discharged on account of health, died. Smith L., discharged on account of health, died. Simmons, Henry, discharged on account of corpilency. Stokes, Jasper, died at Corinth, Miss. Smith W. P., Lieut., was wounded at Chickamuaga, paroled. Staples, J. D., paroled at Meridian, Miss. Staples, Archer, killed at New Hope Church. Stinson, Wm. A., wounded at Chickamuaga, paroled. Smith, killed at Chickamuaga. Taylor, John, paroled. Tidwell, S., died at Camp Monroe, La. 1861. Thomas, John, killed at Chickamuaga. Watson, Thomas A., wounded at New Hope Church, paroled. White, Pinkey P., lost thumb at Resacca, paroled. White W. W., paroled at Meridian, Miss. White, J. M., Lieut. paroled. # # #