Obituaries: Andrew B. Perkins, 1926, Winn Parish, LA Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: October 28, 1926 Winn Parish Enterprise Andrew B. Perkins At his home in Colfax at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Oct. 17, 1926, Andrew B. Perkins, born April 7, 1862, departed this life aged 64 years, 6 months, and 10 days. The news of the death of Mr. Perkins was indeed a shock to the citizens of Colfax and Grant Parish, although it was known that he was still weak from an illness of six months previous. In the past two months he showed great signs of improvement and was able to attend to business as usual. However, a few days previous to his death he was indisposed and remained indoors and a few minutes before his sudden demise he was chatting with his wife on the front porch. Feeling drowsy, Mr. Perkins went to his room for a nap and shortly afterwards his daughter was aroused by hearing her father gasping for breath. Rushing to his side she found him in the throes of death. Medical aid was hastily summoned, but Mr. Perkins had passed away beyond human aid. Mr. Perkins was born in Winn Parish, the son of A. J. and Mary J. Perkins, and was one of a family of four boys and one girl. Of this family only two now survive, Henry J. Perkins of Winnfield and Mrs. S. S. Allen of Shreveport; and three half brothers, D. L. Kirkland of Sikes, W. C. Kirkland of Oak Grove, and M. E. Kirkland of Winnsboro, La. His father dying when he was a child, Mr. Perkins was reared by his mother, receiving a private education in the school of those days. Reaching manhood he became interested in public affairs and served as deputy sheriff in Winn Parish. In 1892 he moved to Grant Parish and engaged in farming. For a while he was also a salesman and bookkeeper. In 1908, Mr. Perkins was elected sheriff of Grant Parish and served eight years, first defeating C. M. Brannon for the position, and afterwards being elected over R. W. Wagner in 1912 and served until 1916, when he refused to again be a candidate. Returning to private life, he engaged in the insurance and real estate business. On May 9, 1889 Mr. Perkins was married to Mrs. Ella Wallace at Winnfield, who survives her husband, together with her two children, Ethridge Perkins, present deputy sheriff, and Minnie Perkins. Two stepchildren by his wife's former marriage also survive him. They are Mrs. T. E. Duckworth and Ed. Wallace. Mr. Perkins was a member of the Baptist Church and also of the Masonic fraternity, and for a number of years was secretary of Colfax Lodge No. 259, F. & A. M. He was a man of kindly disposition and had many friends throughout Grant Parish and the state at large who regret his passing. Religious services were held over the remains at the family residence at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon by Rev. J. E. Wakefield, the body then taken to the Bethel Cemetery, six miles east of Colfax, where interment was made under the auspices of the Colfax Masonic fraternity. (The October 21 edition of the Enterprise lists the widow as "nee Miss Brett")