Obituaries: Dr. W. T. Nelson, 1935, Winn Parish, LA Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: June 27, 1935 Winn Parish Enterprise Mrs. Joe Emerson's Father Dies in Ruston Funeral services for Dr. W. T. Nelson, 83 years of age, who died at his home in Ruston Saturday morning, were held in Ruston Sunday afternoon. The physician had spent practically his entire life in Ruston. He is survived by his widow, four daughters and three sons. The are, Mrs. Joe Emerson, Winnfield; Miss Katherine Nelson, Washington, D. C.; Miss Ida Lou Nelson, Stevensville, Texas; Mrs. Jean Aiken, Crossett, Ark.; Sidney Nelson, Cornell, N. Y.; Sylvester, Nelson, Decatur, Ill.; and Bob Nelson, Ruston. Attending the funeral from Winnfield were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Emerson, Mrs. John Emerson, Mrs. J. E. Ray, Mrs. J. W. Wright, Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mrs. A. J. Gwin, Mrs. O. L. Tucker, Mrs. Joe Sherman, and Mrs. A. Peterson.