Obituaries: Mrs. Bryant Sholars, 1951, Winn Parish, LA. Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: April 26, 1951 Winn Parish Enterprise Funeral Services For Mrs. Bryant Sholars Friday Funeral services will be held Friday at 10:30 a.m. for Mrs. Bryant Sholars, who died Wednesday evening in the Baptist hospital in Alexandria from a heart attack. Mrs. Sholars, who would have been 69 this June, was born in Calvin an dhad lived in this parish all her life, many years in Winnfield. She was an active member of the Winnfield First Baptist Church, the Eastern Star, and various civic organizations. She was reared by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Milam of Dodson, after the death of her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. James M. Anderson. She was married about 42 years ago. Last rites will be held in the Winnfield First Baptist church. Officiating will be Dr. H. L. Holcomb, pastor, assisted by Rev. H. J. Mott, Rev. Alwin Stokes, and Rev. P. M. Caraway. Burial will be in Winnfield Cemetery under direction of Southern Funeral Home. Survivors are her husband, Bryant Sholars, a former Winn Parish Sheriff; one son, Julius, of Baton Rouge; three brothers, H. E. Anderson of Monroe, E. R. Anderson of El Dorado, and John Anderson of Winnfield, Route 4; one sister, Mrs. W. P. Kelley of Dodson, Route 2; and three grandchildren. Active pallbearers will be Douglas Durrett, J. R. Madden, Jr., J. E. Carter, Lee J. Grigsby, John Bell, Robert Heard, Eli Harrell, and J. L. Corley. Honorary pallbearers will be C. F. Walsworth, Harry Fuller, Tracey Harrell, A. L. Smith, Sr., A. P. Burton, W. R. Horton, Dr. A. W. Radescich, J. R. Madden, Jr., P. K. Abel, Dr. F. C. Wren, W. L. Owen, L. C. Carter, J. W. Crippen, W. E. Heard, J. R. Heard, Mack Branch, John Emerson, Joe Emerson, A. Peterson, S. E. Jenkins, Clifford Long, G. C. Taylor, H. E. Machen, J. J. Peters, Sr., Judge Cas Moss, C. D. Moss, Jr., Hasson Morris, O. C. Garriss, R. C. Byrnes, E. J. Byrnes, Manton Wood, H. W. Bass, J. C. Long, Andrew Jenkins, Louis Jenkins, H. F. Holstead. Dr. G. M. Rodgers, Dr. John T. Mosley, Dr. John R. McElewee, Dr. R. V. Martin, Francis Walker, Ray Eagles, Harvey Waters, Dudley Shell, C. R. Mixon, Dr. C. M. Heflin, H. L. Heflin, Jack Fowler, T. W. Fowler, J. W. Shows, B. L. Anderson, A. S. Hahn, R. W. Oglesby, Jack Givens, and G. C. Carter.