Deeds:Deed to Holland Cemetery a/k/a Redwing Submitted by: Carolyn P. Avery May 2002 Source: West Carroll Clerk's Office ************************************************ Submitted to the LAGenWeb Archives http:/ ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** Book I Page 555 Mrs. A.H. Wyly toDeed Holland Cemetery Recorded 16 November 1914 State of Louisiana Parish of East Carroll Be it known and remembered that on this 27th day of August A.D. 1914 before me, Jno. C. Bass Jr., Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio Notary Public, appeared MRS. ANNIE HARRELD WYLY, a married woman of full age, being the wife of ANDREW JACKSON WYLY,who appears herein to aid, authorize and assist his said wife, both residents of the Parish of East Carroll, State of Louisiana, who declared unto me, said Clerk of Court and ex-officio Notary Public, that for and in consideration of the love they have for the living and the reverence they have for the dead, they doo hereby donate, designate, consecrate, set aside, set over alienate, deed and deliver now and forever unto and in favor of RUFUS H. HOLLAND, CHARLES H. ALLEN, and HENRY ROBINSON as custododians and trustees, to them, their heirs, relatives and friends and the residents of the comunnity in the vicinity in which said property is located, the following described property, which has been, is now, and is to forever be used by the above named donees, their friends and relatives and the citizens of the community in the vicinty in which said property issituated for the purpose and as a sutiable and sacred public burial place to wit: SW1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 N., RANGE 10 E, PARISH PARISH OF WEST cARROLL, STATE OF LOUISIANA AND IN THE DISTRICT OF LANDS NORTH OF RED RIVER, LOUISIANA, known as HOLLAND CEMETERY and more particularly described as follows to wit: Beginning at a point on the Rangeline between Range 10 and 9 East 220 yards North of S/W corner of Section 18 Township 21 N, Range 10 E and run South along said Range line 420 feet, thence East 210 feet thence North 420 feet thence West 210 feet to point of beginning, so as to contain 9800 square feet. 27 August 1914 Charles H. Allen Wittness: as representative of all donees Mansfield Crow Anna C. Brown Jno. C. Bass Clerk of Court