Submitted for the Union Parish Louisiana USGenWeb Archives by David Manning, ................................................................................. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ The following is a transciption of the obituary of John Manning that I found on microfilm at the Louisiana Baptist Building in Alexandria, LA., It was filmed from the Everett Baptist Association Minutes either for 1911 or 1912. I give my permission for this to be put on the Union Archives also. IN MEMORY OF ELD. JOHN MANNING Born in Alabama, Feb. 10, 1833. Moved to Union parish, La., in 1846. Married July 1, 1857. Joined the Missionary Baptist Church at Mt. Olive, in 1859. Enlisted in the Confederate Army in 1862. Licensed to preach in 1862, and ordained to the full work of the ministry in 1882. Died June 29, 1911. He kept the faith. He fought the good fight. Therefore, there is laid up for him a crown of righteous- ness. Transcribed by David P. Manning 27 June 2001. # # #