Obituaries: D. Monroe Jennings, 1927, Winn Parish, La. Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: March 18, 1927 Winnfield News-American D. M. Jennings of Atlanta Succumbs to Long Illness Monday D. Monroe Jennings, farmer, age 55 on Monday night succumbed to an illness of two weeks duration caused by an attack of pneumonia following a relapse from flu. Mr. Jennings was a life long resident of the Parish having his home near Atlanta. He was a Mason, and Odd Fellow, and a Woodman of the World. After funeral services conducted by Rev. W. D. Sherwood, pastor Sardis Baptist Church, his body was laid to rest with the burial services of the W. O. W. at 3 P. M. Tuesday. He leaves his wife and two children, Edgar Jennings, who lives near his father's farm and Miss Audie Jennings who was at home with her parents.