Obituaries: Cecil O'Neal, 1976, Winn Parish, LA. Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: October 6, 1976 Winn Parish Enterprise News-American Cecil O'Neal, 53, of Winnfield died at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, October 2, 1976 in a local hospital. Survivors include three sons, Bobby O'Neal and Roy O'Neal of Oak Grove, Roy O'Neal of Hurst, Texas, and Ronnie O'Neal of Fort Polk; one daughter, Mrs. Patricia Evans of Winnfield; his mother, Mrs. Essie O'Neal of Winnfield; two sisters, Mrs. Mildred Hoffman of Winnfield and Mrs. Patsy Shirley of Natchitoches, and five grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Southern Funeral Home chapel here with Revs. Kelly Tingle and Charles Haley officiating. Burial was in the Bethel Cemetery, Bentley.