Windsor, Berkshire, MA ************************************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ New England Gazetteer, by John Hayward, Boston, 1839: Windsor, Mass. Berkshire co. This town is situated on the ridge of high lands which divides the waters of the Housatonick and Connecticut. Branches of the Housatonick and Westfield rivers rise here. There are some good fish ponds in the town, but no important streams. The surface of the town is much broken, but the soil is warm and finely adapted for grazing. There are some excellent farmers in Windsor, and the production of the dairy and cattle are considerable. In 1837, there were 7,157 sheep in the town, principally of the Saxony and Merino breeds. Their wool weighed 21,387 lbs., and sold for $10,521. This town is remarkable for the longevity of its inhabitants; which is doubtless owing to the purity of its air and water. Windsor contains beds of serpentine and soapstone. It is 117 miles W. by N. from Boston, 18 N.N.E. from Lenox, and 12 E.N.E. from Pittsfield. Incorporated in 1771. Population, 1837, 887.