Sailor's Home Cemetery, Wollaston (Quincy), Norfolk co, MA Veteran's Day Tribute 11 Nov 2006 This cemetery, the last remnant of the national sailors home [that once existed nearby in Beechwood Knoll] in Quincy, contains the remains of at least 119 veterans of this country's civil war. The home, located on 6 acres in Wollaston [off Fenno Street] operated as a farm for 66 years from 1866 until 1931. Established primarily for veteran sailors and marines, the home also provided refuge for former soldiers. These survivors of our most deadly war lived and worked together and eventually were laid to rest ... in the soil they once [tilled?] ************************************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ transcribed by Linda Smith [] GPS Location @ entrance gate: N 42 16.156' W 70 59.996' The gravestones are either carved with a "Cross"(C) or with the names and other information inside a "Shield"(S) Name Headstone Row Number U.S.N US Navy Mass Infantry Dates **Broken Stone** 1 23 **Broken Stone** 1 26 *Ready, John (Broken) 1 29 Allen, Ethan S 2 4 Co A 15 Regt Anderson, Robert C 3 16 "Seaman" December 13, 1887 Anderson, William C 2 28 Y Appleton, William S 1 21 CPL Co F. 1 Regt July 4 1863 Austin, Charles S 3 27 Y 1830 - 1897 Baker, Robert C 1 1 Y Barr, Duncan S 3 17 "GM" 1831 - 1887 Barrett, John C 4 19 "Ship's Corpl." May 16 1906 Barrett, John C 2 20 Bartel, Jonathan C 1 15 Baselmon, Joseph K. C 4 17 Y Batty, Henry C 1 14 Boynton, John T. S 3 5 Y 1809 - 1882 Brag, George W. C 2 26 "Landsman" February 24, 1881 Bragg, James, G. S 3 24 Y 1821 - 1864 Brittan, John S 1 12 Co E. 22 Regt. Brown, Henry S 3 15 "QM" 1834 - 1888 Bryant, William C 3 8 Y Bunting, John C 2 14 Burt, James S 1 17 1815-1877 Carle, James C 4 2 Y Chappins, Felix C 4 18 Y Christian, Nicholas S 1 18 Clarke, George Warren Latin Inscrip 4 8 Died Sept. 17, 1921 Age 66 yrs. Codman, James C 3 1 * 1* Single marker, 7 names Conarty, James C 4 12 Y Conlin, Richard C 3 29 Y Cosgrove, Charles C 4 11 Y Crittenden, Lorenzo C 2 24 "Steward" January 28, 1850 Crocker, John C 3 30 Cross, Charles C 4 6 "Fireman" December 26 1925 Currie, James S 1 5 Y 1837-1876 Davidson, George H. S 2 2 "SM" 1833 - 1881 Dearing, John S. C Delmo, Benjamin C 3 12 Y Devlin, William S 1 22 SGT. USMC Aug 13 1812-Apr 12 1891 Devoy, Daniel C 3 14 Y Dickens, Roland F. S 2 13 Y Dixon, John C 4 21 Y Donahue, Michael C 1 28 Y Doolin, William C 3 1 * 1* Single marker, 7 names Dow, Austin S 1 4 Y 1838-1902 Drinkwater, Josiah C 1 25 Y Durgin, Chandler C 3 1 * 1* Single marker, 7 names Durham, Charles C 1 19 Evans, David S 2 22 Y 1808 - 1889 Finn, John C 4 14 Y Finn, William S 3 32 "3rd Asst Engr" 1839 - 1892 Fitzgerald, Michael C 3 23 Y Fletcher, William S 1 16 Y 1805-1871 Frill, William S 2 5 Y Fuller, Joseph C 3 25 Fuller, Phineas C 3 9 Y Gallagher, John S 4 26 Y Gardner, Robert S 2 6 Y 1823 - 1876 Gibbons, Barney S 1 20 Y 1820-1876 Gillis, Edward C 4 20 Y Gorham, James S 3 4 Y 1835 - 1892 Grant, George D. S 1 2 Y 1832-1887 Griffin, James C 3 1 * 1* Single marker, 7 names Griffith, John S 1 6 20 Regt. Harrington, Daniel S 2 9 Co D 3 Regt Haviland, John S 2 8 Y 1836 - 1874 Higgins, Thomas S 2 1 Y Hill, George S 2 30 "Ship's CPL" Hill, John C 2 25 Y Hill, Thomas G. C, Broken 4 10 Y Johnson, John S 1 13 Co G. 8 Regt Kelly, Francis C 3 18 Y Kerney, George W. C 2 15 Fitzgerald, Michael C 3 23 Y Fletcher, William S 1 16 Y 1805-1871 Frill, William S 2 5 Y Fuller, Joseph C 3 25 Fuller, Phineas C 3 9 Y Gallagher, John S 4 26 Y Gardner, Robert S 2 6 Y 1823 - 1876 Gibbons, Barney S 1 20 Y 1820-1876 Gillis, Edward C 4 20 Y Gorham, James S 3 4 Y 1835 - 1892 Grant, George D. S 1 2 Y 1832-1887 Griffin, James C 3 1 * 1* Single marker, 7 names Griffith, Hohn S 1 6 20 Regt. Harrington, Daniel S 2 9 Co D 3 Regt Haviland, John S 2 8 Y 1836 - 1874 Higgins, Thomas S 2 1 Y Hill, George S 2 30 "Ship's CPL" Hill, John C 2 25 Y Hill, Thomas G. C, Broken 4 10 Y Johnson, John S 1 13 Co G. 8 Regt Kelly, Francis C 3 18 Y Kerney, George W. C 2 15 Ness, John R. C 1 24 Y Nutty, Thomas S 3 26 "GM" 1821 - 1891 Oates, Daniel C 2 19 O'Brine, William S 4 15 Y 1840 - 1916 O'Hara, Roger H. C 4 5 Perkins, Edward J. S 2 28 Y 1798 - 1881 Perkins, Edward S 3 19 Y 1802 - 1887 Perry, John B. C 3 19 Y Y 1828 - 1892 Potter, Joseph S 1 11 Y Powell, John C 4 24 Y Powers, John C 4 23 Y Prescott, Owen C 1 8 Ray, Frank Benjamin S 3 2 "Qtr. Gun" 1801 - 1877 Ready, John C 4 16 Reed, William J. S 3 31 "OS" 1817 - 1893 Robinson, John C 3 22 Y Ross, William C 3 13 Y Sharples, George C 4 3 Y Shepard, George C 3 1 * 1* Single marker, 7 names Smith, John C 2 29 Y Smith, Moses S 2 16 Co F 25 Regt Sohan, John J. C 2 21 Sullivan, Daniel S 4 13 "O.S." 1846 - 1891 Sullivan, Michael C 2 23 Y Sullivan, Michael C 3 21 Turner, Randolph S 1 9 Y Wade, William C 3 1 * 1* Single marker, 7 names Walker, Andrew S 2 11 Y Wetherbee, Henry A. C 4 25 Y White, Richard S 1 3 Y Wilson, James C 1 7 Wilson, John S 2 17 Y Wood, William H. S 4 7 Y 1835 - 1922 photos