Obituaries: George W. Kelly, 1925, Winn Parish, LA. Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: July 24, 1925 Winnfield News-American George W. Kelley, age 76, died at his home in Couley Sunday, July 12, 1925. Mr. Kelley was born in Lincoln Parish June 27, 1849 later moving to the Couley settlement in Winn Parish where he endeared himself to the people of that community by his exemplary life as a husband, father, and citizen, for he was a man that gave his best to his family and community. He was a close student of the Bible and ever desirous to understand God's word, and by his faithful study combined with his well founded hope he attained an understanding few people attain. He leaves a devoted wife, two sons, one daughter, three brothers, and one sister to mourn his passing. he was buried at Couley bemetery with funeral services conducted by Rev. H. T. Nichols. Many friends from Natchitoches, Colfax, Dry Prong, Winnfield, Calvin, and other places attended the funeral to pay their last respects to one so beloved.