Land: Deed by William J. Jones and L. Marshall Haines to David T. Develine (1877), Elkton, Cecil County, MD Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Doug Arbuckle ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Cecil County Land Record Book, Liber AWM, Number 7, Folio 110 This Deed made this Fifth day of April in the year Eighteen hundred and Seventy seven by William J Jones and L Marshall Haines Trustees as hereinafter mentioned, and residents of Cecil County in the State of Maryland. Whereas by a decree of the Circuit Court for Cecil County in Equity passed on the Sixteenth day of June in the year Eighteen hundred and Seventy three in a cause in said Court depending, in which David T Develine was complainant and Hannah A Smith, James S Smith, Anna M Smith and Amanda J Smith were Defendants the said William J Jones and L Marshall Haines were appointed Trustees to sell the Real Estate therein decreed to be sold, and after complying with all the previous requisites of said decree have sold the same as hereinafter described to David T Develine of said County, he being the highest bidder therefore, at and for the sum of Eighteen hundred dollars. And whereas the said sale has been duly reported to and ratified and confirmed by said Court, and the whole of said purchase money has been fully paid by said David T Develine to said Trustees, Now Therefore This Deed Witnessth that in consideration of the premises, and the payment of the purchase money aforesaid, they the said William J Jones and L Marshall Haines, Trustees, do grant unto the said David T Develine his heirs and assigns, all the right and title of all the parties to the aforesaid Cause in and to all those tracts or parcels of land situate in said Cecil County whereof John Smith late of said County died seized, being the same land which was conveyed to the said John Smith deceased by Jethro J McCullough and wife, by deed bearing date the fourth day of April in the year Eighteen hundred and fifty and recorded among the Land Records of Cecil County aforesaid in Liber RCH No 2 folio 105 except so much thereof as was conveyed by said John Smith now deceased to Park Smith & Co by deed bearing date the thirteenth day of February in the year Eighteen hundred and Sixty four, and recorded among the Land Records aforesaid in Liber WHR No 7 folio 122 the part hereby conveyed containing Forty three acres, three roods and twenty seven square perches more or less, and reference being hereby specially made to the above mentioned deeds, and the deeds and papers therein referred to for a more full and accurate description thereof. In witness whereof the said William J Jones and L Marshall Haines, Trustees have hereunto set their hands and Seals. W J Jones, Trustee L Marshall Haines, Trustee Attest Geo R Howard State of Maryland Cecil County, Sct: I hereby certify that on this fifth day of April in the year Eighteen hundred and Seventy seven before the subscriber a Justice of the Peace of the State of Maryland in and for Cecil County aforesaid, personally appeared the within named William J Jones and L Marshall Haines, Trustees, and did each acknowledge the aforegoing Deed to be their respective act. Geo R Howard JP Recorded July 2nd 1877 and Examined Del’d to D T Devlin July 26, 1879 Per A W Mitchell, Clk See the following Web site for more info on David Develine (Devlin) and Relatives