Obituaries: Dr. E. S. Mixon, 1909, Winn Parish, LA Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: March 5, 1909 (probably Southern Sentinel) Necrological Dr. E. S. Mixon Died in Winnfield, La., at 2:45 p.m. Friday, February 26, 1909, Dr. E. S. Mixon, aged 29 years, 11 months, and 12 days, after eight days illness with pneumonia. The death of this highly esteemed and prominent young citizen came as a shock to this community and has created profound sorrow. But a few days ago in seeming robust health, he was stricken with pneumonia, and in eight days succumbed to the destroyer. In the prime of his dawning manhood, his future seemed bright with promise and a career of usefulness. Endowed with all those qualities that mark a young man of sterling worth and virtues, he has been summoned to a higher sphere for which he was fitted by his Christian virtues. The deceased was a dentist by profession, having graduated at a Nashville, Tenn. dental college. He has been following his work here for the past five years, when the Death Angel checked his career of usefulness. He stood high in the estimation of his fellow citizens, who esteemed him for his manly worth and both usefulness and example. As a Christian he was the highest style of gentleman, the model son, brother, and citizen. The services conducted at the cemetery were sadly solemn and touchingly tender. Rev. J. R. Edwards, Baptist minister, performed the religious ceremonies, paying tribute to the sterling character of the deceased, while a dense throng of citizens, of all ages, gathered around his last resting place, attested the high esteem in which he was held in this community. The Masons, of which he was an honored member of Eastern Star Lodge, concluded the ceremonies with the ritual for the dead, in that sweetly tender tribute to an honored member of the order, amid sobs and streaming eyes which solemnly proclaimed: "But on for the touch of a vanquish'd hand, And the sound of a voice that is still!" The father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mixon, an only sister, Miss Annie Lee Mixon, and his brothers, Superintendent J. J. Mixon, Rev. Thomas E. Mixon and Lambert Mixon, and a large coterie of relatives mourn his demise to whom is extended the tenderest sympathy in their sudden bereavement and deep sorrow. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Hall of Eastern Star Lodge No. 151, F. & A. M. Winnfield, La. March 1, 1909 Whereas, it has pleased the Grand Master of the Universe to call from this field of usefulness on earth to the celestial Grand Lodge above, our beloved young brother, Dr. E. S. Mixon: Therefore, be it resolved by the Eastern Star Lodge No. 151, F. & A. M., that in the death of our much beloved brother, Dr. Mixon, the lodge has lost one of its brightest jewels; one of its wisest, truest, best; one possessed of every trait of character which makes men noble and good. Dr. Mixon was a devoted Christian from the early age of fifteen years and by his steady adherence to the principles of honesty and Christian integrity he secured and firmly held a prominent place in the society in which he mingled and which he adorned. In the practice of his chosen profession, dentistry, he was at all times trusted and admired. All these noble traits of his peerless character shone with such brilliancy that it could be truly said of him "none know him but to love him." Be it further resolved, that while we bow in humble submission to the will of our merciful Heavenly Father our hearts are made sad by our loss, but let us rest in the hope that our loss is Brother Mixon's gain, and that each of us will try to emulate his beautiful example.