Obituaries: M. C. Shy, 1953, Winn Parish, LA Submitted by Greggory E. Davies, 120 Ted Price Lane, Winnfield, LA 71483 ********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************** From: December 31, 1953 Winn Parish Enterprise Former Resident Killed In Auto Accident In Okla. M. C. Shy, a former resident of Winn Parish, and brother in law of three Winn Parish women, was buried in Angola, Kansas, Monday afternoon, following his death of injuries received in an auto accident on Christmas Eve afternoon. Mr. Shy, 73, a retired farmer and World War I veteran, died Saturday night following the accident about 4 p.m. Thursday. His wife, the former Leola Patton of Winn Parish, received injuries in the accident and is recuperating in a hospital. The accident occurred near Welch, Kansas, when the car, driven by Mr. Shy, went out of control while going down a hill. The car ran into the path of an oncoming car. Occupants of the other car received slight injuries. Attending the funeral from Winn Parish wre Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ferguson and Mrs. J. L. Ferguson, and Mrs. P. L. Orendorff of Wheeling. Mrs. Orendorff and the two Mrs. Fergusons are sisters of Mrs. Shy. Friends of Mrs. Shy's will be glad to know she plans to return to Winn Parish to live after she recovers from her injuries in the accident.