Berkshire County MA Archives Military Records.....Snow, Nathan October 5, 1832 Revwar - Pension Connecticut and Massachusetts ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: John Davis May 1, 2017, 9:59 am Application For Pension - S21495 Commonwealth of Massachusetts COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE, ss. On this fifth day of October 1832 personally appeared in open Court before Hon. William P. Walker, Judge of the Court of Probate & County now sitting, Nathan Snow, a resident of Becket in the county of Berkshire and Commonwealth aforesaid, aged 72 last 10th Dec years, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress, passed June 7th 1832: Viz. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated - - that he enlisted into the said service in the month of Nov 1776 for the term of three months in Ashford in Connecticut then being an inhabitant of said Ashford where I was born & resided until February of 1779 when I moved to Becket where I have resided ever since. At the same time I enlisted Ephraim Squire, Thomas Maine, Jedidiah Hay, Charles Kimbal & several others also enlisted for the same turn of time in the company commanded by Capt. Caleb Hendee, 1th Lieut Hill, Ebenezer Warner 2nd Lieut. The name of the field officer under whom we served was Brown but in what grade the deponant cannot state but thinks he was Col. We marched to Providence RI & were stationed there as a guard for the Town; The British being at Newport at the same time. We built a brest work while at Providence. The said deponant further testifies that he enlisted at said Ashford for the term of two months in the Company commanded by Isaac Struns of Woodstock Con at the last of August or quite the first of Sept 1777 – together with Sylvanus Snow, Ephraim Squire, Philip Squire, Wm Aherb, David Cummins & many more & marched to Stillwater in the State of Nyork to stop Burgoyne. After arriving at this place we were formed into a regiment commanded by Col. Jonathan Lattimore of New London & in the Brigade commanded by Gen. Poor. The next day after the surrender of Bourgoyne we were marched to Albany & stationed on the hill west of the city about one week when we were marched to Cleveruk(?) & there dismissed; the term of our enlistment having expired------The said deponant further (page 2) testifies that in the month of January 1778 he enlisted at Ashford in the Company commanded by Capt. Ben Clarke of said Town for two months to go to Providence. Timothy Snow, Levi Snow, Jonathan Dorset, Phillip Squire, John Squire & many more enlisted at the same time & marched immediately to said Providence to guard the Town as the British lay off at or near Newport & remained there during said period. Col. Johnson commanded the regiment & Genl Spencer, otherwise called Granny Spencer, commanded the Brigade. The said deponant further testifies that the last of August or first of Sept of 1778 he was drafted to go to New London. Hamilton Grant, Calvin Eaton, David Kendal, Belarch Snow & several others were drafted or enlisted at the same time for the same service for the term of one month or longer if required to guard the town & build Fort Trumbull where we worked until dismissed which was at or near the end of one month as no enemy was known to be in the vicinity. Col. Mason of Stonington commanded the regiment. The said deponent further testifies that in the month of July of 1779 then residing at Becket Massachusetts Orders came to draft or enlist a number of militia men from the company in Becket when I went as a substitute for sergiant Jerri Kingsby & performed the duty of sergint. Thadeus Kingsby, Wm Millikan, Jerri Dewey, Elisha Mark & Jedediah Kinsby enlisted or were drafted at the same time to go to New Haven Connecticut for the term of two months in the company commanded by Capt. Goodrich, 1th Lieut Porter of Lee, 2nd Lieut Jonas Childs of Becket. Col. Smith commandant of the regiment. The said deponant further testifies that he has no documentary evidence to prove the foregoing facts & that he knows of no person living who was with him at New London in the year 1778-his comrades all being dead as he believes. (page 3) The deponant further states that he was born at Ashford in Connecticut in the month of Dec 1760 as he has understood but has no record of his age & for proof of his having the character of being a Revolutionary solder he refers to the evidence of Hon. Joseph L. Mills, clergyman of the Town & to Benj. C. Perkins. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a Pension, or an annuity, except the present, and he declares that his names is not on the Pension roll of any agency in any state. (s) Nathan Snow Sworn to, and subscribed, the day and year aforesaid. W.P. Walker J. Probate We, Joseph L. Mills & Benj C. Perkins residing in the Town of Becket hereby certify, that we are well acquainted with Nathan Snow who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration; that we believe him to be 72 years of age; that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he re-sides, to have been a soldier of the revolution, and that we concur in that opinion. (s) Joseph L. Mills (s) Benj. C. Perkins Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid W.P. Walker J. Probate And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion, after the investigation of the matter, and putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier, and served as he states. And the court further certifies, that it appears to them that Joseph L. Mills is a clergyman resident in the town of Becket and County and that Benjamin C. Perkins who has also signed the same is a resident in the town of Becket aforesaid and that their statement is entitled to credit. W. P. Walker J. Probate I Henry W. Bishop Register of the Court of Probate for sd County do hereby certify, that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said Court in the matter of the application of Nathan Snow for a pension. In testimony whereof, I have herunder set my hand and seal of office this: fifth day of October 1832 (s) Henry W. Bishop Register of Probate ----------------------------------------------------------------- I Levi Snow of Becket Mass of Lawful age depose & say that in the first part of the year 1778 there came orders to draft or enlist a number of men from the militia of the Town of Ashford in the State of Connecticut where I then resided together with Nathan Snow. Capt Benjamin Clarke then commanded the militia Company of the Town. There not being a sufficient number who volunteerily enlisted a number were drafted. I enlisted & the said Nathan Snow was among the number of those who either voluntarily enlisted or was drafted together with Timothy Snow, Jonathan Dorset, and several others. we were drafted or enlisted for the term of two months & marched to Providence RI where we remained for the said term of two months. Col. Johnson commanded the regiment & Genl Spencer was the principal commandant of the troops. The said Capt. Clarke commanded the company at Providence in which the said Nathan & I served. (s) Levi Snow State of Massachusetts } County of Berkshire ss } Sept 19th 1832 } Personally appeared Levi Snow signer of the above deposition to me well known as a person of truth & veracity who being duly sworn according to law made with that the deposition by him signed as above is true before me Benj. C. Peckens Just Peace I William Millikan of Washington Massachusetts of lawful age depose & say that in the month of July 1779 then being an inhabitant of this Town I enlisted as a militia man for the term of two months in the Massachusetts militia in the Company commanded by Capt Goodrich of Lenox & Lieut Jonas Childs of Becket. Nathan Snow then & now an inhabitant of Becket was in the same Company & served two months with me at New Haven in Connecticut where we were marched & continued for the term of two months being the term of our enlistment The regiment was commanded by The said Nathan Snow was sergeant of the company & did the duty ????? the whole time we were in New Haven. (s) Wm. Millikin State of Massachusetts} Berkshire County JS } Sept 22d 1832 – personally appeared Wm Millikan & being duly sworn according to law made oath that the above deposition by him signed is true & from certain anedotes and other cir- cumstances which occurred during the service of the said Snow as related by the deponant the said deposition by him signed & sworn to is entitled to full credit. Benj. C. Perkins Justice peace Commonwealth of Massachusetts Berkshire, SS I Henry W. Bishop, Register of the Court of Probate in and for said County, do hereby certify that Benjamin C. Perckins, Esquire; before whom the annexed depositions were taken is one of the Justices of the Peach within and for said County, duyly and regularly appointed, and that I am well acquainted with his hand writing and have no doubt that the Signature annexed to said deposition is genuine. Intestimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this fifth day of October A. D. 1832. (s) Henry W. Bishop – Register of Probate I Ephraim Squier of Ashford in the County of Windham and State of Connecticut of lawful age Depose and say that I was a Soldier in the year 1776 commencing in November in Capt Caleb Henees Company of Militia and that Nathan Snow then of Ashford belonged to the same Company and that we served the full term of three months as soldiers of the revolution at Providence State of Rhode Island the Deponent further saith that in the year 1777 the he the Deponent and the said Nathan Snow served as soldiers of the revolution in Capt. Isaac Stones Company of Militia in Jonathan Lattimores Regiment the full term of two months commencing about the first of September and further the Deponent saith not. (s) Ephraim Squier Windham County ss Ashford September 13th 1832 Personally appeared Ephraim Squier signer of the foregoing deposition and Made Solemn Oath to the truth of the same before Me. Daniel Knowlton Justice ot the Peace I hereby Certify that Ephraim Squier signer of the foregoing Deposition is a Neighbor of mine and that I consider him to be a Man of truth and veracity. (s) Daniel Knowlton Justice of the Peace I Armin Boller Clerk of the County Court written and for the county of Windham in the State of Connecticut do hereby certify that Daniel Knowlton Esquire before whom the foregoing affidavit was made is duly ?????? as a Justice of the Peace in and for said Windham County & that the foregoing signature purporting to be his appears to me to be genuineand that full fiath and credit right to be given to his acts as such. In testimony wherof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at Brooklyn in said County this 15th day of September A.D. 1832 (s) Armin Bolles Clerk Additional Comments: Nathan Snow received a pension until his death on 18 October 1835. He is buried in Yokum Pond cemetery on private property near Becket, Massachusetts. A Veterans Administration headstone marks his grave as a Revolutionary War soldier. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 11.8 Kb