1912 Death Announcements for these Residents of Union Parish Louisiana Z. T. Brooks, E. A. Coleman, W. A. Dumas, Hale Feazel & Charles Webb, Submitted for the Union Parish Louisiana USGenWeb Archives by Marc Hollingsworth, 11/2004 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************ ================================================================================= 1912 Death Announcements for these residents of Union Parish Louisiana: Z. T. Brooks, E. A. Coleman, W. A. Dumas, Hale Feazel & Charles Webb "Confederate Veteran" Magazine, Volume XX, No.4, published Nashville, TN, Apr 1912 ================================================================================== Members of Camp at Farmersville, La. The adjutant of Camp Sid Griffin, No. 379, U. C. V., of Farmersville [sic], La., reports the death of some of their best and most worthy members. They are Hale Feazel, W. A. Dumas, Charles Webb, E. A. Coleman, and Z. T. Brooks. Their memories will be cherished for their valorous deeds as soldiers of the Confederacy. ###########################################################