Obituaries: Arthur Foster, 1902, Winn Parish, LA Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: Submitted by Gary Foster Obituary Arthur Foster This community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of the above named person, which sad event occurred Sunday night the 8th of June, 1902. He was 14 years, 11 months, 3 days old at the time of his death. He was the eldest son of Rev. Balford and Mrs. Fannie (Frances Richardson) Foster. He was a consistent member of the Protestant Methodist church. Having joined the church at the young and tender age of nine years, of his own will and volition. He lived as near up to the rules of the church as the frailties of the human body would allow. He died as he had lived, triumphantly in the faith of his lord and Master. When the final summons came for him to step down and out of the race of life, although young he had no murmur or protest to make, but willingly and obediently, bowed to the fate that had overtaken him. "He will be missed" said the weeping mother as she gazed for the last time this side of eternity, on the pallid face of her dead child, whose voice is forever stilled, whose form was soon the be laid away from earthly view, to return to dust from whence it had come. Until that happy day shall come to those who have spent their lives in the service of the Lord, Arthur Foster will be missed at home more than all the rest put together, his chair at the fireside of that humble, but once happy home now stands vacant to be filled no more. His cheery face and splendid form will never enter the dining room to lighten the burden of his loved mother. His place in the Sunday School now stands vacant, yet he left a record for good, that will have its influences long after the humble Sunday School student's name shall have been forgotten. His place among his playmates now stands vacant, with recollections stamped upon the tablets of their memory of many happy days spent together. Down here in the church book there will be an entry made to the right of his name, died June 8th 1902. Up yonder his name will be written the Book of Life there to remain throughout all eternity. He was a splendid boy. Kind to all and obedient to his parents. His record is worthy of emulation. (Arthur Foster- June, 1887 June 8th 1902)