Worcester County MA Archives Military Records.....Goodell / Goodale, Ezekiel November 19, 1818 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ma/mafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Poquette npoq@hotmail.com November 17, 2009, 1:44 pm American Revolution Pension Application #S43609 Of Ezekiel Goodale "State of New York, Oneida County} Personally appeared before me, Morris S Miller, First Judge of the County of Oneida in the state of New York, Ezekiel Goodale, age 75 years and upwards and a resident of said county..." "That he served as a lieutenant in the War of the Revolution against the common enemy for 15 months on the Continental establishment; that he was appointed, to the best of his recollection, in January 1777 and immediately entered upon duty and ____ May 1778, when he left the army in consequence of ill health. He was at the taking of Burgoyne. His commission is lost. The certificate of William Weeks, the paymaster of the regiment hereto annexed is genuine and originally granted to this deponent, as is also the certificate of clothing, hereto also annexed. And that he has no other evidence of his service in his power, beyond what is now offered. Ezekiel Goodale. Sworn this 19th day of Nov, 1818, before me, Morris S. Miller, First Judge of Oneida Co, NY." "State of New York, Jefferson County} On this 29th day of December, 1823, personally appeared in open court, being a court of record for the said county by a law of the said state, Ezekiel Goodale, aged 80 years, resident in the town of Watertown in said county, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows: "That he was appointed a lieutenant in the army of the United States in January 1777 in the company commanded by Capt. Isaac Frye in the regiment commanded by Col. Scamell's New Hampshire line, continental establishment. That he served in said corps until June 1778 when he was discharged at Valley Forge, state of New Jersey [actually Pennsylvania]." "The date of his original declaration was Nov. 19, 1818. The number of his pension certificate #11008. And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not, since that time, by gift, sale or in any manner, disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby to diminish it to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress...and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property or securities, contracts of debts due to me, nor have I any income otherwise what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed." "1 case of drawers, 50 years old 2 old tables 5 old chairs 1 small kettle 1 tea kettle 1 spider Ezekiel Goodale He further states that his occupation is a farmer, but unable to labor on account of lameness produced by Rheumatism. His wife, Eleanor is 75 years of age, which comprises his family. That they are both supported by private charity. Sworn to and declared on the 29th day of Dec. 1823, before me, AH Sherwood,clerk.' From a letter to a descendant included in the images from HeritageQuestOnline, there is a sentence which indicates that there are other papers from the pension file that were not posted online: 'In 1824 he referred to his son, name not stated." From: "Men of Oneida County Who served in the American Revolution," III, "Notes from original manuscript of the Judge who received pension applications in 1818- 1819," pg. 206: "Goodale, Lieut. Ezekiel, b.__, d. __." "Nov. 19, 1818, no age given, Litchfield. Pension given, gave up certificate." Additional Comments: To all descendants of this Ezekiel Goodale, soldier of the American Revolution: I have succeeded in proving that the ladies of the DAR who claimed the Rev. War service of 9 months under Col. Benjamin Tupper used the wrong service record. You should be happy with the correct service that I did find, however, since your fellow was an officer :>) Go to the end of these notes for the DAR proofs. From: "History of Hillsborough County, New Hampshire," compiled by D. Hamilton Hurd, 1885, pg 675, Chapter on the History of Temple: "The following marched to Cambridge on the alarm of April 19, 1775: ...Ezekiel Goodale, Enos Goodale..." From: pension application of the widow of Elijah Goodell [see notes under Ezekiel's brother, Elijah]: "That she is the widow of Elijah Goodale...He resided at the town of Shrewsbury in the state of Massachusetts...Enos and Eben brothers in the army. Ezekiel was a lieutenant..." From: "Military History of the State of New Hampshire, from its Settlement in 1623 to the Rebellion in 1861," by Chandler E. Potter, Vol. I, pg. 279: "23rd Company: Eleazer Cummings, New Ipswich, Captain; Henry Ferguson, 1st Lieutenant; Ezekiel Goodale, 2nd Lieutenant." pg. 302: 3rd New Hampshire regiment: Alexander Scammel, of Durham, colonel; Companies: Isaac Frye, of Wilton, captain William Hawkins, of Wilton, 1st lieutenant Ezekiel Goodale, of Temple, 2nd lieutenant Samuel Leman, of Hollis, ensign From: "Death Seem'd to Stare: The New Hampshire and Rhode Island Regiments at Valley Forge," 2005, pg. 38, from muster and payroll lists: "Goodale, Ezekiel, 2nd Lieut.; Nov. 8, 1776; 3rd reg, Capt. Frey; Dec. 1777- Feb. 1778, sick absent; March 1778 on furlough; April 1778 muster roll shows he was discharged May 1, 1778." The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 18, page 52: "Miss Mary A. Goodale. DAR ID Number: 17133 Born in Jefferson County, New York. Descendant of Ezekiel Goodale. Daughter of Augustus Goodale and Sarah Newton, his wife. Granddaughter of Joseph Goodale and Agnes Bush, his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of Ezekiel Goodale and Elenor Gill, his wife." [This following DAR lady used the wrong service record for her soldier. He was an officer, not a private. See the captains and colonels under whom he served, above.] "Ezekiel Goodale, (1743-1824), served as private in Col. Benjamin Tupper's regiment of Massachusetts militia, 1782. He was born in Shrewsbury, Mass., and died in Ellisburg, N. Y." [This sevice record belongs to Ezekiel Goodale of Washington Co, NY.] [This same error has been repeated in this next DAR application]: The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 36, page 174: "Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips Goodale Massey. DAR ID Number: 35470 Born in Watertown, New York. Wife of Frank Massey. Descendant of Ezekiel Goodale. Ezekiel Goodale, (1743-1824), served as a private 1782, in Col. Benjamin Tupper's regiment of Massachusetts militia. [This is the wrong service cited for this man whose wife is Elinor Gill. See above.] Daughter of Henry Devereux Goodale and Fannie Wait, his wife. Granddaughter of Dr. Charles Goodale and Mary Sewall, his wife. [p.174] Gr.-granddaughter of Dr. Reuben Goodale and Pauline Adams, his wife. Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Ezekiel Goodale and Elenor Gill, his wife. [This next DAR application has the correct service record for this man.] DAR application #17133 Goodale, Mary A. 1091NY: "Spouse 1)Elenor Gill. Child/ child's spouse Joseph / [1] Agnes Bush." "A046257 Service: NH Rank(s): Captain, patriotic service. Birth: 9-8-1743 in Shrewsbury, Worcester Co, MA. Death: 8- -1824 in Ellisberg, Jefferson Co, NY. Service Description: 1) Also 2nd Lt, Capt. Frye, Capt. Cummings, Col. Waldron, Col. Scammell, Signer of the Assoc. Test, CL." File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ma/worcester/military/revwar/pensions/goodellg989gmt.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/mafiles/ File size: 7.9 Kb