Allegany County MD Archives Court..... Moses GREENWADE, September 27, 1850 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jim D. McDonald December 2, 2012, 7:11 pm Source: Allegany County Court Record, Cumberland, Maryland Written: September 27, 1850 1850 September 27: The following court order was issued. THE STATE OF MARYLAND "To Moses Rawlings and Daniel Cresap Greetings" "This is to authorize you justly to appraise the goods, chattles, and the personal estate of, Moses Greenwade, Late of Allegany County, deceased, so far as they shall come to your sight and knowledge---each of you first having taken the oath or affirmation hereto annexed, a certificate whereof you are to return, annexed to an inventory of the said goods, chattles, and personal estate, by you appraised, in dollars and cents---and, in the said inventory, you are to set down in a column or columns, opposite to each article, the value thereof." Witness, John Hays, Esq., Chief Judge of the Orphans court of Allegany County, this 27th. day of September in the year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty. Test---W. Rell Culley (sp.) Register of Wills Allegany County "We Moses Rawlings and Daniel Cresap do swear that we will, well and truly, without partiality or prejudice , value and appraise the goods, Chattles, and personal estate of Moses Greenwade deceased, so far as the same shall come to our sight and knowledge, and will in all respects perform our duty as appraisers, to the best of our skill and judgement, so help us God." Signed Moses Rawlings John Welch Daniel Cresap Appraisers Sworn and Subscribed before, John Welch Additional Comments: Moses Greenwade had left no will and the courts decided the distribution of his properties among his children. He owned about 1400 acres in Allegany County, MD and about 1400 acres in then Hampshire County, VA. He died between June and September of 1850. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb This file is located at: