1870 Mortality Schedule, Washington Parish, La. Submitted by Edie McKinney Talley ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************ Transcribed by Gloria L. Kerns. Used by permission. PERSONS WHO DIED DURING THE YEAR ENDING 1ST JUNE 1870 IN THE PARISH OF WASHINGTON, STATE OF LOUISIANA. ENUMERATED BY ME, T.E. SLOCUM, ASS'T MARSHALL. 105 NOTE: The number before each name refers to the family number on the 1870 census schedule. [gk] BB 09 DANIEL, H.W. - Age 1 months, White, male, born La., died August 1869 of cholera infantum. 12 MORRIS, Washington - Age 1, Black, male, born Ms., died September l869 of pneumonia. 33 WALKER, William - Age 55, White, male, married, born Ga., died August 1869 of pneumonia, turner. 27 MAGEE, Washington - Age 13, Mulatto, male, born La., died November 1869 of acute diarrhea, farm laborer. 31 GRACE, Ann - Age 18, White, female, born La., died January of typhoid fever, farm laborer. 31 GRACE, Charlote - Age 14, White, female, born La., died February 1870 of typhoid fever, farm laborer. 42 JENKINS, Lavenia - Age 50, White, female, widow, born Ms., died November 1869 of apopleation (?), keeping house. 47 BARKER, Sarah - Age 60, White, female, widow, born Ga., died April 1870 of dropsey of chest. 09 TUSSELL, Wymona --- Age 8 months, White, female, born La., died April 1870 of inflamation of bowels. 12 BICKHAM, Jacob - Age 57, White, male, born La., died May 1870 of pneumonia, idiotic. 14 JAMES, Andrew - Age 37, White, male, married, born La., died July 1869 of syphilis, farmer. 14 WALLACE, Lizer - Age 5, White, female, born Ms, died August of disease of heart. 45 ADAMS, Fielding - Age 9 months, White, male, born La., died January 1870 of pneumonia. -- BLACKWELL, Nathaniel - Age 85, White, male, married, born Ms., died March 1870 of hernia, farmer. 13 MORRIS, Edgar - Age 1, White, male, born La., died April 1870 of pneumonia. 15 (NO NAME) - Age 11 months, White, female, born La., died July l869 of disease of brain. 69 BURRIS, Charles - Age 7, White, male, born La., died July 1869 of fever. 105 LORD, Mary - Age 4. White, female, born La., died February 1870 of cholera infantum. 88 FORD, Sopha - Age 14, Black, female, born La., died May 1870 of drowning, farm laborer. 52 DANIEL, Jacob - Age 11 months, White, male, born La., died July 1869 of inflamation of bowels. 19 HART, Margann---Age 35, Black, female. married, born Ms., died May 1870 of child birth, domestic servant. 87 THIGPEN, Rebeca - Age 15, White, female, born La., died May 1870 of typhus pneumonia. 73 PETER, Samuel - Age, 9 months, Black, male, born La., died October 1869 of typhoid fever. REMARKS: I hereby certify that the foregoing copy of returns of the enumeration of subdivision # 110 contains one page and that it was made according to the instructions. T.E. Slocum Ass't Marshall