Minutes of Bogue Chitto Baptist Association, Mt. Hermon Church Commencing October 3, A.D. 1874 Submitted by Don W. Johnson, Prepared by Carolyn B. Henderson ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/la/lafiles.htm ************************************************ TIPS FOR SEARCHING RECORDS ON THE INTERNET Netscape & MS Explorer users: If searching for a particular surname, locality, or date while going through the records in the archives or anywhere...try these few steps: 1. Go to the top of the report you are searching. 2. Click on EDIT at the top of your screen. 3. Next click on FIND in the edit menu. 4. When the square pops up, enter what you are looking for in the FIND WHAT ______ blank. 5. Click on DIRECTION - DOWN button. 6. And last, click on FIND NEXT and continue to click on FIND NEXT until you reach the end of the report. Following these steps should highlight the item that you indicated in FIND WHAT every place it appears in the report. You must continue to click on FIND NEXT until you reach the end of the report to see all of the locations where it appears. MINUTES of the BOGUE CHITTO BAPTIST ASSOCIATION HELD WITH THE MOUNT HERMON CHURCH Washington Parish, La. COMMENCING OCTOBER 3, A.D. 1874 MINUTES The Bogue Chitto Baptist Association met with the Mount Hermon Church, Washington Parish, La., October 3d, 1874. The introductory sermon was preached by Eld. C. F. Craw- ford, from 35th chapter and 8th verse of Isaah. Intermission of thirty minutes. Delegates assembled in the house. Hymn was sung, and prayer offered by Eld. W. J. Fortenberry. The Moderator declared the Association organized for the transaction of busi- ness. Eld. J. L. Chandler was requested to preach at the stand outside. Brethren R. L. simmons and B. S. Turnipseed were ap- pointed Reading Clerks, by whom the letters from the churches were read and statistics recorded by the Clerk. H.W.L. Lewis and C. B. Davis, were appointed Committee on Finance. Proceeded to the election of officers for the ensing year; S.M. Simmons and J. Rayborn acting as tellers, which re- sulted in the election of Eld. C. F. Crawford Moderator, B. S. turnipseed clerk, J. A. Jenkins Treasurer. Rules of decorum read by the clerk. Visiting brethren were invited to seats with us. F. M. Shilling, B. F. Ellzey, Sam Warren, Z.E.P. Wil- liams and S. C. Walker were apointed committee on Preach- ing. Petitionary letters called for. Zion Grove, of Tangipaho Parish, La., presented a letter asking admission. Being found orthodox and sound in faith, on motion was received and the right hand of fellowship was extended by the Moderator. Correspondence called for. A letter from the Pearl River Association was received from the hands of her messenger, Eld. J. L. Chandler. A letter from the West Pearl Association was received from the hand of her messengers, I. J. Pounds and T. J. Simmons; the hand of fellowship was extended to the messengers by the Moderator. Correspondence arranged. Correspodence with Mississippi River Association discon- tinued, on account of the meetings conflicting with West Pearl. Eld. B. L. Lea and H. Z. Jenkins, messengers, Eld. Lea to write; with Pearl River, Elds. W. J. Fortenberry and B. A. Crawford, messengers Eld. Fortenberry to write; with Mississippi, messengers continued the same as last year, to-wit: S. J. Hodges, W. G. Boone, B. A. Crawford and J. A. Jen- kins. On motion, correspondence with the Hobolochitto was discontinued. Fair River messengers continued the same, to-wit: B. A. Crawford and E. C. Andrews. Eastern Louisiana messengers the same-C. F. Crawford and B. F. ellzey. Union: T. J. Everett and Jas. A. Jenkins, messengers; Everett to write. On motion, correspondence with the Baptist State Conven- tion was discontinued. The Committee on Preaching made the following report. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON PREACHING Your Committee on Preaching beg leave to report as follows: Eld. Wm. Shilling to open service, with singing and prayer. Eld. B. A. Crawford to preach a sermon on Mission, at 10 o'clock, A.M., followed with collection. Intermission of twenty minutes. Prayer by Eld. Geo. Hayden; sermon by Eld. J. L. Chandler. On motion, a leave of absence was granted Brethren J. G. Leggett, B. F. Ellzey and Thos. Zachery. On motion, H. W. L. Lewis, J. A. Jenkins and S. C. Wal- ker were appointed as Committee on Abstracts Adjourned till Monday at 9 o'clock. Sabbath exercises were conducted in accordance with the arrangement of the committee. Eld. B. A. Crawford preached from Romans, 1st chapter, 16th verse. Eld. J. L. Chandler, from Psalms, 119th chapter, and 130th verse. MONDAY Monday October 5th, 1874 The Association met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Eld. J. L. Chandler Roll called; delegates present answered to their names, ab- sentees marked. Corresponding letters called for. Letters were read, received and adopted to the following Associations, viz: West Pearl, Pearl River, and Union. On motion, letters were ordered written to those Association whose messengers wre continued the same as last year, to-wit: Mississippi, Fair River, and Eastern Louisiana. On motion, Eld. T. J. Everett was appointed to write the above letters. The committee on Preaching made the following report, which was received, and the committee discharged. Your committee beg leave to report as follows: Eld Hayden to open with prayer, then preach. Intermission fifteen minutes. Eld. B. L. Lea to preach and close. On motion, granted a letter of admission to Mount Vernon Church. The petitions from Spring Creek, Mars Hill, Bogue Chitto, Magnolia, Terry's Creek and Smyrnia, asking the Association to hold its next meeting with them, was voted upon by the Association, and resulted in the choice of Mars Hill, Amite County, Mississippi. Appointments. On motion, Eld. H. Z. Jenkins was appointed to preach the next introductory sermon, Eld. T. J. Everett his alternate. On motion, Eld. E. M. Shilling was appointed to preach on missions, Eld. Wm. H. Shilling alternate. On motion, the order of business was suspended temporarily. Reports of committees called for. The report of the committee on Abstracts was read, re- ceived and adopted - committee discharged. (See Appendix A.) Report of the Finance Committee read, received and adopted -committee discharged. (See Appendix B.) The Missionary board, with Treasurer and Missionary, made their report, which was read, received and adopted. (See Ap- pendix C.) The request of the West Pearl Association, for the Mission- ary Board of this Association to co-operate with them in the Missionary work, was received. On motion this Association agreed to co-operate with them. On motion, a Missionary Board of five were appointed to serve for the ensuing year, to-wit: H.W.L. Lewis, John Simmons, S. M. Simmons, F. M. Shilling, J. G. Leggett. On motion, the Moderator was added to the Board. Eld. T. J. Everett, appointed to write to the Fair River, Union Eastern Louisiana, and Mississippi Associations, pre- sented the letters, which were read, received and adopted. Miscellaneous business. On motion, the obituary of Bro. Wm. Lewis was ordered printed in the minutes. (See Appendix D.) The following resolutions were read and adopted: 1st. Resolved, That the Missionary Board of the Bogue Chitto Association be authorized to purchase a lot of Testaments, to be distributed in the destitute sections of the country on the border of our Association. 2d. Resolved, That the pastors of the various churches compris- ing this Association, be requested to preach a sermon on missions to their churches during the ensuing year; urging them to take up collections for the Missionary cause, and transmit to the Mis- sionary Board as soon as possible. 3d. Resolved, That this Association earnestly recommend the continuance of the Ministers, and Deacons, Association on the 5th Sabbaths and the day before, as the best means of dispensing light and effecting unity in sentiment, doctrine and practice among the churches. 4th. Resolved, That this Association instruct the Treasurer to pay the messengers sent to sister Associations their compensation in advance. 5th. Resolved, That we regret to see so few of our churches re- porting Sabbath-schools. We would, therefore, earnestly solicit them to organize Sabbath-schools, as we regard it the duty of parents to train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and to impart to them the truths of God's word, that they may not be led astray by the false teachers of the land. 6th. Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the Moderator and Clerk, for the faithful manner in which they have each discharged their respective duties; and that we extend our thanks to the brothers, sisters and friends of this neighborhood for their kind treatment to us during our stay with them. The Clerk was ordered to have published and distributed one thousand copies of the minutes of this Association, and that he be allowed to call on the Treasurer at any time for $20 as compensation for his service. Minutes read and approved. Adjourned to meet with Mars Hill Church, Amite county, Mississippi, on Saturday before the first Sabbath in October next. B.S. TURNIPSEED, Clerk. C.F. CRAWFORD, Moderator APPENDIX (Appendix A.) Your Committee on Abstracts beg leave to report as follows: Tangipaho.-At peace; complains of coldness and lukewarm- ness; accessions, two; pastor, T. J. Everett. Beulah.-At peace and love, in a prosperous condition; acces- sions, ten; pastor, W. H. Shilling. Mount Hermon.-At peace; no accessions; report a Sabbath- school; pastor, W. J. Fortenberry. Spring Creek.-In a cold state; asks the prayers of the Associ- ation; no accessions; reports a Sabbath-school; pastor, C. F. Crawford. Union.-At peace; in a prosperous condition; accessions, 28; pastor, J.L. Chandler. Shady Grove.-In a healthy state; no special revival; pastor, J. M. Richie. Half Moon Bluff.-Changed name to Hay's Creek; 4 additions; pastor, W. J. Fortenberry. Bethny.-Complains of declension; at peace; desires the prayers of God's people; pastor, H. Z. Jenkins. Silver Creek.-No special revival; at peace; pastor, B. A. Craw- ford. Smyrnia.-In a prosperous condition; accessions, 15; pastor, J. E. Pounds. Mt. Zion.-At peace; have been favored with no visible out- pouring of the spirit; pastor, C. F. Crawford. Sharon.-No accessions; asks for the prayers of the Associa- tion; pastor, F. W. Eady. Mt. Pisgah.-Cold and declining; asks for the prayers of God's people; pastor, F. W. Eady. Moak's Creek.-In a prosperous condition; 20 accessions; pastor, B.A. Crawford; also reports a Sabbath-school. New Zion.-In a prosperous condition; accessions, 31; pastor, W. J. Fortenberry. Terry's Creek.-In a prosperous condition; accessions, 8; pas- tor, C. F. Crawford. New Hope.-Prosperous condition; accessions, 11; pastor, C. F. Crawford. Bogue Chitto Pike.-Nothing cheering to write; regrets to say in some confusion on different matters; reports but few accessions; pastor, B. A. Crawford. Magnolia.-In a revived and prosperous condition; report a large and flourishing Sabbath-school; J. R. Farish, pastor. Mt. Vernon.-At peace, but declining; desires the prayers of God's people; pastor, W. H. Bailey. Mt. Pleasant.-In a prosperous condition; accessions, 15; pas- tor, B. A. Crawford. Friendship.-Nothing special to report; at peace; asks the prayers of the people of God; pastor. B. A. Crawford. Mars Hill.-In a prosperous condition; accessions, 13; pastor J. M. Newman. Pleasant Hill.-At peace; in a healthy condition; accessions, 8; pastor, W. H. Shilling. Mt. Nebo.-In a revived condition; at peace; pastor, F. S. Eady. Balachitto.-In a prosperous condition; accessions, 22; pastor, E.M. Shilling. Bogue Chitto, Washington Parish.-In a prosperous condition; accessions, 29; pastor, E. M. Shilling Zion Grove.-Newly constituted church, built up by missionary labor; in a prosperous condition; baptized, 25; pastor, W. H. Shilling, missionary. Respectfully submitted, JAS. A JENKINS, Chairman. (Appendix B.) James A. Jenkins, Treasurer, in account with the Bogue Chitto Baptist Association, would submit the following report: Contributions from the Churches......................$142 50 Received from John Simmons, former Treasurer......... 68 75 ______ Total.............................................$211 25 Your Treasurer prays the following allowances: Printing minutes for voucher No. 1..................... 68 00 Paid Clerk per voucher No. 2........................... 20 00 Paid W. J. Fortenberry per voucher No. 3............... 9 75 Paid W. J. Pitman per voucher No. 4.................... 9 00 Paid W. J. Price per voucher No. 5..................... 6 00 Paid J. R. Givens per voucher No. 6.................... 7 50 Paid H. Z. Jenkins per voucher No. 7................... 1 50 Paid B. A. Crawford per voucher No. 8.................. 7 50 ______ Total.....................................$129 25 Balance on Hand............................$82 00 JAS.A. JENKINS, Treasurer RECAPITULATION. Balance on hand........................................ $82 00 Received from the churches............................. 129 00 _______ Total.....................................$211.00 Your committee beg leave to report that they have examined the Treasurer's report and vouchers, and find them correct. H.W.L. LEWIS,} C.B. DAVIS, } Committee (Appendix C.) The Missionary Board of the Bogue Chitto Baptist Association beg leave to report: They met at Mount Hermon Church and organized by electing Eld. C. F. Crawford, Chairman, John simmons Treasurer, and H. W. L. Lewis, Secretary. The Board obtained the services of Eld. W. G. Stovall for the year at $400, who after performing ninety days' service, (as per his report,) resigned. Eld. W. H. Shilling was then employed for as much of his time as circumstances would permit, at a salary of $2 50 per day. The finance of the Board is as follows. Remaining in the treasury....................$130 90 Collection at Association, 1873.............. 39 55 Collection at Association, 1874.............. 60 30 Received from the churches................... 87 05 ______$317 80 Amount paid Eld. W. G. Stovall............... $131 40 Amount paid Eld. W. H. Shilling.............. 100 00 ______ $231 40 _______ Balance.......................................$86 40 The receipts from the churches are very small-the destitution very great. Brethren, will you not contribute more liberally, and enable the Board to keep one or more missionaries in the field. The Missionary Board of the West Pearl Association, through her messenger, informs us that they have but a small fund, and wish to co-operate with our Board for the coming year. We again request the appointment of the Board in a more restricted terri- tory, so as to enable them to meet and act with greater facility. Our Missionary, Wm. H. Shilling, reports: In compliance with your wishes I have worked for you as mis- sionary as my circumstances and abilities would best admit. It has been a pleasant work to me. The destitution is great in your bounds-the Macedonian cry is heard from many destitute neigh- borhoods. Days in service........................... 40 Sermons preached.......................... 26 Received by baptism....................... 25 Churches organized........................ 1 Miles traveled............................601 All of which is respectfully submitted. (Appendix D.) OBITUARY OF WM. LEWIS The subject of this brief sketch, Bro. William Lewis, was born in the State of Georgia, on the 11th of July, 1791, where he was raised, and removed from thence, in 1811, to Mississippi, where he, like many others, engaged in redeeming the State from Indian rule, and enabled it to assume its place among its band of civilized sisters. Brother Lewis embraced religion at an early age, and ever after made it the motive power that guided him through life. He was baptized into the fellowship of New Zion Church in the year 1824, and from that time to the day of his death remained a consistent, exemplary and industrious Christian. He was ordained a deacon in New Zion Church, and remained such through his career. Brother Lewis suffered much from affliction during the last six months of his life but his faith in his Master, ever active, burned with a brighter lustre under the afflicting dispensation by which he was visited, and at last, having the cup of time allotted to him, like the ripe fruit of autumn, he was gathered to his Father's bosom on the 28th of September last, being 83 years, 2 months and 17 days old. We feel our loss has been his eternal gain, and that our brother, now freed forever from the clogs of perishing mortality, is now re- joicing with the hosts of saints gone before him on the other side of the glorious river, where all the blessed dwell. We offer to his memory this small tribute of our affection, in consideratin of the love we all bore him, and in manifestation of our sorrow at his loss. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.