Succession: John R. Sullivan; Webster Par., Louisiana. Submitted by: Lesa Pringle Date: Sept. 2000 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** State of Louisiana: Parish of Webster Succession of John R. Sullivan - deceased (1881) Be it remembered that I, James W. Reagan Sheriff and Ex Officio Auctioneer of the said Parish of Webster, did on the 26th day of January A.D. 1881, by virutue of a commission from the Honorable District Court of the 2nd Judicial District La. to me directed in the said succession which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof, sell at public auction at the late residence of the said deceased in said Parish, the following described property to the persons named at the prices hereinafter set forth after having advertized the same for a period of thirty days in the Webster Tribune a weekly newspaper published in the said parish of Webster as required by law the following described land to wit: The south half of the south east quarter and the east half of the south west quarter of section twenty four (24) and the north east quarter of the north east quarter of section Twenty five (25) Township seventeen (17) Range nine (9) in Webster Parish Louisiana containing two hundred acres more or less sold to Mrs. Martha Sullivan $200.00 The North west quarter of the North East quarter of section thirty two (32) Township seventeen (17) Range Eight (8) in Bienville Parish La, containing forty acres sold to Mrs Martha Sullivan for $40.00 1 gray horse sold to Mrs. Martha Sullivan 60.00 1 sorel horse " " 50.00 Five head cattle " " 20.00 1 wagon + harness " " 55.00 1 two horse wagon " " 25.00 15 head sheep " " 15.00 8 head hogs " " 16.00 22 head stock hogs " " 11.00 150 bushels corn " " 75.00 1000 bundles fodder --- " " 5.00 2 Bls cotton $42.50 ea " " 85.00 4000 lbs seed cotton @2-- " 100.00 2000 lbs seed cotton in field " 20.00 1 lot plow tools + hoes + axes " 5.00 1 bank sugar cane " 5.00 500 bushels cotton seed @99 " 45.00 1 sewing machine at " 25.00 1 cross cut saw " 2.00 1 grind rock " 1.50 6 chairs " 4.50 _______ Amounting in all to the sum of $865.00 The said party being the last and highest bidder for the same. This being the full appraisement of the property of the said succession pointed out to me I hereby close this process verbal in presence of subscribings witnesses on this the 27th day of January 1881. [signed] J.W. Reagan, sheriff of Webster Par., Louisiana (transcribed by Elizabeth "Lesa" Muir Pringle)