Schools: Vista Ridge School and Church Submitter: Pauline Mobley ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** Book E- Page 452 May 17 1904 Vista Ridge School & Church George W Jones Sr.----South East Qtr -Secton 23- Town ship 21 North Range 10 East Two Acres beginning at the iron post at or near Lyon Bayou Bridge running West along the TurnPike 140 yards thence North 70 yards, thence east 140 yards thence South 70 yards to place of beginning. This was signed Dec. 19, 1911 Witness T.E. Vinning - R A Crow Trustees: W.A Fitzerald W.F Tarwater J.E. Crow G W Jones Sr. W.F Peacock Ed Crow This was recorded Dec 20, 1911