Barnstable County MA Archives History - Books .....Records In The WoodsideCemetery, Yarmouthport 1906 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher April 7, 2006, 9:39 pm Book Title: Gravestone Records In The Ancient Cemetery And The Woodside Cemetery, Yarmouth, Massachusetts RECORDS IN THE WOODSIDE CEMETERY AT YARMOUTHPORT AREY Catherine, wife of Thomas, died 6 March, 1836, aged 30. Hannah, wife of Thomas, died 28 June, 1845, aged 32 years, 8 months, 11 days. BARBER Mary, wife of Samuel, of Boston, died 25 August, 1847, aged 76. BASSETT Betsey B., widow of Joshua, died 17 June, 1850, aged 78 years, 3 months. [On her husband's stone.] Joshua, died 28 May, 1836, aged 67 years, 9 months. "A kind and affectionate Father a loving praying Mother." BAXTER Isabella G., daughter of John A. and Elizabeth, died 25 December, 1842, aged 23 months, 11 days. John A., son of John A. and Elizabeth, died 12 November, 1849, aged 2 years, 4 months, 18 days. John G., son of John A. and Ehzabeth, died 14 March, 1836, aged 5 weeks. Priscilla B., daughter of John A. and Elizabeth, died 21 March, 1840, aged 19 months. BEARSE Sally T., wife of Lothrop L., died 5 April, 1849, aged 39. BOYNTON Louisa, wife of Perkins, died 6 May, 1838, aged 29 years, 8 months. " affection never found a kinder mother." BURGESS Eliza, wife of Jonathan, also widow of John Thacher, Jr., died 19 March, 1855, aged 60. CROCKER Daniel, son of Daniel and Lucinda D., died 17 October, 1841, aged 6 days. Lucinda D., daughter of Daniel and Lucinda D., died 31 August, 1838, aged 18 months. Mary S., daughter of Edward W. and Sally, died 9 September, 1830, aged 2 years, 12 days. Mary S., daughter of Edward W. and Sally, died 17 March, 1832, aged 6 months. CROWELL Hannah, daughter of Otis and Sarah, died 20 September, 1834, aged 16 days. Rodman, son of Otis and Sarah, died 18 July, 1844, aged 11 months, 2 days. EDSON Charles, son of Eliphalet and Polly, drowned 16 March, 1840, aged 10. Thomas, son of Eliphalet and Polly, died 20 September, 1843, aged 16. ELDRIDGE Elizabeth, daughter of John and Keziah, died 13 July, 1838, aged 1 year, 27 days. ____, daughter of John and Keziah, died 3 August, 1831, aged 4 days. John, son of John and Keziah, died 22 April, 1828, aged 8 months, 15 days. John, son of John and Keziah, died 4 February, 1836, aged 2 years, 28 days. FISHER Miriam Germain, daughter of William S. and Elizabeth I., died 20 September, 1846, aged 6 years, 2 1/2 months. FITZPATRICK Esther, wife of Andrew, died 22 February, 1830, aged 41. GAGE Ebenezer, died 1 November, 1830, aged 78 years, 3 days. Jane, widow of Ebenezer, died 28 December, 1834, in her 75th year. GORHAM Almira, daughter of Thacher and Dinah, died 1 November, 1837, aged 1 year, 6 days. Eleanor T., daughter of Sylvanus and Lydia, died 21 November, 1848, aged 29. Hezekiah, born 1776; died 8 August, 1835, aged 59. Thacher, son of Thacher and Dinah, died 2 October, 1842, aged 1 year, 11 months. GRAY Isabella, daughter of John and Sarah, died at Boston, 22 April, 1834, aged 15 years, 7 months. John (Jr.), died 8 September, 1828, in his 35th year. Entombed at Chelsea, 9 September, and removed to this spot 12 December, 1828. "A husband, father, friend behold." Joseph W., died 28 September, 1845, aged 31. Joseph Warren, son of Joseph W. and Lucy, died 26 January, 1846, aged 6 months. HALE George H., son of Joseph and Sally H., born 2 July, 1843; died 15 July, 1848. Henry, son of Joseph and Sally H., born 5 March, 1841; died 14 June, 1846. Sally H., wife of Joseph, born 22 January, 1807; died 18 June, 1846. HALLET Abner, born 28 March, 1764; died at Aux Cays, 7 January, 1797. Anna, wife of Bangs, 1809—1887. [On her husband's stone.] Ansel (Capt.), died 3 February, 1832, aged 61. Bangs, son of Bangs and Anna, born 3 September, 1838; died21 April, 1839. Bangs, 1807—1893. _____, daughter of Bangs and Anna, born 6 March, 1837; died 1837. _____, son of Bangs and Anna, died 24 June, 1843. _____, son of Bangs and Anna, 1844—1844. [On his father's stone.] _____, daughter of Bangs and Anna, died 25 April, 1846, aged 7 weeks. _____, daughter of Bangs and Anna, 1852—1852. [On her father's stone.] Charles, died 26 September 1832, aged 43. Charles Lewis, first officer of Bark Zamora, wrecked near Monument Point, Plymouth. He lost his life attempting to reach the shore to save the lives of those on board, 16 December, 1845, aged 25. Charlotte, daughter of Edward and Rebecca, died 12 October, 1825, aged 1 year, 16 days. Charlotte (Mrs.), died 26 September, 1848, aged 39 years, 7 months. Edith, daughter of Edward and Rebecca, died 19 May, 1840, aged 4 1/2 months. Edward B., born 16 March, 1782; died 5 September, 1847. Eliza B., daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth, died 14 December, 1845, aged 5 years, 9 months, 8 days. Elizabeth A., daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth, died 10 September, 1849, aged 1 year, 10 months, 28 days. Ellen, daughter of Edward and Rebecca, died 9 May, 1840, aged 3. Francis, lost at sea, 1846, aged 37. George, son of Ebenezer and Olive, died at New Bedford, 12 January, 1847, aged 19. Gideon E., died at Memphis, Tenn., 21 October, 1840, aged 30. Gideon E., son of Edward and Rebecca, died 9 October, 1843, aged 6 months. Grace, wife of Thomas, died 1 November, 1848, aged 21. [On her husband's stone.] James, son of James G. and Mary, died 17 April, 1839, aged 48 days. ____, son of James G. and Mary, died 31 March, 1836, aged 3 days. ____, son of James G. and Mary E., died 18 November, 1846, aged 1 day. Jeremiah, died 28 June, 1839, aged 64. John C., son of Andrews and Hetty D., died 24 March, 1834, aged 3. Joseph, born 6 October, 1819; died 27 October, 1849. Josephine Comstock, daughter of Franklin and Meribah R., died 4 December, 1850, aged 14 1/2 months. _____, child of Franklin and Meribah R., died 5 May, 1848, aged 5 days. Lot, died 16 September, 1848, aged 70 years, 11 months. Lovilla, wife of Joseph, died 26 December, 1846, aged 25. [On her husband's stone.] Lucy, wife of Joshua, died 31 December, 1846, aged 65 years, 9 months. Lucy, died December, 1842, aged 4. [In lot with Lothrop and Catherine Hallet.] Marianne, daughter of Bangs and Anna, died 20 September, 1846, aged 3 years, 6 months, 4 days. Mary, daughter of James G. and Mary, died 24 September, 1833, aged 10 days. Mary, wife of Abner, born 1 September, 1762; died 4 May, 1845. [On her husband's stone.] Mercy, wife of Randal, died 8 September, 1831, in her 30th year. Nathan, son of Ansel and Anne, died 26 March, 1806, aged 11 months. O. H., son of Randal and Mercy, born 27 July, 1830; died 31 May, 1831. Oliver, born 8 November, 1792; died 2 July, 1842. Polly, wife of Timothy, died 23 September, 1840, aged 61. Randal, died 19 March, 1832, in his 34th year. Reuben, son of Ansel and Anna, died 26 April, 1814, aged 5 years, 17 days. Thomas, died 1 September, 1861, aged 41. William B., son of Francis & Lucy, died 2 November, 1843, aged 13 months, 19 days. Winslow, son of Francis and Lucy, lost at sea, November, 1864, aged 24 years, 6 months. [On stone with Francis.] HAMBLIN Benjamin, 1798—1837. Benjamin, 1836—1838.* Elizabeth, 1834—1837.* Hannah, wife of Joseph, born 16 March, 1773; died 9 February, 1842. Hannah S., 1800—1884. [On stone of Benjamin who died 1837.] Lucia D., child of Benjamin and Eleanor, died 21 September, 1833, aged 8 months, 14 days.** Thomas W., son of Benjamin N. and Eleanor, died 29 August, 1838, aged 13 months, 23 days.** * These two are on one stone. ** These two stones are side by side. HAMMOND Anna, widow of Shubael of Middleborough, died 10 June, 1842, aged 84. HARDEN — HARDING Jacob G., son of Wilber and Hannah, died 23 February, 1840, aged 1 year, 5 months, 9 days. Wilber K., son of Wilber and Hannah, died 23 July, 1837, aged 3. Wilber K., died 29 October, 1845, aged 45. HEDGE Abram (Capt.), son of Dr. James and Abigail, Master of ship Coquimbo, died on his passage from Gibraltar to Boston, 24 April, 1848, aged 29.+ Adeline, daughter of Dr. James and Abigail, died 25 August, 1836, aged 19 1/2 years.+ Thankful, widow of Isaac, died 2 December, 1849, aged 81 years, 9 months. + These two are on one stone. HODGES Herbert, son of Joseph P. and Jane W., died 20 May, 1849, aged 5 months, 23 days. HOWES Abigail, wife of Prince, died 13 May, 1833, aged 63. [On stone of Prince who died 1832.] Frederic Meriam, son of Frederic and Eliza F., born 12 March, 1841; died 31 December, 1845.# Lucy Ada, daughter of Frederic and Eliza F., born 9 October, 1843; died 27 December, 1845.# Olive, daughter of Ebenezer and Ruth, born 14 November, 1763; died 20 May, 1848. Patience, wife of Ebenezer, died 29 August, 1834, aged 55. Prince, died 27 September, 1832, aged 62. Prince, died 13 April, 1842, aged 41. # These two are on one stone. JOHNSON Mary, wife of Thomas, died 9 April, 1844, aged 88. LEWIS Blana (Mr.), died 22 January, 1846, aged 41 1/2. LOVELL Nelson T., son of Eldred and Charity, died 17 October, 1842, aged 19 months. MARSTON Mary E., daughter of Warren and Elizabeth, died 1 August, 1846, aged 10 months. Nabby, wife of David, died 29 January, 1846, aged 36. _____, infant son of David and Nabby. [On his mother's stone.] MATTHEWS Edwin, died at Charleston, S. C, 28 March, 1846, aged 21. [On stone with Theodore.] George, son of George and Alice, died 5 November, 1834, aged 15 days. Lucy, wife of Nathaniel, also widow of Francis Hallett, born 25 March, 1809; died 13 April, 1876. [On stone of Francis Hallett.] Prince, born 27 July, 1812; died 9 April, 1848. _____, infant son of Prince and Lucy S., died 9 December, 1838. Theodore, died 23 January, 1846, aged 24. [On stone with Edwin.] William A., died 18 June, 1836, aged 43. MERIAM Mary Ann, born 13 November, 1817; died 17 November, 1845. REED Harriet Fiske, daughter of Timothy and Susan P., died 8 October, 1831, aged 16 weeks. Susan Pierce, wife of Timothy, Esq., died 5 July, 1831, aged 27. " Her children arise up, & call her blessed." RYDER Hester Ann R., .daughter of Benjamin and Betsy, died 7 November, 1842, aged 15 years, 7 months, 28 days. Preserved S., son of Benjamin and Betsy, died 1 January, 1840, aged 21. Sarah Ann, wife of George, died 21 January, 1850, aged 27. Theodore H., son of Edmund H. and Elizabeth A., born 12 August, 1845; died. 3 September, 1847. SEARS Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, died 13 September, 1788, aged 14 months, 24 days.* Ebenezer (Capt.), a revolutionary soldier, died 17 September, 1835, aged 80. Ebenezer, died, in Boston, 29 May, 1845, aged 27. [On stone with Joshua.] Hannah, wife of Ebenezer, died 18 February, 1817, aged 47. _____, daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah, died 8 May, 1797, aged 5 months, 5 days.* Joshua, died in Burlington, Wis., 8 October, 1837, aged 22. [On stone with Ebenezer who died 1845.] . Warren, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, died 9 January, 1811, aged 9 months, 11 days.* * These three are on one stone. SIMPKINS Eliza J. Thacher, wife of N. S., 1803—1836. SOUTHWARD John, son of Capt. William and Emily, born in Baltimore, Md., died 1 February, 1842, aged 21 years, 8 months. "In memory of our Brother." SNOW David, died in Nashua, N. H., 20 February, 1845, aged 35 years, 6 months. Jane, wife of David, died 15 December, 1835, aged 22 years, 8 days. THACHER Barnabas, born 26 August, 1768; died 26 September, 1832. Betsey Howes, daughter of Col. Rufus L. and Betsey, died 14 August, 1833, aged 6 months. Charles, son of H. and E., died 21 August, 1824, aged 32 months, 20 days. Cornelia, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, died 20 July, 1826, aged 21 months. Elizabeth, wife of Henry, Esq., died 17 December, 1846, aged 61. George, son of Henry and Elizabeth, died 31 December, 1835, aged 19. Harriet H., daughter of Paddock and Lucy, died 14 October, 1826, aged 1 year, 15 days. Henry (Esq.), died 30 July, 1833, aged 55. Henry G., son of Henry and Elizabeth, died 10 January, 1833, aged 27. Jane H., daughter of Rufus L. and Betsey, died 14 February, 1844, aged 3 years, 2 months. [On stone with Rufus L. who died 1844.] John (Jr.), died 10 June, 1827, aged 44. [On stone of Mrs. Eliza Burgess.] Joshua, son of Edward and Lydia T., died 12 September, 1826, aged 18 months. Joshua G., son of Edward and Lydia T., died 19 May, 1829, aged 1 month. Lucy Ellen, daughter of Paddock and Lucy, died 1 June, 1839, aged 19 months. Lydia T., wife of Edward, born 22 November, 1802; died 4 July, 1835. Maria E., daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, died 31 August, 1837, aged 23. Mary, wife of Barnabas, born 28 August, 1769, died 11 August, 1838. Mary B., daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, died 9 November, 1827, aged 18. Mary Gorham, 2 February, 1822; 18 September, 1850.* Mary Gorham, 18 September, 1850; 14 October, 1850.* Rufus L., son of Rufus L. and Betsey, died 12 February, 1844, aged 1 year, 2 months. [On stone with Jane H.] Rufus L., son of Capt. Rufus L. and Betsey, died 23 February, 1832, aged 3 months, 24 days. Russell, son of Paddock and Lucy, died 4 August, 1824, aged 15 months, 21 days. Sally, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, died 19 March, 1826, aged 14. _____, son of Thomas and Mary Gorham, died 16 August, 1846.* _____, daughter of Thomas and Mary Gorham, died 16 August, 1846.* Winslow L., son of Henry and Elizabeth, died, 14 April, 1834, aged 26. * These two are on one stone. WHITE Prentiss, died at New Orleans, La., 24 August, 1842, aged 42. Additional Comments: From: Gravestone Records IN THE ANCIENT CEMETERY AND THE WOODSIDE CEMETERY YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS FROM LITERAL COPIES OF THE INSCRIPTIONS MADE AT THE EXPENSE OF THOMAS W. THACHER AND STANLEY W. SMITH COMPILED BY GEORGE ERNEST BOWMAN EDITOR OF "THE MAYFLOWER DESCENDANT" "VITAL RECORDS OF BREWSTER, MASS." AND "VITAL RECORDS OF HALIFAX, MASS." PUBLISHED BY THE MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS AT THE CHARGE OF THE CAPE COD TOWN RECORD FUND BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 1906 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 16.0 Kb