Obituaries of Graceland/New Masonic Cemetery 1892-1929; Vermilion Parish Obits, Louisiana Submitted by Kathy LaCombe-Tell Source; Edith Garland Dupré Library; University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Louisiana Room Library holdings and Vermilion Historical Society; Noted here as VHS Submitted August 2004 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Abadie, Anna K. Patten, born 1844, died 9-23-1914. VHS Jean [Abadie] settled in Vermilion Parish [about 1865] where he joined his brother [Louis Abadie] who was a merchant. Jean was a saddler by trade and said to be an excellent craftsman. He was one of the founders of the original French Society of Abbeville and served as Treasurer for many years. He was at different times an alderman of the town. He married Anna Patten, daughter of Robert F. Patten, who was a native of North Carolina but was living in Vermilion Parish in 1850 and at that time serving as Clerk of Court. Their children were Louis, who married Mary Lily Rice, Claude, Louise and Marie. ….Jean Abadie died July 8, 1902, and Anna Patten Abadie died September 23, 1914. Baltzer, John, born 6-13-1879, died 10-6-1921. Meridional 10-15-1921: Died. At Touro Infirmary in New Orleans on Oct. 13th, at 2:00 a.m. John Baltzar, beloved husband of Alice Caldwell, born June 13, 1879. Mr. Baltzar had been in failing health for several months and all that medical skill and loving hands could do was done. He was a man of many fine qualities who endeared himself to all who knew him. To know him was to love him. His suffering he bore with great fortitude and he smiled always. His remains were brought here for burial near his wife's relatives. Funeral services was [sic] held from the residence of his brother in law, V. L. Caldwell. Interment was made in the Masonic cemetery. To his bereaved wife we extend our deepest sympathy. Burwell, Starr Elmore, born 10-1-1856, died 4-19-1924. VHS Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Burwell came to Abbeville about 1918 to be with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Moist, Mr. Burwell was an active Mason. Bussy, Joseph Julius, born 1880, died 10-25-1918. Meridional 11-2-1918: J. J. Bussy, formerly a druggist at Erath, died Friday of last week at his home in Lake Charles. He was a victim of the influenza epidemic. His body was brought here for burial and was interred Sunday in the New Masonic cemetery with Masonic honors. Caldwell, George W., born 5-10-1836, died 3-6-1913. VHS George W. Caldwell married Eliza Ewing, daughter of Col. Elijah Ewing and Emeline Stansbury, and settled in Abbeville after the Civil War. During the war, he served with the confederate Army, fighting in Virginia with Hay's Brigade. The children of George and Eliza Ewing Caldwell were: Charles W., Vernon Lee who married Nellie Buford; Summerfield Lafleur who married Katherine Currie; Melinda Orme who married Louis Nussbaum, Editor of a Crowley newspaper; Alice Mary who married Emile Moresi; and Thomas I. who married Frances Wood. George was a brickmason and contractor, and in 1901, he took his sons, Vernon and Summerfield, into partnership with him. They built a large steam brick works on the west side of the Bayou opposite the rice mill. The capacity of the plant was 30,000 bricks per day, which eliminated the need for importation of bricks into Abbeville. Gradually the old wood from buildings of the business district of Abbeville were replaced with handsome brick stores, and usually Caldwell Bros. was the contractor. They were the contractor for the beautiful Catholic Church, and later they were builders and owners, along with J. B. Miller, of the Audrey Hotel, the center of activity for so many years, across from the Courthouse Square. Carlo, Vincent, born 5-6-1891, died 10-21-1926. Meridional 10-23-1926: Died. At his home in Abbeville, La., on Thursday, October 21st, 1926, at 12 o'clock p.m., Vincent Carlo, aged 35 years, 5 months and 15 days. The funeral was held on Friday, October 22nd, at 4 o'clock from the residence to the Presbyterian Church. Interment in the Graceland Cemetery. Meridional 11-6-1926: Resolutions of Respect. WHEREAS, it has pleased our ALMIGHTY COMMANDER, the Giver of all things, to remove from the midst of our forest, our late and esteemed sovereign, VINCENT CARLO: AND WHEREAS, we bow in humble submission to the decree of Him who doeth all things well; AND WHEREAS in the demise of our sovereign, the Camp has lost a true, tried and loyal member—one devoted to the principles of Woodcraft as enunciated by its tenets; AND WHEREAS, his widow and children have been bereft of a devoted husband and a loving father; and that the community has suffered the loss of an exemplary and law-abiding citizen; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by Abbeville Camp No. 7, Woodmen of the World, that we go on record extolling the virtues of our deceased sovereign, sympathizing with the bereft ones and fondly and firmly believing that God, in His infinite wisdom, will care for the unfortunates who are left bereft; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ETC., that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Camp, and that copies thereof be furnished the family of our deceased sovereign, and that same be published in the local papers. R. J. LaBauve, Chairman, Resolution Committee. Castanie, (Infant), born 1-18-1907, died 1-18-1907 [5-11-1907?]. Meridional 5-18-1907: Willie and Pliny Maxfield came over last Saturday for the funeral of Wm. Castinie's [sic] little boy. ... Mrs. A. F. Maxfield, of Lake Charles, was here this week on a visit to her daughter Mr. [sic] William Castanie. Chauvin, Roy, died 11-11-1924 Meridional 11-22-1924: Obituary. On Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1924, at 2:30 P.M., Roy Chauvin departed this life. He was an ambitious youth just budding into manhood, and it was sad to see his life cut down so soon, but God in his infinite wisdom knows best and does all things well, and "All things work together for good to them that love him." A few days before his decease he accepted Jesus as his Saviour, so we know that all is well with his soul. He is now basking in the bright sunlight of God's love, He, in the Masonic Cemetery softly sleeping, Where the flowers gently wave Lies our beloved one at rest forever in his lonely new-made grave. Gone from sister, brother, father and mother, The sorrow your departure gave, we alone can tell, We miss thy kind and gently face, We miss thee everywhere, You are dwelling in the land of love. To his bereaved family we extend our deepest sympathy and commend them to the Saviour who alone can give real comfort to the broken hearted. Contributed by Mrs. Robt. Chauvin. Choate, Lula Pearl, born 1-3-1924, died 2-11-1925 Meridional 2-21-1925: Died. Little Lula Pearl Choate, Infant Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Choate, was born January 3rd. 1924, here in Abbeville, and departed on February 11th. 1925, age 1 year 1 month and 8 days. Her life was indeed very short in this world, but long enough to gain the love and admiration of those who knew her, as well as to indelibly stamp her beautiful nature in the lives of Mother, Father and three brothers, besides a host of relatives and friends who had the pleasure to see her. Now while her departure from this life has made a vacant chair which never can be filled in the home, and an aching void in the hearts of parents which only Christ can fill, yet we know where to find her, we cannot call her back to us, but we can go to her. And while we feel our loss, we shall not grieve as those who have no hope, but think of her as now enjoying Eternal life with the Angels, and Archangels, and all of the redeemed of God. While she is not in our midst, still in our memories linger[s] her beautiful life, and precious influence. But let our loss be Heaven's gain, so her going will enhance the value of Heaven to us. Funeral services were held at the home of the parents and interment made in the Masonic Cemetery, by Rev. F. M. Miller, Methodist Pastor. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our many thanks to the good people of Abbeville, and especially to the "Eastern Star" for the many kind and loving deeds and words of sympathy during the sickness and death of our daughter, "Lula Pearl Choate." Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Choate. Corrodi, Louis F., born 1857, died 9-12-1919. Meridional 8-23-1919: L. F. Corrodi, the well known photographer was on the sick list this week. Meridional 9-13-1919: Louis F. Corrodi, aged 61 years, and for many years a photographer here, died yesterday morning following an illness of several weeks. He is survived by his widow and three daughters, Misses Cora, Sadie and Mattie. Meridional 9-30-1919: Miss Edna Gillen, daughter of Capt. Robert Gillen, who for many years was a resident of Abbeville, returned Monday to her home in Morgan City, after spending several days here. Miss Gillen came over to attend the funeral of Mr. L. F. Corrodi. C. R. Yancy, proprietor of the Yancy Studios, left Sunday for his home in Alexandria, having come here to attend the funeral of Mr. L. F. Corrodi. Curry, D. A., born 5-1-1835, died 4-22-1919 Meridional 4-26-1919: Mr. D. A. Curry, father of Mrs. Jos. S. Ewell died here Tuesday night after an illness of a few weeks. He was born May 1, 1835, and was nearly 84 years old. He lived for many years at Evergreen, Avoyelles parish where he was a merchant. For several years he had made his home here with his daughter, and was highly esteemed. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon in Graceland cemetery, services at the grave conducted by the masons of which order he had long been a member. A good man has been gathered to his fathers. May his eternal soul rest in peace. Daniels, Jessie, born 1911, died 6-12-1913 Meridional 6-14-1913: Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Daniels of Milton, had the sad misfortune to lose their little three year old daughter Thursday after an illness of a few days. The body was brought here for interment in the Masonic cemetery. Mr. Daniels is the chief engineer at the Hunter Canal pumping plant and has a number of friends here who sympathize with him in his troubles. Dixon, Charles E., born 8-25-1876, died 5-17-1907. Meridional 5-25-1907: C. E. Dixon Killed. Moss Point, May 17.—At 11:30 o'clock this morning C. E. Dixon of New Orleans, foreman of the Chandler mill, one mile north of Scranton, was caught in a belt, carried around a shaft and instantly killed. The deceased was married some two years since to Miss Sallie Alexander of this place, and the widow had the body brought here for burial beside the remains of their child, in the new Masonic cemetery. The body reached here on the afternoon train Saturday and the funeral took place shortly afterwards. Edwards, Martha Hollingsworth, born 12-22-1832, died 3-2-1908. Meridional 3-7-1908: Mrs. W. W. Edwards; Mrs. Martha Hollingsworth, wife of ex-District Judge Wakeman W. Edwards, died at 8 o'clock Monday night, March 2, after a few days illness with pneumonia, at the family home, "Gray Friars." She was born Dec. 22, 1832, near Elkton, Todd county, Kentucky. A few years later her father judge Jephtha T. Hollingsworth moved to the vicinity of Sulphur Springs, Madison county, Miss., where he purchased a large tract of land and engaged in merchandising. Here, on Dec. 29, 1857, she was married to Wakeman W. Edwards, then a young attorney, and Representative in the Legislature from Conway county. She resided in that State during the war, at the close [of] which her husband emerged from the Confederate army to find that ruin and desolution [sic] had swept away his possessions. He moved to New Orleans, where he practiced law until 1875, when he located at Abbeville, where they have since resided. Although, almost an invalid for many years, her many friends were wholly unprepared for the suddenness with which she yielded to her last illness. Her long residence here, her culture and refinement and the quiet fortitude with which she bore the sufferings of declining years, made her influence felt beyond her home. She leaves a husband, Hon. W. W. Edwards, and three children, Dr. C. J. Edwards, Judge W. P. Edwards, of Abbeville, and Mrs. Geo. B. Petty of Chicago. Her remains were entombed Wednesday morning in the grounds of her home beneath the oaks in whose shade she had so often found repose while living. Rev. Hoffpauir, pastor, of the Methodist church, performed the last sad rites according to the ritual of that church of which she had long been a member. Eldredge, Anna Mae, born 11-16-1910, died 2-6-1914. Meridional 11-19-1910: Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Eldredge have been receiving many congratulations this week over the arrival of a pair of pretty twin girls. Meridional 2-7-1914: Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Eldredge this week suffered a sad affliction in the death of their little daughter May. She was a twin and with her sister, were the pride of the family and the admiration of friends. She was taken ill Tuesday morning and died Friday morning. She was three years and three months old. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Four little girls, Della Broussard, Eugenie McHenry, Fro Broussard and Elve Dubus, acted as pall bearers. Eldredge, Daisy Alison, born 9-14-1857, died 1-1-1928. Meridional 1-7-1928: Aged Mother Called to Her Reward. Mrs. Daisy Allison Eldredge, beloved wife of the late M. L. Eldredge, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carlisle Bourgeoise, in Jeanerette, Sunday, Jan. 1, at 5:45 a.m., aged 70 years, 3 months and 17 days. The funeral was held here Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, with services at the residence of her son, Dr. H. A. Eldredge. Her body was laid to rest in the Graceland Cemetery, to await the final resurrection in the last day. Services were conducted by Rev. Williamson, of the local Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons: Dr. H. A. Eldredge and G. M. Eldredge, both of this place; two daughters: Mrs. Carlisle Bourgeois, of Jeanerette, and Mrs. Jasper Goodwill, of Minden. Mrs. Eldredge was widely known and highly respected by all who knew her. She was a devout and consistent christian—a lifelong member of the Baptist Church. Her many friends grieve that she has been taken from them, but they grieve not as those without hope for they look forward to a happy re- union in a home where sorrow and grief are unknown and there will be no parting. "Dear is the spot where Christians sleep, And sweet the strain which angels pour; Oh, why should we in anguish weep? They are not lost, but gone before." Meridional 1-21-1928: Resolutions Concerning The Death of Mrs. M. L. Eldredge. Whereas God in his Infinite Wisdom has called Mrs. M. L. Eldredge, a charter member of The First Baptist Church of Abbeville, we the members of the Church wish to express our loss in the following resolutions: 1. Be it resolved that we give thanks to God for the consecrated life and the untiring service which Mrs. Eldredge rendered our Church. 2. That by this means we express our sympathy to the bereaved children in the loss of their mother. 3. That a copy of these resolutions be given to the Abbeville Newspapers for publication, a copy sent to the Baptist Message, and a copy be put on the permanent records of the Church. 4. That we bow in submission to God's will in calling Mrs. Eldredge from us. First Baptist Church Eldredge, Margaret, born 11-16-1910, died 2-9-1914. Meridional 2-14-1914: With The Angels. Little Marguerite, the remaining twin daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Eldredge, died Monday afternoon in New Orleans where she had been taken on Sunday in an effort to save her life. But care and skill were unavailing and her pure and gentle spirit took flight to the Great Beyond, to meet the little sister who had gone before. She was three years and three months old, and like her sister, was ill only a few days. Anna Mae, the first of the twins to die, was taken sick Tuesday and died Friday morning. Marguerite was taken ill that night and died Monday afternoon. The death of these two little children was not only a terrible blow to the parents, but aroused the sympathies of the entire community, causing a shadow of gloom to fall athwart the thresholds of every one where the Angel of Death had passed in days gone by. It has been forty years since such a heartrending occurrence has taken place in this community, and that was when Dr. and Mrs. W. D. White lost two children within two days with scarlet fever and diphtheria. Minden Signal, reprinted Meridional 2-21-1914: Miss Annie Eldredge was called to New Orleans by the sudden death of two little neices [sic], twin daughters of her brother who resides in Abbeville. The circumstances of the deaths of those lovely children are touching sad and the innumerable friends of Miss Eldredge deeply sympathize with her in this dark hour Eldredge, Marion Langdon, born 5-24-1848, died 6-9-1921. Meridional 6-11-1921: Died. At his home in Abbeville, on Thursday, June 9th, 1921 at 9:45 p.m. Marion Langdon Eldredge, aged 73 years and 16 days. Mr. Eldredge was an old and highly respected citizen of this parish having come here when quite a young man. He was born in Alabama. He was married in 1874 to Miss Daisey Allison, of this union five children were born, four surviving, Dr. H. A. Eldredge, George Eldredge, Mrs. Carli Burgois and Mrs. J. Goodwin. Mr. Eldredge served in the legislature and was also at one time President of the School Board. He was a useful and honored citizen and always carried the esteem of all who knew him. His funeral took place Friday at 3:30 and was largely attended. Interment was made in the New Masonic cemetery. Mr. Eldredge is survived by a wife and four children. And to them we extend our deepest sympathy in their darkest hour of sorrow. Eldredge, Mary Emma, born 3-31-1846, died 10-31-1927. Meridional 11-5-1927: Miss Mary Eldredge Summoned to Her Heavenly Home. Miss Mary Emma Eldredge died at her home here on Monday, Oct. 31, at 3:25 a.m., aged 81 years and seven months. She was a native of Alabama, and came to Vermilion parish some 48 years ago. She was a devout christian and a lifelong member of the Presbyterian church, and while unable, physically, to take an active part in church work, she endeared herself to all her friends and acquaintances by her willingness to assist both morally and financially in every cause which appealed to her as being for the best interest of the community. She is survived by two nieces: Mrs. Jasper Goodwill, of Minden, La., and Mrs. Carlyle Bourgeois, of Jeanerette; also two nephews: Dr. H. A. Eldredge and G. M. Eldredge, both of Abbeville. The funeral took place Monday at 4 o'clock p.m., with services conducted by Rev. J. N. Brown, Presbyterian minister. She was laid to rest in the Graceland Masonic Cemetery. "Smooth the locks of silvery hair, On her cold brow with tenderest care, Gather the robe in final fold Around the form so still and cold; Lay on her bosom, pure as snow, The fairest, sweetest flowers that grow. Kiss her and leave her, our heart's delight; Her pain is over; she sleeps tonight." Ewing, Clara Sophie Summers, born 1855, died 3-9-1921. Meridional 3-12-1921: Mrs. H. C. Ewing. On Wednesday morning, March 9th, 1921, at 4:05, at her late home near Abbeville, Mrs. H. C. Ewing (nee) Clara Sophie Summers, was called to that great beyond from whence no man returneth. She was 66 years old and is survived by her husband; one brother, Mr. Geo W. Summers. Five sons, Eligie, Arthur, Henry, Vernon Ruberb; Two daughters, Misses Fannie and Addie Ewing. The funeral was held at the residence on Thursday, the 10th, at 10 a.m. Interment was made in the Masonic Cemetary [sic]. Mrs. Ewing lived the greater part of her life here in Vermilion, and was loved by all who knew her. Besides the family, she leaves a large host of warm friends to mourn her untimely death. To the bereaved family we extend our sympathy. Fletcher, Bertha Rebecka Ramke born 5-29-1878, died 7-6-1925. Meridional 7-11-1925: Mrs. Bertha Rebecka Fletcher, (Nee Ramke) was born here in Vermilion Parish, May 29th, 1878. Died in Touro Infirmary in New Orleans, July 6th, 1925. Age 47 years, 1 month, 7 days. She gave her heart to God while just a girl and united with the Lutheran Church, (The church of her parents) but on account of that church not being organized in this place, she united with her husband in the Methodist Church over twenty years ago, and lived a faithful member of the same until the Lord Said, Well done come up higher to be with God. She was united in Holy Wedlock to Ernest C. Fletcher, Sept. 2nd, 1896. To this union eigh[t] children were born, four girls, and four boys, all of whom are living and were in attendance at the last sad ceremonies of their God given Mother. Sister Fletcher had been in very poor health for almost a year, but the news of her death came a[s] a great shock to all who knew her as the general public were of the impression her general health was improving, but with the best aid that could be found the end came at an unexpected time, however not before she was prepared, for those who are prepared to live are prepared to die. She was a great believer in prayer and often told her pastor she enjoyed the prayer of the people of God who prayed in the sick room when here daughter was so near death's door two years ago. She was a loving self sacrificing mother, A true and faithful wife, and a God given blessing in the home, for the Bible says a good wife is of the Lord. Sister Fletcher was very kind and patient in all of her sickness and suffering, and trusting in God for grace received it until the end came, and became victorious, leaving this world triumphant. For we know if our earthly house of this tabernacel [sic] were desolved [sic], we have a building of God a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. The funeral services were conducted in the Methodist church by her Pastor, and burial was made in the Masonic cemetery where the Eastern Star's of which she was an honored member, used their beautiful ceremony in placing all that was mortal of their departed sister to Rest. Husband and Children grieve not as those who have no hope, for you know where to find here, you cannot call her back but you can go to her. Her departure from this world should make Heaven more attractive to you and enhance the value of heaven to all. F. M. Miller, Pastor. Fletcher, Clarie Stansbury, born 3-4-1855, died 10-4-1926. Meridional 10-9-1926: Gone To Rest. The Master has deemed it best to call from the walks of this life, and from the bosom of her family, our friend, Mrs. John Fletcher. It was our personal privilege to know her for many years, and recognized in her a kind and loyal friend, a faithful and loving wife and a devoted mother. Her home and children was the altar on which she offered daily the sacrifice of all her time and care to make home a cheerfully, loving abiding place for her family and friends. The quality of unselfishness in her daily life was beautiful to see—her thoughts and desires and plans were not for her own comfort in any way, but she lived and planned and labored for the welfare of others. She rang true in every walk of life, a friend in need and a friend indeed. A woman worthy in every respect, our high regard and affection for her as a christian friend and Mother and our deep appreciation of her faithfulness in all her duties will be an influence in our lives to be remembered long. The end of this busy life of service and love came quietly on Monday Oct. 4th at 6:35 a.m. Surrounded by friends and loved ones and with the courage and faith that had characterized her all through life, she faced the crossing of the river. We shall sadly miss her presence and in the sadness of our own heart we find no word of comfort to speak to her loved ones, save to point them to Him who has said, "I am the way. Whosoever believeth in me shall have ever lasting life. We extend our deepest sympathy to the sorrowing family and friends and we pray that God's richest blessing and tenderest care may attend them all along life's toilsome way. "Tender, gently, brave and true Loving us whatever we do Waiting, watching at the gate For the footsteps that were late That was ever Mother's way." Fletcher, Ovray, born 1919, died 9-18-1923 Meridional 9-22-1923: Accidental Shooting One of the sad[d]est accidents of the year occur[r]ed Tuesday when little Ovray Fletcher son of Mr. and Mrs. Ovray Fletcher, of this place came to his death by a gun shot wound inflicted by his older brother who was handling the proverbial "unloaded gun." It seems that Monroe Fletcher, aged 14 aimed the gun which he believed to be empty at his little brother aged four, with the usual deplorable results. The charge for the gun striking the little fellow just above the left eye caused instant death. His remains were laid to rest in the Graceland Cemetery. "Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, And stars to set; but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death!" Garner [Garber], Annie [Anna], born 1863 [1836], died 2-4-1923. Meridional 2-10-1923: An Obituary. Mrs. Anna Garber was born in Switzerland on August 2nd, 1836 Died February 4th, 1923 Abbeville, La. She was married fifty years ago, and came to America in 1821 [sic], she has one daughter and one brother left here to mourn the loss of departed mother and sister, but their loss is heaven's gain, as she was a true christian character, and a devoted mother to her family. She has been a member of the Presbyterian Church for years and was very devoted to her church, and her Lord who was a great comfort to her during her life of service in the world. Her funeral was preached in the home of her brother, and her body laid to rest in the Masonic Cemetery. F. M. Miller the pastor of the Methodist Church officiating. Abbeville, La. Gooch, Ida, born 7-9-1882, died 6-16-1895. Meridional 6-22-1895: Miss Ida Gooch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gooch of Perry's Bridge, died last Sunday evening after a long and painful illness, which she bore with true Christian fortitude. She was just budding into maidenhood and her untimely death is a heavy misfortune to her family. Gooch, James Elijah, born 1-22-1845, died 3-10-1896. Meridional 3-14-1896: The deaths of Miss Maud Mills, Mrs. Sutton, Summerfield Stansbury and Mrs. Erastus Kibbe following each other in such rapid succession has caused almost universal mourning and bereavement and still there is a large sick list here. ... Mrs. Nugier has been quite sick and is yet confined to her bed. Little Maurice Nugier has had the pnuemonia [sic] but is getting better. Mr. Elijah Gooch is quite sick. Mrs. Pete Clements is very sick. Little Norma Mills is getting better but still quite weak. Mrs. Dr. Hamblet and Miss Eva Sutton are slowly convalescing from pneumonia. P.S.—Since the above is in type we learn that Mr. Elijah Gooch has died.—Publisher. Abbeville Meridional 3-14-1896: Elijah Gooch an industrious and energetic farmer residing near Perry's Bridge died of pneumonia last Tuesday morning. Mr. Gooch was a good citizen and his death is a loss to the community. He leaves a wife and several children. Gooch, William Silas, born 12-19-1872, died 10-27-1892. Meridional 10-29-1892: We learn with regret of the death of Wm. D. [sic] Gooch, Jr., which sad event occur[r]ed on Wednesday night after a short illness, at the home of his father near Perry's Bridge. Bud as he was familiarly known was just entering upon manhood and his death falls upon his family with more that the usual weight of sorrow. The bereaved ones have our fullest sympathies in the trying affliction they are called upon to bear. Meridional 11-5-1892: We are very sad to have to write of the death of Wm Gooch, junior, son of W. D. Gooch, one of Perry's most respected citizens. Bud (as we all called him) was a very promising young man just entering manhood, he would have been 20 years in December. Of more than ordinary intelligence, beloved by all, the old as well as the young were his true friends. The bereaved family have our sincere sympathy. We can truly sympathize with them as we have passed through the deep waters of affliction ourselves, but we have learned to trust our all to the mercy and goodness of our allwise God, who knoweth what is best for us. May God in his goodness pour the oil of healing on their torn and bleeding hearts, and may they be truly brought to say: "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, and blessed be the name of the Lord" and come out of their affliction as gold purified by fire. Graham, William, born 5-4-1856, died 4-17-1910. Meridional 4-23-1910: William Graham, a well-known citizen of this place died Sunday night at his home east of town of apoplexy after an illness of a few hours. He was a native of Rapides parish, but had resided here and at Kaplan for the past ten years. He was 53 years and 9 months old and is survived by his widow and an only daughter, Miss Elinor. His funeral took place Monday afternoon, interment being made in the new masonic cemetery. Griffin, Courtney, born 11-10-1900, died 4-29-1915. Meridional 5-1-1915: Killed by Lightning. Thursday afternoon about 4 o'clock, Courtnay [sic] Griffin, aged 16 years, son of Zach Griffin, a well known farmer of the 7th ward was killed by lightning. The unfortunate young man was walking across the field of Homer Guidry, when the bolt came almost from a clear sky. His cap was torn to shreds as were his shoes and the bottom of his pants. The deceased was a fine boy, well liked in the neighborhood and the distressed family have much sympathy in their sad misfortune. Griffin, Louise Amilda Gibson, born 10-14-1865, died 7-29-1912. History of Vermilion Parish, Louisiana (Vermilion Historical Society), p. 161: In 1882 Zack Lafayel [Griffin] married Marie Louise (Amilda) Gibson. She was the daughter of Arthur Joseph Gibson and Elizabeth West. … Louise Amilda and her family came to live in Vermilion Parish around 1870. Her father bought a farm south of Perry and he sold part of this land to Zack and Amilda when they married. Before coming here Amilda's family came from the New Iberia area. Zack Lafayel and Louise Amilda had fourteen children who lived—Belle (Mrs. L. H. Noel), Theresa, James (married Angela LeBlanc), Jeanette (Mrs. L. H. Gulbrandson), Robert (married Honorine Berger), Alice (Mrs. Alphonse Gastal), Georgia (Mrs. Andrew Bothum), D. J. Zack (married to Paula Noel), Courtney, Louvina (Mrs. J. C. Hill), Marion (married Alie Richard), and Roberta (Mrs. John Vigneaux). In 1912 Louise Amilda died Guidry, Hattie Fletcher, born 6-21-1886, died 2-6-1927. Meridional 2-12-1927: Called Home. Mrs. Leon Guidry died at her home near Perry, La., Sunday, February 6th. She was, before her marriage Miss Hattie Fletcher, daughter of John E. Fletcher, who for many years resided in the Seventh Ward near Perry, but for some time past has been a resident of Lake Arthur. Mrs. Guidry is survived by the following brothers: Ernest S. of Jefferson Island; John E., of Kaplan; and Luther and Sam, both of Lake Arthur; also the following sisters: Mrs. Geo. Abraham, of Gueydan; Mrs. Frank Vollmer, of Illinois; and Mattie and Eula, of Texas. Funeral took place Tuesday from her late residence, interment in Graceland Cemetery, with Rev. Roy of the Methodist Church, officiating. Funeral arrangements were in charge of Bernard and Dauterive Undertaking Company. Harrington, Laura Stephens, born 5-24-1862, died 6-11-1929. Abbeville Progress 6-15-1929: Mrs. Cornelius Harrington. Mrs. Cornelius Harrington, aged 67 years and 18 days died at her home in this city, on Tuesday, June 11th, 1929, at 7 o'clock p.m. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, with services at the Methodist; interment being made in the Graceland cemetery. The funeral attendance was unusually large, and the floral offerings were many and beautiful. Besides other relatives, Mrs. Harrington is survived by her husband, Mr. Cornelius Harrington; the following children: Mr. Perry Harrington, of Port Arthur, Texas; Mrs. Edias J. Broussard, of this city; Mrs. Conrad Comfort, of Port Arthur, Texas; Mr. Pervy Harrington, of Port Arthur Texas; the following step-children: Mrs. Fils Domingue, of this city; Mr. Clerphe Harrington and Mr. Gussie Harrington, of this place; one sister, Mrs. Stephen Shepherd, of Crowley, one half-sister, Mrs. Alfred Hebert, of Spring Hill. Before her marriage Mrs. Harrington was Miss Laura L. Stephens. Hinckley, John V., born 8-17-1854, died 5-22-1928. Meridional 5-26-1928: John V. Hinckley Dies Here Tuesday. John V. Hinckley, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of the city died at his home here Tuesday, May 22, at 12:30 o'clock p.m., aged 73 years, 9 months and 5 days. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, with religious services conducted at the residence by Revs. Brown of the Presbyterian Church at Lafayette, and Williamson of the local Baptist church. He was laid to rest in the Graceland Cemetery. Besides his widow he is survived by three sisters: Mrs. Roth, of New Orleans; Mrs. Honsby, of Iota; and another sister, now living in Colorado; two nieces, Mrs. Louis Fisher, of New Iberia; and Mrs. Wm. Coleman, of Jefferson Island; three nephews, Charlie Hickley [sic], of New Iberia, John Hinkley [sic], of Erath, and Dudley Hinckley, of Jefferson Island. Mr. Hinckley was a native of Louisiana, and came to Vermilion parish in 1882. His occupation was that of carpenter-contractor, and he remained actively engaged in his chosen occupation until late in life. He was not affiliated with any church but lived a life free from reproach—using the golden rule as his guiding principle in life, always attempting to do unto others as he would be done by. He lived a model life, and will be remembered by his attitude of absolute fairness toward all public questions, and his kindly demeanor in dealing with people of all classes and conditions in life. A gentleman of the old school he made a favorable impression upon all with whom he came in contact, and it may truthfully be said that the world is better for his having lived. Holmes, Mary P. Walker, born 1-18-1870, died 8-13-1914. Meridional 8-15-1914: Mrs. W. D. Holmes, died Thursday afternoon, Aug. 13, at 4 o'clock, at the residence of herself and husband, about 4 miles west of Perry's Bridge. She had been in failing health for several months past. She was 44 years of age and was a native of Lafayette county, Miss., but had resided here for more than 25 years. She is survived by her husband and nine children, four boys and five girls. She was a most estimable lady, beloved by all who knew her as was shown by the large attendance at her funeral Friday afternoon, where her remains were laid to rest in the Gooch graveyard opposite Perry's Bridge Huff, Angie Bailey Haner, born 2-7-1851, died 11-7-1910. Meridional 11-12-1910: Mrs. Angie Bailey Haner Huff, wife of Deputy Sheriff Edward W. Huff, of the second Ward, died Monday at her home near Henry, aged fifty-nine years, nine months. She was a native of New Orleans, but had resided in this parish for the past thirty five years. She is survived by her husband, five sons, five daughters and one brother, H. C. Haner, of Crowley. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, interment being made in the new Masonic cemetery at this place. For 38 years she served faithfully as a loving wife and mother. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank our friends for the kind assistance rendered to us during the illness and death of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. E. W. Huff. Huff, Edward Wilson, born 6-14-1844, died 8-11-1913. Meridional 8-16-1913: Edward W. Huff, a well known citizen of the second ward died at his home near Henry, on Monday at 9:30 a.m. aged 69 years. He was the son of Thos. L. Huff, sheriff of St. Mary parish before the war. When a mere lad he entered the Confederate army, becoming a member of Bailey Vinsen's noted company of rangers. After the close of hostilities he married and located in Vermilion parish, where he reared a large family. For a number of years he was a deputy sheriff and also served several terms as constable of the police jury. He is survived by two brothers, George Huff of Vidalia, James M. Huff of Crowley and one sister, Mrs. James Pickett, of Elton. His funeral took place here Tuesday afternoon interment being made in the Masonic cemetery. His surviving children are Mmes. Lizzie Haner, Kate Hudson, Eddie Hinel [sic, Himel], Sallie Lee, Angie Morgan, Miss Lillie Huff and Messrs. Edward, Hunter, Clarence, and Tom. Meridional 8-30-1913: Obituary. Edward W. Huff died at his home in Prairie Gregg near Henry, on Monday, August 11, at 9:05 p.m. at the age of 69 years and 2 months. He was the son of Thos. L. Huff and Sarah E. Wilson. He was born in Louisville, Ky., June 14, 1844; his [family] moved to this parish in 1869 from which [time] he resided [here]. He was a high sheriff for one term and for many years deputy sheriff. He leaves to mourn his loss two brothers, George and James Huff of Crowley; two sisters, Mrs. S. E. Burruss of Gueydan and Mrs. J. L. Pickett of Elton; and ten children, Mrs. L. E. Haner of Memphis, Mrs. K. B. Hudson of Beaumont, Mrs. Z. P. Himel of this place, Mrs. W. A. Lee of Gueydan, Mrs. W. W. Morgan of Beaumont, Miss Lilly Huff of this place, Thos. L. Huff of Galveston, E. W. Huff of Laurent, Hunter T. and Clarence D. Huff of this place. His wife preceeded [sic] him to the grave. The Family. Huff, Sarah Elizabeth, born 11-27-1822, died 1-7-1911. Meridional 1-14-1911: Mrs. S. E. Huff Dead. Mrs. Sarah E. Huff, an old resident of this parish, died Saturday night at her home a few miles south of Abbeville, aged 88 years. She was born in Plaquemine, Iberville parish, on Nov. 27, 1822; shortly after leaving school she was married to Thomas L. Huff, who was sheriff of St. Mary parish in the early fifties. She was the mother of four sons and two daughters: Edward W., of this parish; George, of Vidalia; James of Eagan; W. D. Huff, deceased, of Lafayette; Mrs. James Pickett, of Elton, Mrs. S. Burris, of this place. Her funeral took place Monday afternoon, interment being made in Graceland cemetery Lewis, Laura Belle, born 12-18-1921, died 8-23-1922 (grave unmarked). Meridional 8-26-1922: Died. At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lewis, on Wednesday, August 23rd, 1922, at 12:30 p.m., Laura Belle Lewis, aged 9 months and 5 days. The funeral was held on Thursday Aug. 24th, at 3 o'clock p.m., from the Methodist Church, interment in the Masonic cemetery McComiskey, R. J. G., born 4-11-1860, died 1-18-1923 Meridional 1-20-1923: Died. At his residence in Abbeville, La., on Thursday, Jan. 18th, 1923, at 6:20 p.m. R. J. G. McComiskey, aged 61 years, 9 months and 7 days. The funeral services were held at his late residence on Friday Jan. 19th at 3:30 p.m. Burial was made in Graceland Cemetery. Meridional 2-3-1923: Resolution of Condolence and Sympathy. Resolved that we extend our Sister and co-worker Mrs. R. J. G. McComiskey our sincerest sympathy and love in the great bereavement she has sustained in the death of her beloved husband and while we know that our words are inadequate to express the sorrow she feels, we know that she will turn to Him that is our only true comforter and that He will sustain her for He doeth all things well. That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes and be published in the local papers. Presbyterian Ladies Auxiliary. Miller, Emma Bell Carter, born 1-11-1866, died 3-5-1925. Meridional 3-7-1925: Died. At her home, near Abbeville, La., on Thursday, March 5th, 1925, at 3 a.m., Mrs. Emma Belle Carter, wife of B. H. Miller, aged 59 years, 1 month and 24 days. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon, March 5th, from the residence to the Methodist Church where services were held. Interment was made in the Graceland Cemetery. Meridional 3-14-1925: Mrs. Emma Belle Carter Miller Whereas, God in his infinite wisdom, has deemed it best to remove from our midst our beloved member, Mrs. Emma Belle Carter Miller to a larger field of greater usefulness, therefore be it resolved, that we the members of the Order of the Eastern Star, have lost a most valuable member, who was always faithful in the discharge of her duty—That in our loss we despair not, but may we imitate her example of faithfulness and set our hearts and hands to work before us. That in extending our sympathy to her loved ones, we do so with the confident belief that she has gone to her reward as a result of a well spent life, That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes of our Chapter O.E.S., and a copy be sent to the local papers. Mrs. J. E. Nettles, Mrs. G. J. Griffin, Mrs. J. R. Kitchell. Montagne, Sarah Creswell, born 4-5-1861, died 4-9-1914. Abbeville Progress, 4-11-1914: Mrs. Ernest Montagne died at her home in this city Thursday evening at 6 p.m. at the age of 53 years and five days. The funeral took place from the residence yesterday evening at 3 o'clock, burial being made in the Masonic cemetery. The funeral was very largely attended. Mrs. Montagne leaves nine children, Mrs. Louise Moss, Mrs. Nora Moss, Miss Belle Montagne, Raoul J., Ralph, Wilfred, Maurice, Maxie and Edgar Montagne, besides her husband and other relatives. Poche, Grace McCarty, born 11-1-1873, died 3-17-1929. Meridional 3-23-1929: Mrs. W. A. Poche Dies at Her Home in Kaplan. Mrs. Grace McCarthy Poche, beloved wife of Dr. W. A. Poche, died at her home in Kaplan, on Sunday, March 17, at 3:30 a.m., aged 56 years, 4 months and 16 days. The funeral was held Monday, March 18, at 10:00 a.m., with services at the First Methodist Church in Abbeville, followed by interment in the Graceland Cemetery. Randel, Robert R., born 9-20-1890, died 4-8-1912. Meridional 4-13-1912: Sad Suicide. Robert Randell [sic], aged 21 years, son of D. V. Randel, a farmer residing about three miles east of town committed suicide about 9:30 Monday morning by shooting himself in the left breast using a single barreled shotgun. He left a note stating that he could not get ahead in the world; that the harder he worked and the more saved the less he had. He was a very quiet, industrious young man and highly esteemed. He was originally from Greencastle, Ind., coming here several years ago with his father and family. The coroner's inquest returned a verdict of suicide. Richardson, Frank, born 1897, died 10-14-1918. Meridional 10-19-1918: Frank Richardson, age 21 years, son of A. W. Richardson, police juror of the 3rd ward, died last week at Camp at Pensacola, Florida. His body arrived here Thursday and was buried that afternoon in the Masonic cemetery. He left $10,000 war insurance to his young sister and brother. Richardson, Robert W., born 1890, died 10-21-1918. Meridional 10-26-1918: Robert Richardson, aged 26, son of A. W. Richardson died this week at Sulphur of influenza. His body was brought here Thursday for burial. He leaves a wife and two small children. This is the second son Mr. Richardson has lost within a week. Ritter, Charles F., born 5-19-1846, died 12-1-1925. Meridional 12-5-1925: Died. In Abbeville, La., on Tuesday, December 1st. 1925, at 11:45 P.M., Charles F. Ritter, aged 79 years, 6 months and 12 days. Funeral was held from the Ritter home on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd. Interment was made in the Graceland Cemetery here. Ritter, Laura Ann Bullick, born 8-13-1877, died 9-1-1927. Meridional 9-3-1927: Mrs. J. F. Ritter. Mrs. J. F. Ritter died at her home here on Thursday, Sept. 1st, at 3:10 o'clock a.m., after a lingering illness, aged 50 years and 19 days. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon at five o'clock with services at the residence conducted by Rev. Williamson of the Baptist Church. Burial was made in the Graceland Cemetery. Mrs. Ritter's maiden name was Laura Ann Bullick. She was married to Mr. J. F. Ritter at an early age, and for a time they made their home at Jennings, La., coming to Abbeville some twenty-five years ago. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Bessie and Aline, and one son: Kenneth. Shanks, Kate Chevis, born 1866, died 11-9-1912 Meridional 11-16-1912: Mrs. Kate Chevis Shanks, died Saturday at Sulphur, Calcasieu parish, after a lingering illness, aged 46 years. She was the youngest daughter of the late Dr. H. T. Chevis, one of the pioneer physicians of this section. She was married about twelve years since to John C. Shanks who with several children survive her. Her body was brought here Sunday and after services at the Methodist church, interred in the new Masonic cemetery. Sirmon, Mary Beasley, born 7-8-1845, died 9-10-1921. Meridional 9-17-1921: Gone To Her Reward. Mrs. R. G. Sirmon passed from life to her eternal reward from her home near Abbeville, on Saturday September 10th, 1921, at 2:30 o'clock p.m., aged 76 years, 2 months and 2 days. She had been ill for quite a while and the coming of the silent messenger was looked upon without fear. Relief from the pain and suffering of this world came in the natural course of time—she having rounded out the three score and ten years allotted mankind. She thought of the parting with loved ones as but temporary—looking for a blessed reunion in that home where pain and sorrow have no being. Mrs. Sirmon, whose maiden name was Mary J[ane]. Beasley, was born in Conneichu [sic, Conecuh] County, Ala., July 8th 1845, and died at her home near Abbeville, on Sept. 10th, 1921. Before leaving her childhood home in Ala., she was married to Mr. R. G. Sirmon, and shortly afterward (1867) they moved to this state, settling in Caldwell parish, near Columbia. After a few years residence at that place they moved to Grant parish and made their home near Colfax. Later on they settled near Boyce, where they made their home until they removed to this place in 1893. She leaves a husband, R. G. Sirmon and three sons, Tom, of Markham, Tex., B. E. of Gueydan, and Jewell, of Abbeville, and one daughter Mrs. S. D. Rowe, of Gueydan, to mourn her loss. Mrs. Sirmon was one of the most lovable of characters—true Christian in the fullest meaning of the word, and loved and respected by all who knew her. her many friends and acquaintances will remember her as one gifted with a true appreciation of the things of life—spreading happiness and joy throughout the long course of her life. Every one who came in contact with her felt the che[e]ring influence of her presence and now that Death's messenger has summoned her hence, we not only grieve at her loss, but feel a keen sense of regret that the world has so few like her. To the bereaved ones who have suffered the loss of the best and truest of friends, the Meridional extends its sincerest sympathies. Sledge, Susie Marguerite, born 10-11-1910, died 4-4-1914. Abbeville Progress, 4-18-1914: Obituary. One of the most beautiful things in this world so full of beauty, is life as it is seen in a sweet young child. Such beauty dwelt for a brief season in the home of the parents of little Susie Marguerite Sledge. She was born Oct. 11, 1910, and died April 4, 1914, and was laid to rest April 5, 1914 in the cemetery near Abbeville, La., the writer conducting the funeral service, three and a half years of beautiful child life, the center of much joy to a Christian home, a few houses of suffering, and the life disappears from that home to bloom in, beauty unfading in a better, for did not the Master say "Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Little Susie was an only child and we do not wonder that it was hard for father and mother to give her up. The surrender was made in the sweetest Christian spirit and they write me this "We are so thankful that we had Christian parents who taught us to submit to His will. We have more to work for now than we had before." "Life was so fair a thing to her We wept and pleaded for its stay; Our wish was granted us, for lo! She hath eternal life today." J. IVY HOFFPAUIR Stansbury, Burton C., born 3-10-1907, died 10-7-1921. Meridional 10-15-1921: Gone To Rest. On October the 7th, at 1 o'clock p.m. occurred the death of Burton C. Stansbury, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Stansbury, at their home in Perry, La. Death came as a surprise to all. The young man was in town Thursday in company with some of his friends, & upon reaching home he was stricken with illness and death ensued in less than 24 hours. He was a bright boy and endeared himself to all who knew him, and he will be lovingly remembered by a host of friends and acquaintances. The funeral took place Saturday, burial being made in the Masonic Cemetery near Abbeville. The Meridional joins the great multitude of friends and relatives in expressions of sincerest sympathy to the bereaved ones in this their darkest hour of sorrow. Stansbury, H. J. "Hank", born 12-2-1858, died 5-23-1923. Meridional 5-26-1923: Called to His Reward. Mr. H. J. Stansbury, a well known and prominent citizen of this city passed quietly away at the home of his son Remy in New Orleans, on Wednesday, May 23rd, at 7 o'clock A.M. Mr. Stansbury was 64 years, five months and 21 days of age, and leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. The funeral was held at the Methodist church here Thursday afternoon at 5:00 o'clock. Burial was made in the Graceland Cemetery. Stansbury, Rachael Stakes, born 1834, died 11-21-1910 Meridional 11-24-1910: Mrs. Summerfield Stansbury. Mrs. Summerfield Stansbury died Wednesday morning at her home in Perry's Bridge, aged 76 years. She was the widow of a prominent sugar planter in the days of open kettle sugar and had large family connections. She is survived by three sons, Hank J., of Centerville, Ivy L. of Perry, and Robert of this place, and four daughters, Mrs. John A. Fletcher, of Gueydan; Mrs. Gus. Ray of Houston, Tex., Mrs. Jeffr. Stakes, of Perry, and Mr. B. L. O'Bryan of Beaumont, Tex. The funeral took place Thursday morning, interment being made in Graceland Cemetery. Stansbury, Mrs. Uriah W., born 1851, died 11-26-1926 Meridional 12-4-1926: Died. Mrs. U. W. Stansbury died Friday, November 26th, at 10 o'clock a.m., at her home South of Perry. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon, with services conducted by Rev. Roy of the Abbeville Methodist Church. Interment was made in the Graceland Cemetery. Mrs. Stansbury was 75 years of age and is survived by her husband and the following sons and daughters: Mrs. L. C. Haynes, of Port Arthur; Mrs. E. M. Crone, of Beaumont; Mrs. C. C. Haynes and Mrs. F. H. Haynes, of Abbeville; Mrs. S. J. Butaud, of Port Neches; Mrs. Eno Lacour, Miss Daisy, Messrs. George, James and L. J. of Perry; and Mr. Russell Stansbury of Abbeville. The deceased was a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist Church and died in the assurance of a glorious hereafter. Her many relatives and friends, though realizing that she had overreached the span of three-score and ten years allotted man, grieve nevertheless that she has passed beyond the veil where there is so much of the Master's work that remains undone. All those who mourn, but not without hope, look forward to a happy reunion in the better world. Our loss is her infinite gain. Stebbins, Anson W., born 2-10-1855, died 4-2-1919. Meridional 4-5-1919: Anson W. Stebbins, aged 64 years, died suddenly Wednesday morning at his home in Lake Charles. He was a native of Madison County, Miss. and had lived in this State for a number of years. He is survived by his wife, three daughters and five sons, one of whom is Frank C. Stebbins of this town. Stebbins, E. Marion, born 2-2-1857, died 8-14-1926. Meridional 8-21-1926: E. M. Stebbins. Mr. E. M. Stebbins, one of Vermilion's most substantial and progressive citizens died at his home here Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock after a very brief illness. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 6:00 interment being made in the Graceland cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Revs. Marion Melvill and B. O. Wood. Mr. Stebbins was 69 years of age, and the greatest portion of his life had been spent in Vermilion parish. He is survived by his widow, and two children: Mrs. Utley, of New Orleans, and Wilbur Stebbins, of Gueydan. Mr. Stebbins was for many years actively engaged in the lumber business here and was widely acquainted with the citizens of the parish. At one time (1904-8) he served the people as a member of the Police jury, and in 1920 he was elected to the Town Council of Abbeville, where he served with distinction, always having the welfare of the community at heart. He was a man of many admirable qualities, a devout christian and life long member of the Presbyterian church. His keen sense of fair play and justice was never confused by selfishness and greed, and it can be said of him that he practiced the golden rule. What more can be said of any man? The memory of his many kind acts and words will linger with us until we too, are called to the final reckoning. Stebbins, Emma E. Hart, born 3-17-1859, died 11-8-1911. Meridional 11-11-1911: Mrs. Emma E. Hart, wife of A. W. Stebbins, died at 1 o'clock p.m. Wednesday at her home in Gueydan aged 50 [sic, 52] years 7 months and 22 days. Her body was brought here on the morning train Thursday and inter[r]ed that afternoon in the New Masonic Cemetery. She is survived by 5 sons and 3 daughters. She was a devout and life long member of the Presbyterian Church. Card of Thanks. To all who so kindly assisted us materially and for all of their sympathy during the sickness and death of our dearly loved mother and wife we owe a debt of gratitude that we can never pay, and appreciate every kind thought every word of sympathy, and thank every one with all our hearts. A. W. Stebbins & Family Stebbins, Rachel J. Fleming, born 12-20-1834, died 6-17-1922. Meridional 7-1-1922: Died. On Sunday, June 18th. at the home of her son, E. M. Stebbins, after an illness of a few hours, Mrs. R. J. Stebbins, aged 87 years. Mrs. Stebbins was a native of Madison County, Miss., but had resided in Abbeville for several years. Her remains were laid to rest in the Masonic Cemetery with Presbyterian ceremonies on Sunday afternoon. The funeral was largely attended. To the family we extend our sympathy. Steen, Albert Charles, born 12-6-1891, died 12-30-1917. Meridional 1-5-1918: Abbeville has made the first sacrifice in the great war, the first one of her gallant sons has given his life in the service of the country. Albert C. Steen, aged 26 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Steen died of pneumonia in the base hospital at Camp Sam Houston near San Antonio, Texas on Sunday, Dec. 30, 1917 at 7:15 a.m. His father and mother were with him when he died. His body arrived here Monday night and the funeral took place New Years day at 3 p.m. with masonic ceremonies. He was married only a few months ago, and his wife, a daughter of W. D. Holmes of Perry, together with his parents and family survive. To the afflicted one the sympathy of the community goes forth in all its ful [l]ness and we wish for them that comfort which time and faith alone can bring. Steen, Bernard, born 9-15-1898, died 11-8-1910. Meridional 11-12-1910: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Steen suffered a sad affliction this week in the death Tuesday afternoon of their little son Bernard aged fourteen years, who died of typhoid pneumonia after a short illness. The remains were taken to New Iberia for interment. [Later removed to Graceland Cemetery.] Steen, Clarence, born 11-18-1908, died 11-18-1908. Meridional 11-21-1908: The stork made a visit this week to the home of C. S. Steen, leaving two fine twin boys. Unfortunately one of them lived only a short while. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon. Steen, Reuben Samuel, born 7-6-1896, died 11-1-1922. Meridional 11-4-1922: Fatal Accident. On Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock Reuben S. Steen was accidentally killed at the Steen Syrup factory while attempting to stop a leak in the blow off pipe. It seems that he had gone to the rear of the boiler for the express purpose of checking the leak, and while at work thereon the threads on the pipe, which were known to be very weak, gave way and the pipe blew out striking him on the head causing instant death. Mr. Steen was a native of this section and stood high in the estimation of all who knew him. He was one of the most apt and progressive young men of the community, and had he lived he would soon have been looked upon as one of its leading citizens. He was married in the summer of 1919 to Miss Thelma Brunette Scharff, a daughter of Mr. Henry Scharff, also of this place. Shortly after their marriage they removed to San Domingo, where they remained until this summer, when Mr. Steen returned to become associated with his father, Mr. C. S. Steen in the business of manufacturing syrup. He was 26 years of age. The funeral took place Thursday from the family residence, funeral services being conducted by the Masonic Lodge of this place. Interment was made in the Graceland Cemetery. Besides his wife he leaves a father and mother, two brothers and two sisters, also a host of other relatives and friends to mourn his untimely taking off. The Meridional joins the community in expressions of heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved in this their darkest hour of affliction. Summers, Ethel Clair Palmer, born 11-24-1883, died 10-22-1918. Meridional 10-26-1918: Mrs. Ethel Palmer Summers, aged 35 years, beloved wife of James A. Summers, died at her home here Tuesday at 5:30 a.m. after an illness of more than a week with influenza. She was a native of Baton Rouge and was loved by all who knew her for her many noble qualities. She is survived by her husband and one sister Miss May Palmer. Meridional 11-9-1918: Mrs. Ethel Palmer Summers. Resolutions adopted by the members of the Lizzie Chapter of the Order of Eastern Stars. Whereas, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom and love has removed from our midst our beloved member to a large field of greater usefulness, therefore be it now resolved - 1. That we, the members of the Lizzie Chapter No. 11 of Eastern Stars, have lost a most valuable member who [was] always faithful in the discharge of her duties as an officer, past matron and grand officer, 2. That we imitate her example of faithfulness to the chapter, and as well as her tireless service in behalf of the community at large. 3. That we extend to her loved ones our warmest sympathy, reminding them of that tender prayer of the Master, "Father, I will that they also, whom Thou has given Me be with Me where I am." 4. That this tribute of respect be placed upon the minutes of our chapter, and a copy published in the local papers. Mrs. Summer Caldwell Mrs. J. E. Nettles. Trahan, Marie Emerite Broussard, born 5-15-1868, died 10-20-1923 Meridional 10-27-1923: Obituary. Mrs. Marie Emerite Trahan, (Nee Broussard) was born May 15th, 1868 in Vermilion Parish. Died October 20th, 1923 in her home near Abbeville, La. She was united in marriage to Mr. Arthur Trahan, January 16th, 1882. To this Union one child was born, Louise, who was present when the End came, to mo[u]rn the loss of true and loving, as well as a faithful Christian Mother, Sister Trahan proffessed [sic] Religion several years ago and united with the Presbyterian church of Ab[b]eville, and has lived a consistent Christian life until the Lord said; come up higher to be with God, and all of the Redeemed. She was sick for many months, but was kind, and patient in all of her suffering, and remained true to her Lord who gave her the calm release from this world, and an Entrance into that city whose builder and maker is God. Sister Trahan loved her Church and was a willing worker as long as she was able to go about, and after she was unable to attend upon the ordinances of the church, she enjoyed talking with all Christian people, who loved the Lord, regardless of what church affil[i]ation they may have pos[s]essed, having a very high regard for all good people. She was ever ready for any good work and exemplified in her daily life Faith, Hope, and Charity, the grand principles of a life with Christ. She rests from her labors, but her works will ever follow her. Truly a Mother in Iseral [sic] has fallen. Husband, Daughter, Brothers, and relatives weep not as those who have no hope, for you know where to find her, she cannot Come to you, but you can go to her. Her going should enhance the value of heaven to you, there by making it more attractive. Her funeral service was held in the Presbyterian Church of Abbeville where she held her membership, by F. M. Miller the Pastor of the Methodist Church of Abbeville and the Body was laid to rest in the Masonic Cemetary [sic], to wait the resur[r]ection morning. Vitello, Jeanette Mazerolle, born 1886, died 7-13-1927. Meridional 7-16-1927: Called To Her Reward. It is with a feeling of inexpressible sorrow that we chronicle the death of Mrs. J. A. Vitello, which occurred at her home here Wednesday afternoon at 2:58 o'clock, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Vitello, whose maiden name was Jeanette Mazerolle, was 41 years of age. She was a native of Abbeville and lived here all her life. In the year 1900 she was united in marriage to Mr. J. A. Vitello. She is survived by her husband, her mother, five daughters: Niobe, of Houston, Tex., Mrs. Eugene S. Plauche, (Jeanette) of Lake Charles, Lillian, Norma, and Elaine, of Abbeville; three sons: Emile, of New Orleans, Earle and Roland; one brother and three sisters. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon, with services conducted by Rev. Williamson, of the local Baptist Church. She was laid to rest in the Graceland Cemetery. The Meridional joins with the host of friends in expressions of sincerest sympathy for the bereaved family. Card of Thanks. We take this method of expressing our sincere thanks to all our friends who were so kind and sympathetic during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. J. A. Vitello. The Family. Wall, Frank L., born 7-23-1839, died 9-8-1908 Meridional 9-12-1908: Death of F. L. Wall. Frank L. Wall, an old and highly respected citizen, died Tuesday night at his home in this town, aged 69 years, one month and 16 days. He had been confined to his bed for more than a year. Mr. Wall was a native of Wilkinson county, Miss., and served in the Confederate army during the civil war. In the latter part of sixties he removed to Vermilion parish where he continued to reside and engaged in farming. For a number of years he was in the hotel business and conducted the Wall House [present location of Young Eye Clinic] with marked success and to the satisfaction of the traveling public. He is survived by his widow and one son, Lovelace, who is in business in Orange, Tex. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon, interment being made in Graceland, the new Masonic cemetery, and being the first person buried therein. White, Frances Ellen Campbell, born 11-27-1830, died 9-6-1912. Meridional 9-7-1912: Mrs. John C. White died yesterday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock at the home of Ernest Richardson, her son in law, at the advanced age of 81 years, 9 months, and 10 days. She was one of the oldest inhabitants of the parish where she was born, Frances Ellen Campbell, in lower Vermilion in 1830. White, Jeannette, born 5-10-1893, died 5-2-1909. Meridional 5-8-1909: A Sad Death. One of the saddest deaths we have as our duty to chronicle is that of Jeannette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. White which occur[r]ed last Sunday morning at the New Orleans Sanatarium [sic]. Death is ever tragic; but the taking of this sweet child, just budding into womanhood is inexpressibly pathetic. She was a student at Whitworth College, Brookhaven, Miss. when stricken with typhoid fever. For away from home and a loving mother, her illness was so lightly regarded as to amount to neglect upon the part of the school authorities, and when her mother reached her bedside she had her removed to the New Orleans, Sanitarium, where despite the best of care and nursing she passed away. She was 15 years 11 months and 22 days old. Her remains reached here on the afternoon train Sunday and at ten o'clock Monday morning funeral services were held at the house after which she was laid to final rest in Graceland Cemetery. The afflicted ones have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. White, Lucinda Lyons, born 11-15-1845, died 4-5-1918. Meridional 4-13-1918: Death of Mrs. W. D. White. Last Saturday at 8 o'clock p.m. after an illness of several months Mrs. (Dr.) W. D. White, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. R. Kitchell, aged 72 years, 4 months and 21 days. Her maiden name was Lucinda Reeves Lyons, she being the daughter of Abram Lyons and Elizabeth Reeves. She was born Nov. 15, 1845 and was married to Dr. White in 1863 and located in Abbeville, where the doctor lived and practised his profession for many years. She is survived [by] two brothers, H. B. Lyons of Gulfport, Miss., and E. J. Lyons of Melville; two sisters Mrs. D. C. Rose of Crowley and Mrs. W. A. White of Bogalusa, and the following children: Mrs. J. R. Kitchell of Abbeville, Dr. H. B. White of Lake Charles, Dr. J. M. White of Gueydan, James E. and Thomas P. White of Crowley, Mrs. W. O. Pipes, Mrs. W. C. Bier of Crowley, Mrs. Rosa Sampson of Beaumont, Tex. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the Methodist church burial being made in the New Masonic cemetery, the casket containing the remains of her husband being placed in the same vault. [He had originally been buried in the Old Masonic Cemetery.] Hers was a beautiful life, filled with good deeds and loving kindness. It was fitting that the fatal summons came, not in gloomy, dreary winter, but in the gladsome springtime, full of hope and brightness, as was her own disposition; that she should be laid to her final rest when the earth was carpeted with fresh verdure and sweet flowers. Nature had put on a soft, bright garb, and in bud and blossom symbolized the glorious resurrection which awaits beyond in the Great Eternity reached through that transition we call Death. Williams, James Newton, born 6-24-1846, died 9-3-1908. Meridional 9-5-1908: Death of James N. Williams. Hon. James N. Williams, one of the most prominent and widely known citizens of the parish died suddenly of heart disease Thursday afternoon at his home near Henry in the second ward, aged 62 years, 2 months, and 10 days. He was a native of Alabama and removed to this parish with his parents at the close of the Civil war and settled in Prairie Gregg where he resided until his death. He was a man of sterling integrity and positive convictions and always enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the people. He took an active interest in educational matters and for many years was Parish Superintendent of Education. His last official position was that of clerk of the Police Jury, which he held until last June. In 1895 upon the death of Alphonse L. LeBlanc, he became a candidate for sheriff and was defeated by J. Oscar Hebert by the narrow margin of thirty seven votes. The death of Mr. Williams is a distinct loss to the entire community. Men of his fibre are rare and their loss is deeply felt and difficult to replace. We tender our deep sympathies to the bereaved ones and can offer no consolation greater than the respect for the honored name and record which he has left them as a rich legacy. He is survived by his widow and three sons, Frank B. Williams of Erath, Hugh Williams of Alexandria and Henry Williams of Lake Charles. His funeral which took place yesterday afternoon was largely attended, interment being made in the cemetery at Henry. [Note: His remains were subsequently removed to Graceland Cemetery in Abbeville.] Williams, Minor V., born 1880, died 10-29-1918. Meridional 11-2-1918: M. V. Williams, aged 34 years, husband of Miss Ouida Labit, died Tuesday at his home in Baton Rouge after an illness of several days with influenza-pneumonia. The deceased resided here several years since and was employed as bookkeeper for John Anderson, dredging contractor, who dug the Intercoastal [sic] Canal from Vermilion Bay to White Lake. His body was brought here Wednesday and buried that afternoon with Masonic ceremonies in the new Masonic cemetery. He leaves a mother, wife and two small children. Meridional 1-18-1919: Resolutions of Respect. To the Worshipful Master and Members of Abbeville Lodge No. 192 F. & A. M. Your committee appointed to draft resolutions of respect to the memory of our deceased brother MINOR V. WILLIAMS, respectfully submit the following: Whereas, the Supreme Grand Master and Ruler of the Universe has seen fit to remove from Abbeville Lodge No. 192, F. & A. M., our esteemed brother, Minor V. Williams, who departed from this life October 28, 1918, and Whereas, Brother Williams has been an acceptable and examplary [sic] member of this Lodge, has been an honored member of society, a kind and helpful friend, a loving husband, a useful and loyal citizen, Resolved, That in his death Abbeville Lodge has lost a worthy member, his family a loving husband and son and society one of its valuable citizens, Resolved, That we commend his devotion to duty, his worthy example as a citizen and his integrity as a man and a mason to the brethren, Resolved, That his virtue as a citizen and Master Mason are worthy of the honor, esteem and respect of this lodge and that in token thereof for the memory of our departed brother, Abbeville Lodge No. 192, F. & A. M. be draped in mourning and that the members of the lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That the secretary of our lodge is hereby insturcted [sic] to set aside a page of our record book for recording of these resolutions, that they be published in the local papers and that a copy be furnished to the widow and father of our deceased brother as a token of our condolence and sympathy in their sad bereavement. Respectfully submitted, H. A. Broussard, J. E. Aikens, J. H. McCann, Committee. Wilson, Edwin Shields, born 2-16-1876, died 5-6-1916. Meridional 5-13-1916: Edwin S. Wilson, the manager of the [Abram] Kaplan canal interests in this parish, died Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in the Crowley Sanitarium, following an illness of nine weeks with typhoid fever and its complications. His body was brought here for interment, the funeral taking place Sunday afternoon from the residence of his father-in-law, Geo. W. Summer[s]. He was 40 years, 2 months and 20 days old at the time of his death. He was a fine business man and was held in high esteem by his employers and all who knew him. His widow, who was Miss Laura Summers, of this place, and two small children survive. For them, as well as the family, the community sorrow in the terrible bereavement which has untimely befallen them.