Union Parish Louisiana Police Jury Aid to Families of Confederate Soldiers Submitted for the Union Parish Louisiana USGenWeb Archives by Debbie Richards, 3/16/2004 . ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************ Transcription from the Union Parish Louisiana Police Jury Minutes Book 1851 - 1869 pages 130 - 131 ---------------------------------------------- page 130 ---------------------------------------------- Extra Session May 6th, 1862 Received Farmerville May 6th 1862 of Union Parish La through the Police Jury the sum of One thousand four hundred and Eight four & 05/100 Dollars which I am to account for when called for. $1484.05 W. A. Darby, Phs. Treasurer Be it ordained by the Police Jury in and for the Parish of Union and State of Louisiana in Extra Session with the Town of Farmerville on this the 6th day of May AD 1862 that the Sum of Ten Thousand Dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purpose of aiding the families of soldiers now in service and who may heretafter Enter the service of the Confederate States. Be it further ordained that the President of the Polie Jury be authorized to issue Parish bills to the amount of Ten Thousand dollars in sums from one to twenty dollars to be signed by the President countersigned by the clerk and Endorsed accepted by the Parish Treasurer, that said bills be made negotiable by delivery, and good as a debt against the Parish to be paid by future taxation. Be it further ordained that said bills be and they are hereby made recoverable in payment of all Parish claims, as well the Military as the parish Tax proper. Be it further ordained that the President be required to have Printed at the Expense of the Parish a sufficient number of blanks in the proper form with such other appropriate design as he may think proper to con___(?) with the amount above appropriated, which bills when assigned together with what Ever amount of money may now be on hand raised for the purposes aforesaid shall give his bond for the same conditioned for the faithful disbursment of the Same as herein after provided that the said Treasurer shall keep a separate Book in which he shall record all his disbursments which Book shall be open for the inspection of the Police Jury at all times, and that the Treasurer be required to report and make settlement with the POlice Jury when Ever called on to do so and that he have the same compensation for his services as for Keeping and disbursing the Parish funds proper. Be it further ordained that three discreet citizens be appointed ine ach magistrates district or old Ward in the Parish... ---------------------------------------------- page 131 ---------------------------------------------- Extra Session May 6th, 1862 ...whose duty it shall be to asertain [sic] the wants of all families within their respective bounds of absent soldiers in the War and from time to time draw their drafts on the Parish Treasurer for the amounts necessary to relieve Each family in necessitous circumstances which drafts shall be made payable to the party or heads of families Entitled to relief. For Ward No. 2 Committee for Old Ward No. 6. G. W. Sims, M. B. Pullin & Robert Toler Old Ward No. 7. L. K. Thomas, Dr. John Traylor, & Samuel Smith Old Ward No. 9. D. D. Dawkins, John B. Robinson, & JOhn P. Everett For Ward No. 3 Old Ward No. 2. Wm. H. Lowe, Presley Roberts & G. R. Carroll Old Ward No. 4. Levi Ramsey, Riley Agerton & G. A. Killgore For Ward No. 4 Old Ward No. 10. E. P. Bolton, J. R. Clark, & J. F. Fuller Old Ward No. 11. C. J. Henry, S. G. Heard, & W. Cook For Ward No. 5 Old Ward No. 1. Robert Henry, Wm. Willhite, & Sam Roberts Old Ward No. 3. G. H. Colvin, Mitchel Gill, & M. McFarland Old Ward No. 12. James Manning, J. C. Mays, & D. L. Hicks For War No. 1 Old Ward No. 8. H. P. Anderson, S. W. Ramsey & Wm. Ham Old Ward No. 5. W. P. Smith, J. M. Terry, & E. M. Auld Approved May 6th, 1862 Elias Faries, President Attest: W. C. Smith, Clerk ############################