Vermilion County Louisiana Archives Obituaries.....Vincent, Augustin - March 9, 1932 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mary K. Creamer July 14, 2024, 11:05 pm source: The Daily Advertiser. (Lafayette, Louisiana) March 9, 1932, page 9 VINCENT RITES HELD IN LEROY - (By The Associated Press) - LEROY, March 9 - Funeral services for Augustin Vincent, 78, who died at his home here were held this afternoon at the local Catholic church followed by interment at the Catholic cemetery. The deceased is survived by his widow, nee Louisa Landry, six sons, Alexis, Caesar, Joseph, Pierre, Francois and Augustin Vincent, Jr.; one sister, Mrs. Eloi Prejean, 30 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren. A. A. Crouchet of the Dauterive Undertaking Co. of Lafayette was in charge of funeral arrangements. source: The Daily Advertiser. (Lafayette, Louisiana) March 11, 1932, page 7 VINCENT RITES HELD IN LEROY - (By The Associated Press) - LEROY, March 11 - Largely attended funeral services held at the Catholic church for Augustin Vincent, 78, prominent citizen who died at his home here. The floral offerings were many and beautiful and the pall bearers were the six grandsons of the deceased, Louis Vincent, Louis Landry, Cleon, Alfred and Clef Vincent, of LeRoy and Wilcy Berry of Gueydan. A. A. Croucheet (sic) of the Dauterive Undertaking Co. of Lafayette was in charge of funeral arrangements. Additional Comments: NOTE: memorial # 66992579 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb