Obituaries: George Holmes, 1938, Winn Parish, LA Submitted by: Deanna Simmons Hess, RR 9, Box 1548, Livingston, TX 77351 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** The following is a verbatim copy of an obituary notice as it appeared in the newspaper. Obvious typographical errors have been so noted. Data errors such as names of the deceased or family members should be reported to the archives not to the submitter. THE WINNFIELD-NEWS AMERICAN Friday, April 22, 1938 George Holmes, Young Business Man, Killed In Automobile Accident Early Wednesday Morning; Funeral Today Attempt To Pass Unlighted Parked Car on Highway Causes Car to Tun Over Several Times. Business Houses To Close Between 10 and 11 O'clock This Morning Funeral services for George Holmes, who was killed in a automobile accident early Wednesday morning, will be held this morning at ten o'clock at the First Baptist church with the Rev. Dr. B. C. Land, pastor, officiating assisted by Rev. Alwin Stokes, pastor of the First Presbyterian church and Rev. G. A. Morgan, pastor of the First Methodist church. The accident in which Mr. Holmes came to death occurred on highway 167, between the Port DeLuce bridge beyond Machen's and the Gorham road about 1:30 Wednesday morning when the car in which he was riding with two companions, Ed Gallien, who was driving, and Jack Tanehill [sic], on the back seat, attempted to pass a parked car on the road without lights. According to statements of both surviving boys Holmes, when he discovered the unlighted parked car, said, "Don't hit that car there", whereupon he grabbed the steering wheel and Ed Gallien then lost control and the car turned over several times before finally landing. Gallien and Tannehill extricated themselves, having to climb from the car, to find Holmes outside at the front of the car with his skull fractured and neck broken. About this time Arthur Scott, whose car it was parked on the highway and out of gas came up with gas and he and J. F. Lovell brought the dead man and Gallien and Tannehill to town. Examination by Dr. Faith J. F. Faith revealed that Holmes was instantly killed. Gallien and Tannehill escaped uninjured except for minor bruises. George Holmes was one of the most popular young men of Winnfield. He was descended from two of Winn parish's pioneer families, the Holmes' and Fletchers. He was an active member of the First Baptist church and a capable, efficient young business man. For the past eight years he has been bookkeeper for the Gulf Public Service Company here. Business Houses to Close Out of respect to Mr. Holmes the business houses in Winnfield will close from ten o'clock this morning until eleven o'clock, the time of the funeral services at the First Baptis [sic] church. Mr. Holmes was considered on of he [sic] most progressive young business men of the town. Mr. Holmes is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holmes, three brothers, Fletcher Holmes of Harlinger, Ky., Woodrow Holmes a senior a L.S.U. and J. D. Holmes, of Winnfield; two sisters, Mrs. T. M. Boyd of Pineville and Mrs. Cal Clark of Shreveport. The family was making preparation for a family reunion next Sunday, at which time all the brothers and sisters were expected to be present along with other members of the Holmes and Fletcher families. Active pall bearers will be: Jimmie Jenkins, Joe Mitchell, Houston Gates, A. T. Drewett, Jr., Dick Noah, Leon Caldwell, Percy McKenzie of Alexandria, La., Jesse Corley.