Obituaries: Alice Rugg Huffman, 1932, Winn Parish, LA Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: March 17, 1932 Winn Parish Enterprise Mrs. J. N. Huffman Succumbs From Heart Attack Funeral Services Held at Home Saturday Afternoon With Interment In Winnfield Cemetery Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Huffman, who died suddenly at her home here Friday morning, March 11, were held at the home, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with interment in the Winnfield Cemetery. Rev. Alwin Stokes, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, had charge of the services, assisted by the Rev. A. H. Cullen, pastor, Baptist Church. Mrs. Huffman, 68 years of age, was apparently in good health, as far as her family and friends knew. She was found dead in her bed Friday morning, having succumbed earlier in the night, from a heart attack. Before her marriage to J. N. Huffman ___ years ago, she was Miss Alice Rugg. She was born and reared in Union Parish and after her marriage moved here in 1901, where she and Mr. Huffman reared a family of five girls and one boy, Tom Huffman, who met an untimely death seventeen years ago from an accident. Mrs. Huffman was quiet in habits and unassuming in character. She found her greatest delight in the study of the Bible and never neglected her daily devotions. No greater tribute could be paid her than the one paid by one of her closest associates, when it was said, "She lived a life of prayer." The deceased is survived by her husband; five daughters, Mrs. Ava Crutchfield, El Dorado, Ark.; Mrs. Tinnie Lindsay, Little Rock, Ark.; Mrs. Eula Hawks, El Dorado, Ark.; Mrs. Lola Thompson, Monroe; and Mrs. Daisy Heard, Hope, Ark.; two brothers, Eli Rugg, Farmerville; and A. Rugg, Shreveport.