Obituaries: Olan O. Dickerson, Sr., 1954, Winn Parish, LA Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: March 18, 1954 Winn Parish Enterprise O. O. Dickerson, Postal Employee, Is Buried Sunday Funeral services for Olan O. Dickerson, Sr., Winnfield post office employee, were held here Sunday at 3 p.m. Mr. Dickerson died Friday, March 12, in a local hospital from the results of a heart attack. He was born September 24, 1897 and was 56 years and five months old. Funeral services were held at the Hixson Funeral Home chapel with Rev. W. L. Holcomb, pastor of the First Baptist Church, and Rev. L. L. Booth, pastor of the First Methodist Church, in charge. Burial was in New Jerusalem Cemetery under direction of Hixson Brothers Funeral Home. Mr. Dickerson would have completed 17 years with the local post office on March 15 of this year. He served Rural Route One. Mr. Dickerson is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hannah Porter Dickerson of Winnfield; three sons, Olan Dickerson, Jr. of Shreveport, Billy Dickerson with the U. S. Navy, Bobby Dickerson with the U. S. Coast Guard; three brothers, Cedrick Dickerson of Shreveport, Orvil Dickerson of Highland, Texas, Alvin Dickerson of Shreveport; three sisters, Mrs. Melba Seymour of Ruston, Mrs. Blondell Parker of Winnfield, and Mrs. Audrey Porter of New Orleans. Pallbearers were Pat G. harrell, Charles L. Smith, Arnet E. Garriss, C. L. Blair, Charles W. Goolsley, and Eck Bozeman.