Obituaries: Hattie Pace Eagles, 1928, Winn Parish, LA Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: May 18, 1928 Winnfield News-American Death Claims Mrs. Hattie Pace Eagles Thursday, May 17 Mrs. Hattie Eagles, wife of George P. Eagles of Alexandria, died at a hospital of that city at 2 o'clock Thursday morning, May 17th, following an operation performed Monday morning. The remains were brought to Winnfield Thursday afternoon and funeral services were conducted at the Baptist Church at 4 o'clock attended by many sorrowing friends and relatives of the deceased. Mrs. Eagles is survived by her husband, three children, Lamar and Mattie Lou of Alexandria, and G. P., Jr., of Shreveport; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pace of Alexandria; one brother, Charles L. Pace of Alexandria; three sisters, Mrs. C. B. Cole of Winnfield, Mrs. Lee Berlin of Marksville, and Mrs. Mattie Plilar of Shreveport, and many other relatives. Mrs. Eagles was Miss Hattie Pace before her marriage to George P. Eagles, both of whom resided in Winnfield many years before their marriage. About twelve years ago they moved to Pineville and from there to Alexandria. She was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church of Alexandria and lived a consistent and consecrated life, practicing her religion in her home and every day associations with her friends. She was a noble and devoted mother, a benediction to her family and a source of comfort and inspiration to her friends.