Dennis, Barnstable County(Cape Cod), Mass Deeds ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Contributed by L.Ray Sears, III ( [This deed combines handwriting on a boilerplate Deed parchment form that is watermarked C BURBANK 1804 and was drawn in early 180? I have used the letter f to replace the long s common in use at the time.] KNOW all Men by thefe Prefents, That We Seth Tobey of Dennis in the County of Barnftable yeoman and his wife Ruth Tobey in Confideration of two thoufand tow hundred Dollars paid by Edmund Sears & Judah Sears both of Dennis in the County of Barnftable yeomans the Receipt whereof We do hereby acknowledge, do hereby give, grant, fell and convey unto faid Edmund Sears & Judah Sears to them and their heirs and afsigns forever in Equal Shares Except the houfe and barn and the land under the Said building with the privileges too and convenant ^ [???] round Said buildings is unto Said Judah Sears and his heirs and afsigns forever - the Said farme and the buildings on Said premifes Contain forty acres be the Same more or lefs and is Situated in Dennis at a place Called Surfuit neck it being the farme of Cap^t Jonathan Howes lat of Dennis Deceafed and is Situated on Surfuit neck in Dennis and is bounded as followes Viz begining at the mill Stone rock Sets from thence in the rang of the heirs of David Seabray Easterly as the fence now Stand to a large rock in the dry Swampe as the fence now Stands then Sets Southerly as the fence now Stand in the rang of the heirs of David Seabray to a Corner then Sets Eafterly in Stephen Howes rang then Sets Northerly in the rang of the Stephen Howes rang as the fence now stands to Levi Howes range Wefterly as the fence now Stand thru the dry Swampe to the northeaft corner of Levi Howes garden then Sets Southerly by [the?] garden fence to the corner then Sets Wefterly as the garden fence now Stand then Sets Northerly to the Southeaft corner of Levi Howes houfe then Sets [westerly-crossed out] [at this point the Deed Ends and the transaction never took place.] [Parchment Boiler plate continues] To have and to hold the afore-granted Premifes to the faid [blank] Heirs and Affigns, to [blank] Ufe and Behoof forever. And [blank-We/I] do covenant with the faid [blank] Heirs and Affigns, That [blank-I/We] have good Right to fell and convey the fame to the faid [blank] And that [blank-I/We] will warrant and defend the fame Premifes to the faid [blank] Heirs and Affigns forever, againft the lawful Claims and Demands of all Perfons. In Witnefs Whereof, [blank-I/We] the faid of [blank] have hereunto fet [blank-My/Our] Hand and Seal this [blank] Day in the Year of our Lord One thoufand eight hundred and Signed, fealed, and delivered } in Prefence of us, } } ff. 180[b]. Then the above-named acknowledged the above Inftrument to be [blank-His/Their] free Act and Deed -before me, {Juft. of {Peace